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Unfair Dismissal Jordan Lamacq

Much has been written about an unfair dismissal claim made by a former employee of Smerff Electrical, one Jordan Lamacq. If you google ‘Smerff Electrical’ or ‘Unfair Dismissal’ in Australia one or more of these results will come up on more than a dozen news outlets. Why would such a trivial  event get covered by so many sources? Why would it appear so frequently across the web?  Australia’s Fair Work Commission (FWC) handles an average of 16,000+ cases annually, yet the other 15,999 don’t seem to rate a mention.

Australia’s media is fixated on this one claim against Smerff Electrical. Why is that? 

Because they have a burning, insatiable hatred for Simon Hickey.

Headlines about Hickey's unfair dismissal hearing

So what does all that have to do with unfair dismissal? To answer that, we must first look at the claim Jordan Lamacq made against Simon Hickey and Smerff Electrical. Anyone who views the evidence, hears Lamacq’s own admissions and understands Australian law will see almost immediately that Hickey had good grounds to fire Lamacq. Common sense, logic and reason all support the decision to terminate his employment.. There’s no way he should have won this case.

Unfair Dismissal news story about Smerff Electrical and Jordan Lamacq

FWC RULE 1.07 :


Fair Work Commission rule number 107 spelled out

The Fair Work Commission’s own rules relating to employee miscoduct state that

Fair Work Regulation 1.07 defines Serious misconduct as:  conduct that is wilful or deliberate and that is inconsistent with the continuation of the employment contract.[12] It is also conduct that causes serious and imminent risk to the health and safety of a person or to the reputation, viability or profitability of the employer’s business.[13]

Serious misconduct includes theft, fraud, assault, sexual harassment, intoxication at work and the refusal to carry out lawful and reasonable instructions consistent with the employment contract.[14]

So the question now is : Did Jordan Lamacq engage in serious misconduct? That depends on your definition of misconduct. Let’s imagine that serious misconduct means dangerous or illegal activity in the workplace. Is there any evidence that Lamacq engaged in this behaviour?


Will the recorded admissions made by Lamacq himself satisfy your curiosity? Here are two recorded exchanges between the Judge and Lamacq at the hearing, where he refers to these jobs as ‘cashies’. Bare in mind that Jordan Lamacq does not have an electrical license, so any work he undertakes without supervision is by definition – unlicensed electrical work. Lamacq claims that ‘Hickey allowed them to do cashies whenever they liked’ Judge Asbury clearly didn’t buy this rubbish and it’s obvious to all listeners.

Queensland governments definition of unlicensed electrical work

Opposite here is the official Queensland government policy relating to unlicensed electrical work. You will note that they refer to it as ‘extremely dangerous and illegal’ Not only did Jordan Lamacq admit to doing this ‘extremely dangerous and illegal’ activity, but he was keeping the money from such jobs as well. (Otherwise known as theft)

This alone is grounds for immediate termination of his employment.

Unlicensed electrical work as defined by the QLD government. The unfair dismissal of Jordan Lamacq
Copy of transcript at Fair Work hearing between Jordan Lamacq and Judge Asbury

Jordan Lamacq was caught doing cashies, and when Hickey demanded to know the extent of the unlicensed work that had been done, Lamacq refused to give him that information. He was given the choice, reveal all or be fired. Jordan Lamacq then quit before he could be fired, to hide the extent of his theft.

Lamacq’s argument that ‘Hickey gave him permission to do cashies whenever he liked is nonsense. Not even the Pope can give Lamacq permission to do unlicensed electrical work because it is against the law. Does it sound logical that a business owner would tell a first year apprentice ‘Here have my van and tools. Go do whatever work you want and just keep the money?

Small business cannot keep these people employed or the company goes under. 



At the hearing, Asbury repeatedly asked Lamacq for the address of his job so it could be inspected for electrical safety, Lamacq refused to give her – or Hickey an answer. At this point, you would think that Jordan Lamacq, having just admitted in court that he had used my van and materials to do unlicensed electrical work – and keep the money – would have his case thrown out and be charged with several criminal offences. What he did was against the law. The state government website above says exactly that.



It can’t. Unless Hickey roundhouse kicks Asbury out of her chair. Lamacq has admitted serious misconduct with his unlicensed work. He has (indirectly) admitted theft with his claims that Hickey allowed him to do cashies whenever he liked using company equipment. Clearly Asbury did not accept that story. The only rational alternative is that Hickey did not allow cashies, but Lamacq did them anyway.

The real decision makers in Hickey's unfair dismissal hearing

So why was Lamacq awarded $11,000+ for unfair dismissal? The decision is patently absurd. 

Why was the story given the national media attention we looked at in the first paragraph?


The real decision makers in Hickey's unfair dismissal hearing


The real decision makers in Hickey's unfair dismissal hearing

Why was the decision delayed for nearly seven months and released on the exact same day Hickey’s home is raided for the fourth time by Queensland police?

The answers to all these questions are the same so let’s establish the motivation for such an obvious injustice.


The insane level of media coverage this thing got should be your first hint. You must understand that the same Jews who own all of Australia’s media – own our legal system too. Australian judges work for Israel first, Australia second and do exactly what they are told to do. Even they don’t want to get on the wrong side of big media. The vast majority of our judges are Jewish.Those who aren’t still take orders from organized Jewry. This FWC hearing is a glaring example of them using the legal process to attack their perceived enemies. If you listen to Judge Asbury’s exchange with Lamacq it is clear she isn’t buying his story.

So how did she go from there to finding against Hickey several months later?


The real decision makers in Hickey's unfair dismissal hearing

She was told to give Jordan Lamacq the win, and justify it anyway she could.

How can you be so certain? It’s really very easy. All the evidence works in Hickey’s favour. Nothing Lamacq says or does at this point can overcome the fact he has admitted extremely dangerous and illegal work. Hickey had good grounds for termination – so if the decision goes against him – there must be some other agenda in play.

There’s only one group of people with the power to tell Australian judges which way their decisions should go. It’s not the Aboriginals and it’s not the Muslims. It’s not the women and it’s certainly not the Australians. There’s only one group of people who hate Simon Hickey and have this sort of power.

The Jews.

Jewish ADL owns the supreme court of Queensland

Just a few short years ago, Australia’s Jewish media took a great interest in Hickey’s activities because he drew attention to their absurd claims in the greatest swindle of all time. Their perpetual money making ‘Holocau$t’ extravaganza. Ask too many questions about this house of cards and you become public enemy number one. Australian human rights laws means nothing once you’ve crossed this line. There’s no right to liberty, privacy and the pursuit of happiness if the Jews decide you’re not worthy. Anyone who calls out their ‘Holocau$t extortion racket – instantly forfeits any civil rights he had.

Headlines about Hickey's unfair dismissal hearing

The timing of this decision is even further proof of foul play. How could Asbury sit on her verdict for more than six months, and then release it publicly on the same day that Hickey’s home was being raided across town by armed police. Somebody had to have known something ahead of time. There are no co-incidences in life. The incredibly bad timing makes it almost impossible for Hickey to lodge an appeal. The time limit is fourteen days, and now all his office equipment and employment records have been stolen. His first priority is to keep the business running and it’s obvious he has more important things to attend to.

Yahoo headlines about Hickey's unfair dismissal hearing

During this time the avalanche of media attention begins again, and Hickey has his hands completely full. We only need to look at the following examples to see what sort of absolute obsession and personal vendetta the media has against Simon Hickey.

Hickey labelled a Nazi by the media in unfair dismissal hearing
Yahoo headlines about Hickey's unfair dismissal hearing
More Nazi headlines about Hickey's unfair dismissal hearing


More adverse media coverage about these events by A current affair

Surely they can find more important stories to run with? They could, but destroying Simon Hickey is now their highest priority. Strings are pulled, favours called in, calls are placed to the right people, in the right positions, and now Hickey cannot take a trick, in any court in any state of Australia. It doesn’t matter how strong his case, or how lame the accusations. The decision will go against him. Once people become aware that a certain person is not allowed to win any legal matter they start to become more bold with their allegations. 

Everyone gets in on the act, slandering Simon Hickey on national television

Who here would lodge a claim for unfair dismissal after being caught doing theft by the boss? I doubt one in a hundred would have the cheek. But reconsider that position in light of the fact you know your boss cannot win a court case. Is that not an invitation to easy money? Jordan Lamacq is nothing more than an opportunistic thief, taking advantage of the fact there is a war going on between his former boss and the media. The relentless attacks on Simon Hickey are a prime example of what happens to a man who dares speak the forbidden truth.



Daily Mail calls Hickey Nazi Electrician Unfair dismissal Smerff Electrical


The Unfair dismissal Smerff Electrical christchurch link story


Comments section of the ACA Unfair dismissal Smerff Electrical channel nine version


Random unheard of people also get in on the act in the Unfair dismissal Smerff Electrical story
A current affair slandering Simon Hickey

None of this makes any sense until you understand Jewish hatred for any man who casts doubt on their Holoca$t lies. It is this one myth that earns them billions of dollars each year in ‘reparations’ and shields them from all criticism. Once you understand the depths of this hatred, it’s obvious that these people have spent the last thousand years persecuting everybody who displeases them, starting with Jesus Christ.

They are the masters of deceit. They convinced everybody that they are eternal victims, when the truth is the complete opposite.

It’s not the Jews who are persecuted. It’s them doing the persecution.

Headlines about Hickey's unfair dismissal hearing

Hickey is not the first or the last to have his life destroyed for simply speaking the truth. The price has been high, but there is no other path he could have taken. Historians of the future may consider these events a fascinating insight into human behaviour of the 21st century. By then it will be obvious that : there were so many Australians taken in by the Jewish ‘holocau$t’ propaganda that they were willing to go along with underhanded revenge plots against their own people, just to curry favour with those in charge.

Cartoon about Jews keeping a lid on their extortion racket

Ultimately, powerful Jews would never get away with these sorts of extortion and intimidation tactics were it not for the support of an entire generation of brainwashed boomers. I have come to the conclusion that it is these spineless degenerates (usually employed in our public sector) who will falsely denounce an honest working man they have never met – for some vague promise of a better salary or future career advancement – who are most worthy of contempt.

Those in ‘in charge’ of the FWC are but the latest examples.

Cartoon about keeping the lid on their extortion racket
The real decision makers in Hickey's unfair dismissal hearing


The real decision makers in Hickey's unfair dismissal hearing


The real decision makers in Hickey's unfair dismissal hearing


The real decision makers in Hickey's unfair dismissal hearing


The real decision makers in Hickey's unfair dismissal hearing


The real decision makers in Hickey's unfair dismissal hearing



5 June 2023
27 July 2023Everyone lies at times. But the human female is unique in her ability to concoct the most devious and damaging lies at the worst possible times, to exact revenge on men who often have not done her wrong. A man need only not pay enough attention to todays woman and he will find himself in trouble with the law, his wife, his community or all of the above. Even if the woman is found out, she suffers no punishment. [...]
11 October 2023Its hard to determine if this over-educated, self-important cunt is a macho bulldyke or just a man with bony girl arms. We could take a readers poll and settle the matter once and for all except that would involve far more people looking at this hideous thing than necessary. So I say we close the page and find something better to do. Let’s go drown some trannies [...]
11 May 2024The imminent implosion of the West did not happen by accident. It took a large group of misguided fools to get us into this mess. They all think that because they were following the herd, or taking orders, that they bear no responsibility. The bad news is their collective efforts are being documented, and blame will be attributed – as it should be – to every person who worked toward white replacement. None will escape Justice [...]
7 December 2023Take a normal ordinary working man from the suburbs. One who says things that embarass the state government. The spend millions of dollars harassing, stalking , invetsigating, slandering and humiliating him. Then imprison him, take his home, business, family and money, then blame him for your sadism. When thats done jail him again, torture him, lie to him, free him and then start over. Then when he becomes a terrorist you can say ‘hey look everyone we are the hero’s we stopped the terrorists.’ – Australian Governments cunning plan [...]
20 July 2023Having failed to destroy Hickey’s business with raids one and two, Queensland police gear up for raid number three. This time they put months into research, gathering intel, harassing staff, trying to work out the best time to hit. Mid January, hottest month of the year, CTG QLD Police hide out in their air conditioned office all day, then strike us after we have finished an honest days work. But they fucked up royally. [...]
14 August 2023The idea that our childrens education or growth is damaged by toxic masculinity is just another Jewish poison designed to reduce our men to the sort of limp wristed homosexual that the Jew sees in himself. Only masculinity will win a fight, a battle or war, and that’s why our enemies seek to take ours. [...]
1 September 2023We can all learn something from this tragic but highly amusing incident. What did you notice about the incident? I learned that Kenworth steel cares not for the feelings of fat chicks. I also learned that there’s a blind spot down underneath the drivers line of sight beneath those cabover prime movers. I learned that personal space rules and violations mean very little to a fifty tonne mechanical beast who wants to move forward through the space which currently belongs to another. Overall it has been a very informative day for everyone. Except the silly cunt who died. [...]


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  • Responsibility


    The imminent implosion of the West did not happen by accident. It took a large group of misguided fools to get us into this mess. They all think that because they were following the herd, or taking orders, that they bear no responsibility. The bad news is their collective efforts are being documented, and blame will be attributed - as it should be - to every person who worked toward white replacement. None will escape …
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    Having failed to destroy Hickey's business with raids one and two, Queensland police gear up for raid number three. This time they put months into research, gathering intel, harassing staff, trying to work out the best time to hit. Mid January, hottest month of the year, CTG QLD Police hide out in their air conditioned office all day, then strike us after we have finished an honest days work. But they fucked up royally.
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    Rebecca McEwen hates white men

    Its hard to determine if this over-educated, self-important cunt is a macho bulldyke or just a man with bony girl arms. We could take a readers poll and settle the matter once and for all except that would involve far more people looking at this hideous thing than necessary. So I say we close the page and find something better to do. Let's go drown some trannies
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