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Political conformtiy at the point of a gun. Using our courts as a weapon Simon Hickey

Enlightened citizens of the west used to make fun of Countries where one party dictatorships used fear to keep their subjects in line. From a young age we’re taught that our laws protecting freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief are what make our nation greater than all others. Our leaders often tell us that the cultural and economic prosperity we enjoy is a direct result of those freedoms 

The phrase ‘Diversity is our strength’ is something you’ll hear repeated ad nauseum across the west. You’ll hear it in nearly every public statement, broadcast or speech. It means that a mixed group of people with a diversity of ideas and opinions lead to more innovative solutions. This diverse group of people are more effective as a group than one made up of similar backgrounds.

None of these statements are even remotely true. But don’t you dare point that out.

Political conformity at the point of a gun. Using our courts as a weapon Simon Hickey
Political conformtiy at the point of a gun. Using our courts as a weapon Simon Hickey

Not only are these statements untrue, but any person in Australia who holds opinions which fall outside the ‘acceptable zone’ of mainstream groupthink, is ruthlessly punished by our government, harassed by the media and expelled from academia. The cultural elite of all western nations absolutely will not tolerate diversity of opinion, despite their mission statement.  Diversity is your strength goyim, but you can’t be diverse, or else.



uk police ignoring real crime while focusing on name calling

Former world powers in Europe are now a laughing stock due to insane Marxist policies designed to undermine their strength and unity. Almost all adult men living in our nation are fully aware that these polices can only lead to destruction. Very few speak out  because they know the penalty for doing so. In the UK serious crimes are being ignored because police are investigating homophobic tweets.

In London there’s whole areas where not a single burglary has been solved for the entire fiscal year, yet hundreds are arrested for offensive internet posts.

uk police ignoring real crime while focusing on name calling

England leads the world when it comes to political correctness gone mad. People are often prosecuted for ‘grossly offensive’ messages, while there are no set rules for defining what’s offensive. 



uk muslims stomp white girls head and get no jail time

In the UK, four Muslim women attacked a single white lady by repeatedly kicking her in the head, and yelling ‘kill the white slag’. None of them went to jail. To add insult to injury, the corrupt English judge Robert Brown ruled that the crime was not racially motivated! Robert Brown is covering for black criminals and trying to hide the failures of multicultruralism.

A man who put bacon on a Mosque gets 15 years jail. What’s the difference between the two crimes? The second man was white.

White victim of Engliush courts being used as a weapon.


A man who put bacon on a Mosque, which hurt nobody, gets 15 years jail. 15 years!  Think about it. What’s the difference between the two crimes you ask?

The second man was white.

White victim of Engliush courts being used as a weapon.


In America dangerous, violent black criminals are being released with no bail while white people convicted of misdemeanors get years of jail time. There’s hundreds of cold blooded murders of white children by black criminals being tossed out by the courts every year.

using USA courts as a weapon mona nelson case

Did you see the story about the white baby shot in the face point blank by black criminals in Georgia? The white child kidnapped, burned to death with a blowtorch by a black woman for a thrill?

using USA courts as a weapon mona nelson case
uk muslims stomp white girls head and get no jail time

In America dangerous, violent black criminals are being released with no bail while white people convicted of misdemeanors get years of jail time. There’s hundreds of cold blooded murders of white children by black criminals being tossed out by the courts every year.

Did you see the story about the white baby shot in the face point blank by black criminals in Georgia? The white child kidnapped, burned to death with a blowtorch by a black woman for a thrill?

white victims of black violence collage

Why did you not know about these events? The Jewish media conceal them from us to hasten our demise. Almost every racially motivated murder carried out in the US is black on white. But they would have you believe the opposite. In the next story they tell us a young boy ‘plunged from a balcony’. The boy was a white child, picked at random and thrown off a balcony by a black man, attempting to kill him.

Why did you not know about these events? The Jewish media conceal them from us to hasten our demise. Almost every racially motivated murder carried out in the US is black on white. But they would have you believe the opposite. 

white victims of black violence collage

Look at the reporting Americas media did about the white child picked at random and thrown from the balcony of a mall by a black man. The story says he ‘plunged’.

uk muslims stomp white girls head and get no jail time




This happens here in Australia more than you know. Our courts single most important objective is to bankrupt, imprison and demoralize white men. The corrupt cabal of Jewish judges we have running our legal system don’t just wait for us to be brought to them. They actively engage with police behind the scenes to dictate who gets the most attention. When a target is brought in, this is when he learns that white men have zero legal rights. It doesn’t matter how absurd the accusation, or how strong your defence. The result is inevitable. You will lose.

This may sound far-fetched to those without experience in our courts, but any white man who has stepped into an Australian courtroom in the last twenty years will agree with me and still hold a grudge about his treatment. The reason Joe Public doesn’t know there’s discrimination or this dangerous abuse of power is because our media is far more adept at concealing it than theirs. 

men cannot win in Australian courts used as a weapoon


Rule number one for Australian courts, if you own a penis you can’t win. If that penis is attached to a white man, forget it. Even civil courts will rape you. The laws don’t apply, and everything is your fault – take the following example from 2017. Your car is stopped at the lights when someone ploughs into the back of it. Who’s at fault? You would think the car behind, but which driver has a penis? If that penis is white, then racism caused the crash. Just ask Kilmartin in Beenleigh.

image of rear end collision illustrating who is at fault

If a woman steals your money it’s not theft. What are you? A misogynst? Just because she defrauds you of two thousand dollars doesn’t mean it’s fraud. Women can alter documents, after they’ve been signed, to inflate figures and make extra cash.

image of rear end collision illustrating who is at fault

This crash was caused by racism


She can then lodge another claim, without evidence, not bother going to court, and still get the win. You go there with your photos, bank statements, paperwork, including the original lease then her doctored lease to show the court proof of her fraud – and the judge will admonish you for defending yourself against a womans allegations. Another Kilmartin Special.

Copy of rent agreement and bank statement refused by magistrate
Family court bombing leonard warwick dunit back in the eighties. How he got away with it so long is a miracle

A policeman who I used to call friend inspected these documents before I took them to court. He confirmed there was enough to make a strong  case against her for fraud. But the judge at Beenleigh hates white men and won’t even look at your paperwork. You’re starting to see a pattern.

Up until this point you’ve had very little to do with the police or the courts, because you’re not a crook. Just an honest working man from the suburbs. You’re surprised and disillusioned because this sort of treatment seems totally unfair. Our legal system is supposedly blind, meaning everyone is treated equally, but that’s not the reality. Other men who have been raped by our sadistic courts took far more drastic measures, but being a peaceful guy you decide write about it instead. It seems like the only constructive way to deal with your problem.



Warwick blew it up. But the better question is - why would any white man help rebuild it? 'Here goy, come help me build this gallows so I can hang you'... 'great idea schlomo'
Magistrate suzette coates regularly chastised by other judges for mishandling cases

Your critique of the judiciary is quickly brought to their attention. From this point forward your treatment goes from unfair – to seething, barely concealed hatred. Australian Judges are now prepared to break the law, and risk their own reputation to ensure that you never win a trick in their courts. Evidence you bring is not allowed, but the state gets to lead anything at all. Sound far – fetched? Below is but one example of many.


The content of the first two pages is not important yet, but look at the layout. On the first page the speaker is named – BENCH is the judge – followed by that persons statement. Now take a look at the second page.

Chief Magistrate Terry Gardiner, retired now, spent his career covering for other corrupt Queensland Magistrates. The term Honourable is often applied to his name, but we have no idea why
Queensland judges will jail people if they aren't politically correct enough in their thinking

Official transcript between prosecution and judge

The content of the first two pages is not important yet, but look at the layout. On the first page the speaker is named – BENCH is the judge – followed by that persons statement. Now take a look at the second page. the button below downloads a PDF for easy viewing.

button to download pdf of official documents our courts used as a weapon
Image of transcript showing change in structure and layout to conceal origins of interaction

Exchange between Hickey and Judge

Image of transcript showing clearly defined speakers and making the interraction easy to understand

The second page again, clearly set out

This is the second page, re-typed in the same format as the first. Speaker NAMED followed by the words. When it’s clear who is speaking, The judge has some explaining to do.  Buttons go to PDF so you can verify for yourself.

button to download pdf of official documents our courts used as a weapon

The first two are original court documents. The first shows a standard court transcript. It also shows the prosecution having his evidence accepted. The second shows the same transcript further along, where the format has been changed, but why? That is the section where defence evidence was NOT admitted. The third is a re-formatted version of the second with the same content, but easier to understand.

The question now is – why was the format or document structure changed starting on page 51? The Judge says Hickey’s evidence is not admissible, but she wrong. Queenslands evidence laws are below.

Last part of exchance between coates and Hickey with the evidence act. Hickey is right. Judge is wrong.


When you study the previous four documents, you will see that the Judge refused all Hickey’s defence evidence, stating that it was inadmissible under the evidence act. Hickey quoted the same act and shows that she is wrong. The law is clear. Hickey argues with the judge as long as he can, being mindful not to push it too far. Arguing with a judge is never good for your case. 

We can see the evidence act opposite and below – Hickey was right all along. If there was a dispute about wording, why didn’t our Judge check the law in question? There’s always a stack of books handy. Do you think she really didn’t know? A judge does not get to sit on the bench unless they know the rules of evidence.

She knew. 

So now why was the record of events altered – only in this section – to confuse the reader about who was saying what?

There is only one explanation.

The Auscript Website image which caused so much controversy. Our courts being used as a weapon

The record keeping people are trying to confuse the reader, and give the courts plausible deniability. Cast doubt on who was saying what. But no matter how you dress it up, they are covering for corrupt Queensland judges. If you can think of an alternative plausible explanation, I would love to hear it.

Chief Magistrate Terry Gardiner, retired now, spent his career covering for other corrupt Queensland Magistrates. The term Honourable is often applied to his name, but we have no idea why


Now, what can be done about a case where the Magistrate clearly broke the law? Hickey wrote to their boss, Terry Gardiner, the one man who has the power to correct this behaviour. The letters are below and tell the same old story.

button to download pdf of official documents our courts used as a weapon
button to download pdf of official documents our courts used as a weapon

Terry Gardiner replied, and covered for Coates. He ignored the question, clouded the issue, said nothing of substance – deliberately. If you doubt my appraisal – read the letters below. He has obviously spent a lot of time involved with law, and is a master of bullshit. Gardiner is paid half a million dollars a year – ten grand a week, to maintain professional standards in our magistracy – yet he does nothing.

Terry Gardiner, along with Suzette Coates, and other judges named below need to go to jail. They knew exactly what they were doing and conciously chose to pervert the course of justice. Nobody is above the law. If we ignore the rules in our chosen profession – and someone is hurt – it carries jail time. These people will send us to prison with some pompous statement about deterrence and community expectations. Those same expectations apply to them. Even more so when you’re on the public dime.

button to download pdf of official documents our courts used as a weapon
button to download pdf of official documents our courts used as a weapon
button to download pdf of official documents our courts used as a weapon
button to download pdf of official documents our courts used as a weapon
button to download pdf of official documents our courts used as a weapon
button to download pdf of official documents our courts used as a weapon


Our Judges will conduct proceedings that are so ridiculously one sided that they have to change the official record of proceedings to avoid evidence of their misconduct being made public. This tampering of transcripts is easiest thing in the world to prove. Take the written record they supplied, and compare it to the audio recording. It would take only minutes to confirm. Except they won’t release the audio – so nobody can prove what happened. We just have to take their word for what was said.

Ask yourself this – if the record was accurate – then why NOT release the audio?

There’a a very simple answer – someone is lying.

At this point things start to escalate. You can prove every claim you’ve made. Surely someone in power has to listen. This is a serious issue, affecting everybody. Judges cannot be allowed to alter official records to assist the prosecution.  A golfer can’t go in and deduct a few strokes off his score, or it ruins the game.

But this here is no game. It’s a multi-billion dollar extortion racket and you are their cash cow

Auscript website advertising failsafe recording systems

You try to resolve it through all the proper channels, but everything you say falls on deaf ears. It’s now clear that almost every public official is either involved, or willing to cover for those who are. Not one of them will give you a straight answer. But now the war has begun .

Police comb through your history and the best they can do is one lousy laser pointer from more than five years ago. So they put you on trial. John (police informer) Ide, a lawyer in Beenleigh, after being paid for advice on defence, then calls the prosecution and tells them everything about your planned legal strategy. Be warned, this is how the Australian legal system operates. They are all on the same team.


On trial day, you fly solo. If you’re going to blow the case, may as well do it for free. The circus starts out in the usual fashion. One of three prosecution laywers stands up and tells the court (with a straight face) that ‘there is no physical evidence, because the state destroyed it all before trial. Laser pointers and pepper spray were too dangerous to store for long periods’. When I burst out laughing, Magistrate ‘three extra spare tyres’ Morgan snapped at me to shut up. She covers for his feeble lies, later on coached the witness and then and convicts you despite what the law requires.

Linda Bradford Morgan Queensland magistrate using courts as a weapon



You appeal her decision. The appeal requires that you provide a written record of the original hearing, except the Judge refused to give you one. Bradford-Morgan knows once it goes public, her career will be finished. Your applications under freedom of information are refused. You appeal those decisions and get stonewalled by bureaucrats. The organised cover up is incredible. Nothing for months, and then two days before your deadline you get an incomplete typed transcript, missing all the parts that work in your favour. You complain and ask for the audio, but that will not be released on the orders of ‘three tyres’ Morgan. This next bit is important so lets go over it again.

1.You receive a transcript of a court hearing that is obviously inaccurate and missing substantial parts.

2. You dispute its accuracy and ask that it be compared to the audio recording to verify your claim once and for all.

3. The state refuses every request for the audio (despite being paid) and says ‘you’ll just have to take our word for it’.

Blind freddy can see there’s a cover up going on here. Only people with something to hide will refuse to compare the two. And these judges have the cheek to call you a criminal.

Magistrate Linda Bradford Morgan makes the transcript disappear if it incriminates her, the courts or the prosecutor

Your applications under Free Information, Auscript and QLD government are all ignored or refused. It takes hundreds of public servants all concealing these documents to keep this information secret. Any one of them could do the right thing and expose the racket, even anonymously. It’s now obvious these people only care about their massive taxpayer funded super. Public sector scumbags will stand back and let the courts rape you – as long as they get a cut. That’s what it boils down to.

All I wanted was an accurate record of events in these courts, and none will allow its release. 




15 February 2024Australian men can now be put on trial for something they haven’t done yet, in a Supreme Court hearing where there are no rules of evidence. You’ll be judged by a state appointed woman, prosecuted by another woman, defended by well a meaning woman, on the basis of a report written by sneaky, spiteful women like Maggie Cruickshank. If they think you’re a bastard it’s off to jail for you. [...]
11 May 2024Queensland Police latest attempt to pervert the course of Justice failed. Only because Faggy Mc FagBoy Marc Dunn is a general all round fuck up. The man lives entirely on legumes, carrots and Bon Jovi. When its windy outside he has to stay home in case he gets lifted up and carried away like a fart on the autumn breeze [...]
4 August 2023Women can never be held accountable. If you suggest that a woman did anything wrong, then you’re wrong. And also a misogynist. There is zero possibility that your allegations have any merit. There is no chance that she could have done something different and created a better outcome. If a woman says something bad happened, and there is no man around to attribute blame to, then blame automatically falls on her nearest living relative who may be fined or jailed without trial. Bastard. [...]
14 November 2023In a diabolical genius move, the terrorists were able to hide their activities by holding a seminar. They invite all our counter terrorism forces and say ‘hey look over there’ while waving a picture of nudie Margaret Thatcher. While our CTG was distracted elsewhere BOOM SHANKA the terrorists struck again. Our special forces were so embarrassed they rounded up a bunch of white guys and declared them public enemy, as a way to hide their own failures. [...]
18 March 2024David Frearson is another civil servant willing to trade his integrity for shekels. The spineless fruitcake gives double murderers parole on their first attempt. But if someone is accused of ‘racism’ PAROLE REFUSED. A non-violent first time offender won’t get parole, if he is accused of being ‘racist’ Frearson is using his position to instill terror in the population about what will happen if they refuse to accept the state line of bullshit. about diversity. He obtained his lofty positions by repeating popular mantras and playing along with the great delusion. [...]
2 March 2024Once upon a time in a quiet Brisbane suburb an electrician met a policeman. They had never crossed paths before, so it seems kinda strange that the cop would make up a story and send the sparky to jail. Perrimans motivations are yet to be revealed, but the important part is his lawyers have not refuted any of the claims made in civil court – becasue they can’t. Perriman lied to send an innocent man to prison. Now it’s his turn [...]
22 March 2024The German people are our brothers. The most closely related people on the planet to us. For too long we have stood by and allowed ignorant fools speak ill of our Bretheren. Using their media power the Jews tricked us into going to war with our own kinsmen. We should be ashamed. It was us who started that war, not the Germans. Wake up. [...]
15 February 2024The Criminals in our Government, Legal System and Bureaucracy work together to terrorise our poopulation into silence. They redefined the word terrorist to now mean anybody opposed to their madness. I am living proof of the lengths they will go to. Teams of men assigned around the clock to make your life hell, jailed without charge, locked in solitary, slandered, harassed, bankrupted. And finally discredited with the dreaded word ‘terrorist’. [...]


  • know thy enemy

    know thy enemy

    This post was about Jewish control of the media but that was covered in the other one yesterday so fuck knows what I will do with this
  • Pfizer Jews

    Pfizer Jews

    The level of hatred Jews have for all mankind is almost supervillain tier, like something off Batman. Could you image cooking up a poison that literally grows inside its host body, until its tentacles are so long and thick that the carrier 's blood supply is choked off completely? I think this time they may have overplayed their hand. Gentiles will not remain gentile much longer. This time the Hebes must be completely annihilatedd.
  • Avert Research

    Avert Research

    In a diabolical genius move, the terrorists were able to hide their activities by holding a seminar. They invite all our counter terrorism forces and say 'hey look over there' while waving a picture of nudie Margaret Thatcher. While our CTG was distracted elsewhere BOOM SHANKA the terrorists struck again. Our special forces were so embarrassed they rounded up a bunch of white guys and declared them public enemy, as a way to hide their …
  • Make your own terrorist

    Make your own terrorist

    Take a normal ordinary working man from the suburbs. One who says things that embarass the state government. The spend millions of dollars harassing, stalking , invetsigating, slandering and humiliating him. Then imprison him, take his home, business, family and money, then blame him for your sadism. When thats done jail him again, torture him, lie to him, free him and then start over. Then when he becomes a terrorist you can say 'hey look …
  • Responsibility


    The imminent implosion of the West did not happen by accident. It took a large group of misguided fools to get us into this mess. They all think that because they were following the herd, or taking orders, that they bear no responsibility. The bad news is their collective efforts are being documented, and blame will be attributed - as it should be - to every person who worked toward white replacement. None will escape …
  • David Frearson

    David Frearson

    David Frearson is another civil servant willing to trade his integrity for shekels. The spineless fruitcake gives double murderers parole on their first attempt. But if someone is accused of 'racism' PAROLE REFUSED. A non-violent first time offender won't get parole, if he is accused of being 'racist' Frearson is using his position to instill terror in the population about what will happen if they refuse to accept the state line of bullshit. about diversity. …
  • Brittany Higgins

    Brittany Higgins

    Britney Higgins went out on a date wearing no panties. When Bruce Lehrmann showed up at the same venue just after midnight, she ditched her date and went to parliament house with Bruce. She was found naked and drunk, on her bosses floor carpet the next morning. For that we gave her nearly five million dollars. it really was a brilliant get rich quick scheme
  • Extreme Misogyny

    Extreme Misogyny

    Women can never be held accountable. If you suggest that a woman did anything wrong, then you're wrong. And also a misogynist. There is zero possibility that your allegations have any merit. There is no chance that she could have done something different and created a better outcome. If a woman says something bad happened, and there is no man around to attribute blame to, then blame automatically falls on her nearest living relative who …
  • How much can one man take

    How much can one man take

    Here we have the most blatant example of 'lawfare' being waged by far left extremists posing as Magistrates. Using public funds against our own citizens accused of Wrongthink. These deceitful, pompous and sneaky Magistrates who think they are above the law should be praying that ther right never assumes any power in Australia. When that day comes - we will hunt every last one to the ends of the earth.
  • Media is our Enemy

    Media is our Enemy

    More than any other agency, organization, collective or group, the media is by far the most damaging to our nation and people. The media is the Jews. They need to be expelled or annihilated. or both.
  • Lessons learned

    Lessons learned

    We can all learn something from this tragic but highly amusing incident. What did you notice about the incident? I learned that Kenworth steel cares not for the feelings of fat chicks. I also learned that there's a blind spot down underneath the drivers line of sight beneath those cabover prime movers. I learned that personal space rules and violations mean very little to a fifty tonne mechanical beast who wants to move forward through …
  • Disgrace


    The German people are our brothers. The most closely related people on the planet to us. For too long we have stood by and allowed ignorant fools speak ill of our Bretheren. Using their media power the Jews tricked us into going to war with our own kinsmen. We should be ashamed. It was us who started that war, not the Germans. Wake up.
  • Mohamed came to Australia

    Mohamed came to Australia

    This story has everything. It starts out with a Slippery Jew lying to us about a violent, retard level IQ nigger who was accepted into Australia as a 'refugee. In thirty years living here he contributed nothing at all, then stabbed someone, and nearly killed him. Now he'scrying that he doesn't want to get deported. The lying Jew is pushing this false tale and a traitorous white whore is doing free legal representation to keep …
  • Fatigue overwhelmes him

    Fatigue overwhelmes him

    This series of events can only end one way. Hickey lasted as long as he could against overwhelming odds. Working 12 hours a day in the Queensland sun, Unable to wleep through the night because he is woken twice at random times by Queensland police with search lights into his home. Psychological warfare being waged on Simon Hickey by the state.