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BHI Brittany Higgins Investments now offers sound financial advice

Is there nobody left in this country who will point out the obvious and call bullshit on Brittany Higgins? In years gone by the whole village would be snickering behind her back had she tried to call rape on Bruce Lehrmann. You’d have to be of very simple mind to believe the tall tales being pushed by her and the mainstream media about the day she woke up naked in Parliament house.

The discussion between detective and senior police officers in Canberra would have gone something like this.

“I’m not charging this fella. Parliament house is saturated with CCTV. A dozen armed guards patrol 24/7 and she’s saying she was raped somewhere inside and nobody heard or saw anything?”

“The brass says we have to”

“The reason nobody saw anything is because these two were hiding away in a broom cupboard somewhere shagging themselves silly. She’s stumbled out afterwards, laid down on the carpet and that’s where they found her next morning. Most people would have had the sense to go home and sleep it off. If she doesn’t yell rape, her career is finished. Nobody can take her seriously after being smashed in Parliament house, waking up naked in the boss’s office, reeking of gin.”

“You and I both know its horseshit mate, but you want to keep that detective badge? Or go back to directing traffic in Western Sydney? Her story won’t last five minutes in court. The end result is still the same.”

BHI Brittany Higgins Investments now offers sound financial advice
BHI Brittany Higgins Investments now offers sound financial advice

“Sarge, I’ll do what’s required, but I want my formal protest noted on the file. She went out drinking with no undies on, sneaks back into her workplace with a man after midnight, doesn’t struggle or resist, has no visible injury and we’re expected to believe she was raped? Pigs might fly too”

“Your protest is clearly noted detective, now, will the arrest be made during work hours or after?”

Police might be a lot of things but retarded is generally not a quality that recruiters look for. Most police are competent, and good at their jobs. I would like to think that most police have the integrity to tell their superiors the truth as our frustrated detective just did above. Even if he still had to follow orders, deep down he knows the truth. We all do.


some men will do anything to get laid.

Australians should sit up and take notice. What happens next is a classic example of the matriarchy closing ranks to protect such an obvious falsehood. One of the countries most celebrated bullshit artists staged an interview with this alleged rape victim in which she told Brittany Higgins what to say, and how to say it on camera.

There was a time when journalism was considered a respectable profession, but all that went out the window many moons ago. The current crop of ‘journalists’ we have reporting news in this country are nothing more than state sponsored mouthpieces pushing out false narratives to support the current regime. Every last one needs to be jailed as a collaborator. It is clear from the outset that Wilkinson is only using Higgins to push an extreme leftist agenda. White privilege gets thrown in early, male domination soon follows, then comes the victimhood.

Wilkinson : “If you were a  bloke, you wouldn’t be getting this treatment”.. As if Higgins has been hard done by. Well, she’s partially right there. If a man went into a police station to report a rape, and said he went out with no underwear,  got so drunk he can’t remember large parts of the evening, voluntarily went home with his attacker, didn’t struggle or fight back during the event, and only worked out where he was when a guard walked in and found him naked on the floor, he would have been thrown out of the police station. And that’s if he wasn’t charged with making a false complaint.


Even in court Brittany Higgins treatment was remarkably different. Judge Lucy McCallum, another golden vagina holder, was randomly selected to shield Brittany Higgins from her own stupidity.  When her story was falling apart on the witness stand, McCallum gave Higgins a few days off to recuperate and get her story straight – with the help of her lawyer. That way she could go over previous evidence and make sure her version matched up.

Compare her treatment to any other witness in living memory and you will notice something strange. Witnesses who fuck up their story get humiliated then exposed as liars. Sometimes charged with perjury. That’s why we have cross examination. So, their testimony can be tested in real time, with no preparation or pause to consider a response. A truthful witness does not need time to think or compose. They simply repeat their memory of events.  But women who cry have their own set of rules, which constantly evolve to protect them in any given situation. Higgins text message to a friend in the following days is enough to clear Lehrmann of rape.

“I was barely lucid, I don’t feel like it was consensual at all,” she wrote. “If he thought it was OK; why did he just leave me there like that?”

Higgins doesn’t know if she gave consent or not. Reasonable doubt. Not just reasonable doubt but no fucking clue. Lehrmann is not guilty.



brittany higginsrape allegations sufaced once in a previous job. Until it turned out she was a hoe. Getting paid to fuck.


But the text says far more than that. We can all relate. Most men still suffer the permanent, recurring trauma of seeing a Brittany Higgins fat ass in the reflection of an office window. We’ve all done it once. The images are so painful that most never make that mistake again. A hundred tons of ethereal shame slams down when the realization dawns that we just fucked that hideous thing. Survival instinct kicks in as we make a mad dash for the exit, race home and scrub the shame off under boiling hot water.

But it’s still there. Higgins was upset he didn’t stay and cuddle, or at least help her find her clothes. This girl didn’t have enough sense to go home and sleep, she rolled over in the wet patch and closed her eyes. And that was where they found her six hours later. While Brittany Higgins was trying to explain where her panties were – and failing – because she had no idea, Lehrmann was offering up prayers to every god conceived by man. Please lord spare me the humiliation of a child born to this beast.

Lehrmann’s prayers were answered, but Higgins didn’t need any supernatural assistance. She already had the Australian government, media, civil service, do-gooders, beta males and every other dumb fuck in the country on her side.

They are all certain that a woman cannot be responsible for her own actions. And because they make up 51% of voters, it becomes fact.

Brittany Higgins didn’t go out drinking with no panties, looking to get laid, stumble into parliament after midnight, fuck her colleague in the boss’s office and pass out drunk on the floor, all of her own accord. That must be Lehrmann s fault.


In a completely unexpected move, the Gyneacological utopia of Australia stepped in fix the injustice. It was announced rather quietly, or not at all, that Brittany Higgins Vagina was awarded more than $3,000,000  to make up for the inconvenience her drunken sluttery caused the nation. To put things in perspective: 3 million Australian dollars is more money than almost any of us see in one place at one time. 99.9% of Australians will never in their lives have access to that sort of cash. People in other countries could work a hundred lifetimes and never create wealth of that size.

Brittany Higgins earned that staggering sum in six hours, and she spent most of that time asleep, in a restricted area, without permission. 

Stop and think about this for just a minute. The woman went out with no panties on, got so drunk she described it to police as ‘more drunk than I had ever been in my life‘, walks back into her workplace after midnight with a man who is not her husband, clearly intoxicated. The next morning she is found naked on the floor, reeking of alcohol. Clothes nowhere to be seen.

Feminist delusion about being independant

For that she is given $3 million fucking dollars. Money stolen from me. From you. From every taxpaying man in the nation.

What we are living in right now is the last stages of a great civilization, right before the collapse. These feminine led and orientated societies can only emerge after three or more clear, uneventful generations of people who have never known hardship, invasion attempts or been challenged for survival. Women use their slight advantage in numbers to steer government policy. Politicians must pander to the left, socialist nanny state mentality to win votes and slowly but surely your society starts its decline into collapse. 

The best and brightest soon lose interest in supporting this vagina utopia because it treats all men with the same open contempt. The empowered women expect us to maintain our drive, innovation and competition, even as we are stripped of our rights, our assets, dignity and privacy. The men they chastised as boys for fighting and making weapons, now have no interest in defending the nation. 

The millions of foreign men who came in waves once the borders went down, don’t have the intelligence required to maintain our infrastructure. Cities stagnate, house prices fall, factories close up and the streets become less safe. Education standards plummet because our children are now a minority, and get beaten by children of other races who mature far earlier than our own European kids.

This model squanders all the accumulated wealth, trying to keep up appearances by fudging economic figures to create the illusion of prosperity. As the wealth disappears, desperate leaders borrow against the output from future generations. Repayments can’t be met because now all output is seized by the state, and given away in exchange for votes. People start producing only what they need, because they know the rest will be taken. No surplus food or goods means nothing to trade with.

If you want to see exactly what will happen if we do not take drastic action to halt the decline, take a look overseas at any country with a black majority. Pick any country where whites are a minority. South Africa is probably your best yardstick because they were once a first world nation, as we are now. 

Take a good look at the short video. Life in that country is comparable to hell on Earth. If you say you are not racist then try this challenge.

Show me a country, anywhere, with a black majority and white minority, which could be described as prosperous or safe for our people. Just one. 

That is what Australia will become if we allow this lunacy to continue. 

And it all started by paying useless fat chicks three million dollars to get drunk, fuck their colleagues and pass out on the floor of parliament house.

31 March 2024The level of hatred Jews have for all mankind is almost supervillain tier, like something off Batman. Could you image cooking up a poison that literally grows inside its host body, until its tentacles are so long and thick that the carrier ‘s blood supply is choked off completely? I think this time they may have overplayed their hand. Gentiles will not remain gentile much longer. This time the Hebes must be completely annihilatedd. [...]
22 March 2024The German people are our brothers. The most closely related people on the planet to us. For too long we have stood by and allowed ignorant fools speak ill of our Bretheren. Using their media power the Jews tricked us into going to war with our own kinsmen. We should be ashamed. It was us who started that war, not the Germans. Wake up. [...]
14 June 2023Any rational observer can see that our legal system has been completely hijacked by fanatical zionists who blatantly discriminate against white men. Prosecutors routinely drop charges against black people charges with serious offences, even murder. But a white person can get years of jail time for the most trivial of offences. These people must be held accountable. [...]
7 December 2023Take a normal ordinary working man from the suburbs. One who says things that embarass the state government. The spend millions of dollars harassing, stalking , invetsigating, slandering and humiliating him. Then imprison him, take his home, business, family and money, then blame him for your sadism. When thats done jail him again, torture him, lie to him, free him and then start over. Then when he becomes a terrorist you can say ‘hey look everyone we are the hero’s we stopped the terrorists.’ – Australian Governments cunning plan [...]
5 June 2023
19 July 2023This series of events can only end one way. Hickey lasted as long as he could against overwhelming odds. Working 12 hours a day in the Queensland sun, Unable to wleep through the night because he is woken twice at random times by Queensland police with search lights into his home. Psychological warfare being waged on Simon Hickey by the state. [...]
20 July 2023Having failed to destroy Hickey’s business with raids one and two, Queensland police gear up for raid number three. This time they put months into research, gathering intel, harassing staff, trying to work out the best time to hit. Mid January, hottest month of the year, CTG QLD Police hide out in their air conditioned office all day, then strike us after we have finished an honest days work. But they fucked up royally. [...]
2 March 2024Once upon a time in a quiet Brisbane suburb an electrician met a policeman. They had never crossed paths before, so it seems kinda strange that the cop would make up a story and send the sparky to jail. Perrimans motivations are yet to be revealed, but the important part is his lawyers have not refuted any of the claims made in civil court – becasue they can’t. Perriman lied to send an innocent man to prison. Now it’s his turn [...]


  • Nicholas James Perriman

    Nicholas James Perriman

    Once upon a time in a quiet Brisbane suburb an electrician met a policeman. They had never crossed paths before, so it seems kinda strange that the cop would make up a story and send the sparky to jail. Perrimans motivations are yet to be revealed, but the important part is his lawyers have not refuted any of the claims made in civil court - becasue they can't. Perriman lied to send an innocent man …
  • Zersetzung


    Zersetzung is a German word of only recent origins. It was coined by the Stasi in the mid twentieth century and means 'decomposition'. In practical terms, the state assigns a team of men to work in shifts around the clock to destroy your life. To isolate you from friends and family, to spread rumours, gossip, break into your home and steal only select items to make you question your own sanity. They will sabotage your …
  • How much can one man take

    How much can one man take

    Here we have the most blatant example of 'lawfare' being waged by far left extremists posing as Magistrates. Using public funds against our own citizens accused of Wrongthink. These deceitful, pompous and sneaky Magistrates who think they are above the law should be praying that ther right never assumes any power in Australia. When that day comes - we will hunt every last one to the ends of the earth.
  • Disgrace


    The German people are our brothers. The most closely related people on the planet to us. For too long we have stood by and allowed ignorant fools speak ill of our Bretheren. Using their media power the Jews tricked us into going to war with our own kinsmen. We should be ashamed. It was us who started that war, not the Germans. Wake up.
  • Avert Research

    Avert Research

    In a diabolical genius move, the terrorists were able to hide their activities by holding a seminar. They invite all our counter terrorism forces and say 'hey look over there' while waving a picture of nudie Margaret Thatcher. While our CTG was distracted elsewhere BOOM SHANKA the terrorists struck again. Our special forces were so embarrassed they rounded up a bunch of white guys and declared them public enemy, as a way to hide their …
  • Lessons learned

    Lessons learned

    We can all learn something from this tragic but highly amusing incident. What did you notice about the incident? I learned that Kenworth steel cares not for the feelings of fat chicks. I also learned that there's a blind spot down underneath the drivers line of sight beneath those cabover prime movers. I learned that personal space rules and violations mean very little to a fifty tonne mechanical beast who wants to move forward through …
  • Media is our Enemy

    Media is our Enemy

    More than any other agency, organization, collective or group, the media is by far the most damaging to our nation and people. The media is the Jews. They need to be expelled or annihilated. or both.
  • Extreme Misogyny

    Extreme Misogyny

    Women can never be held accountable. If you suggest that a woman did anything wrong, then you're wrong. And also a misogynist. There is zero possibility that your allegations have any merit. There is no chance that she could have done something different and created a better outcome. If a woman says something bad happened, and there is no man around to attribute blame to, then blame automatically falls on her nearest living relative who …
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    Rebecca McEwen hates white men

    Its hard to determine if this over-educated, self-important cunt is a macho bulldyke or just a man with bony girl arms. We could take a readers poll and settle the matter once and for all except that would involve far more people looking at this hideous thing than necessary. So I say we close the page and find something better to do. Let's go drown some trannies
  • Increase the Pressure

    Increase the Pressure

    Having failed to destroy Hickey's business with raids one and two, Queensland police gear up for raid number three. This time they put months into research, gathering intel, harassing staff, trying to work out the best time to hit. Mid January, hottest month of the year, CTG QLD Police hide out in their air conditioned office all day, then strike us after we have finished an honest days work. But they fucked up royally.
  • Marc Dunn

    Marc Dunn

    Queensland Police latest attempt to pervert the course of Justice failed. Only because Faggy Mc FagBoy Marc Dunn is a general all round fuck up. The man lives entirely on legumes, carrots and Bon Jovi. When its windy outside he has to stay home in case he gets lifted up and carried away like a fart on the autumn breeze
  • Selective Justice

    Selective Justice

  • Fatigue overwhelmes him

    Fatigue overwhelmes him

    This series of events can only end one way. Hickey lasted as long as he could against overwhelming odds. Working 12 hours a day in the Queensland sun, Unable to wleep through the night because he is woken twice at random times by Queensland police with search lights into his home. Psychological warfare being waged on Simon Hickey by the state.
  • Make your own terrorist

    Make your own terrorist

    Take a normal ordinary working man from the suburbs. One who says things that embarass the state government. The spend millions of dollars harassing, stalking , invetsigating, slandering and humiliating him. Then imprison him, take his home, business, family and money, then blame him for your sadism. When thats done jail him again, torture him, lie to him, free him and then start over. Then when he becomes a terrorist you can say 'hey look …