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Rebecca McEwen posing for her barristers photo, concealing her evil intent


In 2022, Rebecca McEwen, together with Karen Smith and Jennifer Single, applied to the Supreme Court of New South Wales to have an Australian taxpayer imprisoned for his political views. The preparation took nearly a year, the material ran to thousands of pages, and the final bill could not have been less than a million dollars. Little teams of these women lawyers now rove the country jailing men who say mean things they don’t like, so keep an eye out, you might be next. The case [NSW vs HICKEY (Preliminary) [2022] NSWSC 1498] was an application under the Terrorism High Risk Offenders Act (THRO) to keep someone in prison because he was (allegedly) too dangerous to be released. 

These applications are only ever used against people with a history of serious violence, or terrorism. To give you an idea of how serious this is, the following people have NOT had one of these applications made against them. BERWYN REES, a man who murdered three people, including a cop trying to arrest him, served over 30 years in prison. He was released on parole in 2019 and was not subject to an order. PACEY was jailed in 2015 for stabbing another man three times in the chest with a carving knife. While in prison he racked up a further 40 charges for fighting. Prior to release, he was enrolled in the (VOTP) Violence Prevention Program,  but got kicked out for doing violence on another inmate. Pacey was not subject to one of these orders.

But Simon Hickey, successful small business owner, electrician, father and husband with no history of violence or terrorism was. Seems kinda strange. How could they argue he was a danger to anybody?

Rebecca McEwen. Pretend Barrister, liar, lawyer, Jew first and Australian second.



  • By summons filed on 15 September 2022, the State of New South Wales (“the State”) seeks a continuing detention order (“CDO”) for a period of 12 months against Simon Hickey under the Terrorism (High-Risk Offenders) Act 2017 (NSW) (“THRO Act”). In the alternative, an order is sought that the defendant is subject to an extended supervision order for a period of three years (“ESO”



  • The first paragraph deals with the legal framework in which this order is sought. The continuing detention order (CDO) is made by the Supreme Court to keep someone in prison past the end of his sentence. In this case, Hickey had been sentenced to three years in prison by Jewish Magistrate Dunlevy because he didn’t believe in the new religion of Holocau$tianity. Dunlevy used his position to make an example of Hickey, with a punishment so severe that it would  deter other people from thinking too much.


  • Mr Hickey is a 46-year-old man who ascribes to a “far right” ideology. His views are long-standing and firmly held; he appears to have held them since 1996. He is not a member of any extremist group, although he was the only corporate sponsor of “The Daily Stormer”, an American far-right group website. He is an electrician by trade and up until recently ran a successful business in Brisbane employing 12 men. By all accounts, he is well-organised and highly motivated in his endeavours


  • The second paragraph gives us the reasons Rebecca McEwen thinks that this order is necessary to protect the public. You will note that the primary reason listed by McEwen is that Hickey ‘ascribes to a “far right” ideology” and sponsored what she calls a ‘far right American website’. The website she is describing was nothing more than an independent news outlet, run by one man, who is not controlled by mainstream media.


  • Up until 2018, Mr Hickey was a business owner with a minor criminal record, married with a child who, in his spare time, spent a considerable time online expressing hatred for women, homosexuals, Jews, Muslims and anyone else who was not a white male (although he has also expressed hatred for many white men including judges, magistrates and barristers). In doing so he has used far-right memes, Nazi insignia, Nordic mythology and other language used by the far right. Although many of Mr Hickey’s posts are laced with violent themes, he had never been convicted of any violent crimes, despite holding these views for over 25 years



  • Maybe the third paragraph has some actual reasons to imprison somebody. ‘Hickey was married, owned a business and had only a minor criminal record’ Rebecca McEwen goes on to say that ‘Despite never being convicted of any violence, Hickey used far right memes, language and Nordic mythology to express ‘hatred toward women, homosexuals, Muslims, Jews, as well as Judges and Magistrates’ At this point we need to ask : Where is Hickey’s heinous crime? What has he done apart from offend the fragile egos of these hyper sensitive Marxists? Ok, we should examine some of this alleged ‘hatred’ for women, Muslims, Jews, Judges and Magistrates. 




Example of meme that Rebecca McEwen considers terrorism.

Hatred for black people

This is a social media post made by a black person (judging by his avatar) who expresses his utter disbelief at the stupidity of people for breaking into a machine that was dispensing FREE merchandise anyway. You will notice that the machine, which cost far more than the merchandise inside, is now destroyed, adding to the folly. An observant person might also point out that the machine was built, installed, and stocked by white men for the benefit of adolescent blacks, to protect them from STI. 

Example of meme that Rebecca McEwen considers terrorism.
Example of meme that Rebecca McEwen considers terrorism.

Hatred for Jews

This is a world famous academic who promotes the idea that white people should be eliminated from society. Noel Ignatiev tells anyone who will listen that white men are sub human, not capable of doing good, have no redeeming qualities and are not entitled to respect, dignity or protection under the law. Noel Ignatiev hates white people, and so does Rebecca McEwen. The best way to conceal their hatred for white people is to accuse us of hating on them.  It works against most people.



The following shouldn’t need any explanation. Pictures combined with words to illustrate truth in a sea of lies. When we have entire schools with only one or two white children, we are being replaced. No matter how many times they tell us that Miso is a fish – we can see he is a mouse. Human sacrifice was a centuries old tradition until Cortez put a stop to their insanity. Just because democrats elected this woman, does not make her worthy of public office. These facts become self evident when you accept reality.

Example of meme that Rebecca McEwen considers terrorism.
Example of meme that Rebecca McEwen considers terrorism.
Example of meme that Rebecca McEwen considers terrorism.
Example of meme that Rebecca McEwen considers terrorism.

As you can see from above, the memes and materials posted by Hickey are not ‘Hatred for black people, women, judges and Magistrates. They are in fact relevant, politically incorrect, social commentary that Google, Yahoo, along with all the television, radio and news outlets hide from the general public. Only a very simple person would describe that material as hatred, because they refuse to consider the message conveyed by the images. What do you think each one means?

Let’s start with the first one labelled ‘conspiracy theory’ 

Which beach would you rather swim on McEwen?

For decades now the west has been subject to unrestricted immigration, designed to upset the demographic balance in our countries. When the international Jews blackmailed our politicians into accepting these policies, they all made public announcements that ‘immigration would not change the demographic make up of our nations’. Yet here we are roughly fifty years later, and white people will soon become a minority in what was once exclusively our land. What sort of idiots give away their own territory?

Crown Law told the court that Hickey posted this material out of a deep seated hatred for women, Muslims, judges and magistrates. A child can understand the message these images convey and that’s why they are so effective. These are the ridiculous arguments being led in the NSW Supreme Court. How is it that we allow such retards to have a practicing barristers license? Did Rebecca McEwen pass those tests back in primary school, or was she one of the children I had to help when I had finished my own work, because even back then our teachers Marxism was so totally ingrained.

I wasn’t allowed to move forward while there were retards in our class who couldn’t spell their own name. Yes, McEwen was one of those retards. Smith, Cruickshank and Single were sitting either side of her, with their faces in the glue.



Men who point out the insanity of such policies are then ruthlessly attacked by media, government, and lawyers like McEwen, who label us as ‘extremists’ for suggesting that giving away an entire continent is not such a great idea. They tell us that ‘white genocide is just a conspiracy theory peddled by far right extremists’ while we have children in school who are the only white child in their class. The image above illustrates the truth, and it does so very effectively.

That’s why dangerous, far left extremists like Rebecca McEwen, Karen Smith and Jennifer Single hate it so much.

Please put yourself in the shoes of an important lawyer, just for a minute. Imagine you were petitioning the Supreme Court to imprison someone without charge or trial because they were ‘dangerous to the community’. Would you not list that person’s most heinous crimes in the opening paragraph? For example: ‘Your Honour, this serial killer must remain in prison because he killed four people in 1992 and is likely to kill again’ Or: ‘Your Honour, this sex offender raped two little old ladies in their own homes late at night’ Of course you would.

These are the only justifiable reasons for keeping someone in prison without charge.

Now pause. You have read the first few paragraphs of the crowns material. Do you see any crimes that would justify such a request? Perhaps she is saving them for later ? .. But then you realise something.

Rebecca McEwen has just listed Hickey’s most heinous crimes. His beliefs, his ideology and his memes. These people actually believe that disagreeing with them is a crime. And worth jail time.

A curious person might ask: can anyone take this woman seriously after such a frivolous application? How could an educated person think that this application would or should succeed? I hope you’re sitting down when you learn the answer.

Sooki Sooki McEwen tries to oprah winfrey the court

Crown law, like all other prosecutorial outfits, do not launch legal proceedings unless they are confident of a win. Rebecca McEwen, and the other boss mummies were confident that their application would be successful. Had they drawn a Jewish Supreme Court Judge, it would have been, and Hickey would be in prison right now.

What are the odds of that you may ask. Three in Five. 



How can they get away with imprisoning people for their political views and / or activism? They have been doing it for years, although up until recently, the methods used were more subtle. The case of Simon Hickey is a textbook example of ‘Lawfare’. 

As McEwen herself pointed out, up until 2018, he was a successful small business owner, with only a minor criminal record. What changed in 2018 that made Hickey decide to become this far right dangerous terrorist?

Nothing except governments policies. 

Men who speak out against their own destruction are now labelled as terrorists – as a way to deter others from stepping out of line. State authorities now launch organized, covert attacks against their own people in the form of lawfare or gang stalking. These attacks are very successful in keeping the people in a state of political conformity through terror. What we are seeing here is one of the first confirmed cases off lawfare in Australia.

Prosecutors like Rebecca McEwen sole responsibility is to tell the truth and they can't even manage that.
Another frivolous charge against Simon Hickey.

Hickey has been charged with dozens of ridiculous minor offences since 2018, in an attempt to drain him of funds and energy, while simultaneously destroying his reputation. If he refused to plead guilty and play along the solution was simple. keep him on bail, attending court, and disrupting his life so much that he would eventually give in, and plead guilty to make it all go away.

Then the minor convictions start to stack up and you want to say ‘hey I pushed for a proper trial with a jury for two years, and was refused every time. Only when a new lawyer talked me into just pleading guilty could they find any court time I could use. You can say ‘I was jailed at a court hearing that was so one sided and disgraceful that they refuse to allow the records of this trial to be made public’ The learned Magistrate will look down at you and try to dispel the rumour by saying ‘you have to pay the fees and fill out the application, they don’t just hand the records out’, like you are some sort of idiot.

He knows full well that you paid the fees and did all the paperwork because it was his order that made them seal the records. It was his courtroom where all this went on and he knows full well that if the records were made public he would be a laughing stock.


Jewish judges and magistrates have taken over our legal system and are using it to destroy people who draw attention to their crimes. In this case, it was 2018 when allegations first surfaced that Hickey did not believe in the ‘Holocau$t’. The Jewish owned media then tried to squash Hickey’s business, and when they failed the police and corrupted legal system took over. The story is detailed more thoroughly in the ZERSETZUNG pages elsewhere on this site, but for now, we look only at the current sentence. This particular offence was ‘manufacturing a dangerous weapon’ namely one caltrop or ‘portable tyre deflation device’.

This item is not illegal in 5 out of 6 Australian states, and is ranked along side slingshot and laser pointer in terms of its threat to human life. But that little detail didn’t stop police using the SWAT team in an armored car, plus forty men with assault rifles and a dozen K9 units to surround Simon Hickey’s temporary residence in Melbourne and make the arrest. Neighbors were evacuated just in the nick of time or their tyres may have been deflated too.

Rebecca McEwen's bretheren in the media doing character assasination again
Rebecca McEwen's bretheren in the media doing character assasination again
Rebecca McEwen thinks using SWAT to arrest peaceful political dissidents is right

Why are police contributing to this insanity? Most police only follow orders, however, the police who give the orders are usually ambitious, willing to arrest their own mother if they think it will curry favour with the boss Jews. Women such as Mick Kelty, Katarina Carrol and Annastacia Palaszczuk are the corrupt elements. What Australians need to understand is that there is no ‘separation of powers’ where police make the arrest but it is the Judge who decides guilt and imposes penalty. That shit is just a fairytale like fire destroyed steel and concrete buildings in 9/11.

In reality, the police, lawyers, judges and prosecutors all work together to rob the public of billions. Why do lawyers cost so much? Is it because they add such value to the community? No, it’s because Jewish judges will jail you if you don’t pay their extortion level fees. I was surprised to learn that Judges actively conspire with police to target individuals who displease them. Spend enough time in court and the result is inevitable. Jail or bankruptcy or both.

In my case, an order came down from Dvir Ambramovic that Simon Hickey is to be brought before the court, on any charge, like a king ordering someone’s appearance. The police know if they do not comply, then the next few prosecutions will go badly for them, and the wheel of corruption turns.

Hickey is extradited from Victoria to New South wales under heavy police guard, and fronts court in Tweed via video link. He is refused bail  and given three years in prison for an item that’s not illegal anywhere else in Australia. Who would impose such a crippling and malicious sentence?

Only a Jew with a burning hatred of everyday Australians. Geoff ‘Oy Vey’ Dunlevy.

To illustrate just how malicious and disproportionate this sentence was, lets look at other sentences handed down in New South Wales. Each one of these is a link for verification.





Rebecca McEwen draws her salary directly from my taxes. Her office, her staff, stationary and bills are paid by your taxes. The courts she preaches in are paid for by white mans taxes. Don’t beat around the bush, white men make up the largest single block of taxpayers in this nation. It is in our interests she should be acting, not against them. No other group of people in Australia has any higher claim on our public resources than white men. Yet we are treated as an enemy of the state, everywhere we go.

Rebecca McEwen, Karen Smith, Jennifer Single, Maggie Cruickshank, Geoff Dunlevy, Tracy Fantin, Bradford-Morgan, Kilmartin, Simpson, Douglas, Coates, Corcoran are using their positions to  imprison hard working, law abiding, successful, and outspoken white men who do nothing more than oppose government policies which are detrimental to Australia’s future. This is by far the most serious form of corruption in public office. Rebecca McEwen knew exactly what she was doing. There is no ‘best intentions’ defense here.  These far left extremists exist in an echo chamber where nobody will dare contradict their blind faith in diversity. 

Hickey before Brisbane Supreme Court

These people have become so emboldened by our complacency – they think they own our legal system. They think prosecutorial immunity will extend past the fall of the corrupt regime, but they are so very, sorely mistaken.

Our legal system, the courts, police, politicians and public sector exist only to serve the interests of the Australian people. White men. Descendants of the original settlers. Not the Jews, not the Indians, or Arabs, Eskimos or international finance. A judge has power only by consent of the Australian people.

We do not exist for his benefit, he exists for ours. 

When our courts and judges put their own interests before ours, they instantly forfeit any claim they had to legitimacy.

If these judges must conceal their records to prevent us learning how they really operate, then they have lost any claim to respect.

Any decision made where the records are hidden from public scrutiny is suspect until proven otherwise. Honourable people don’t conceal records of their activities.


Hickey before Brisbane Supreme Court
Hickey before Brisbane Supreme Court

If the Australian people learn that any one of these principals has been ignored, then we have the right to abolish their corrupt legal system and rebuild it from the ground up, according to universal Christian principals of right and wrong. White working men across Australia have had a gut full of the institutionalized hatred coming from every section of the society we built. If you hate us so  much then get on your bike and leave. We never invited you here in the first place.

We were a happy, self sufficient, confident, educated and trusting people until we let a bunch of scheming Jewish deceivers into our midst. From day one they have undermined our authority and tried to destroy the nation that gave them sanctuary and protection, but our patience has come to an end. 

White men own Australia. It is ours by birthright. There was nothing here when we arrived and everything you see was built by our ancestors. We have just as much claim to this land as the Africans do to Africa, and the Japanese to Japan. We will not sit idly by while you subvert our government, institutions, families, entertainment and culture. You may continue to live amongst us in peace and goodwill if you agree to cease and desist those activities.

If you ignore this warning and persist, we will consider it an open declaration of war and respond appropriately.

Rebecca Mcewen jewish barrister and terrorist
Rebecca Mcewen jewish barrister and terrorist
Rebecca Mcewen jewish kicked out again
Rebecca Mcewen jewish barrister and terrorist

1 September 2023We can all learn something from this tragic but highly amusing incident. What did you notice about the incident? I learned that Kenworth steel cares not for the feelings of fat chicks. I also learned that there’s a blind spot down underneath the drivers line of sight beneath those cabover prime movers. I learned that personal space rules and violations mean very little to a fifty tonne mechanical beast who wants to move forward through the space which currently belongs to another. Overall it has been a very informative day for everyone. Except the silly cunt who died. [...]
2 December 2023It’s been 80 years since Hiroshima was hit by a nuclear weapon. We take a look at how Detroit and Hiroshima have fared since 1945. The results speak for themselves. Detroit is a wasteland. Bankrupt, collapsing, and decayed. Yet it was not hit by a Nuclear Bomb. Detroit was hit with something far worse. The ‘Africanus Americanus Ignoramus’ better known as a ‘nigger’. [...]
11 May 2024Queensland Police latest attempt to pervert the course of Justice failed. Only because Faggy Mc FagBoy Marc Dunn is a general all round fuck up. The man lives entirely on legumes, carrots and Bon Jovi. When its windy outside he has to stay home in case he gets lifted up and carried away like a fart on the autumn breeze [...]
31 March 2024The level of hatred Jews have for all mankind is almost supervillain tier, like something off Batman. Could you image cooking up a poison that literally grows inside its host body, until its tentacles are so long and thick that the carrier ‘s blood supply is choked off completely? I think this time they may have overplayed their hand. Gentiles will not remain gentile much longer. This time the Hebes must be completely annihilatedd. [...]
14 August 2023The idea that our childrens education or growth is damaged by toxic masculinity is just another Jewish poison designed to reduce our men to the sort of limp wristed homosexual that the Jew sees in himself. Only masculinity will win a fight, a battle or war, and that’s why our enemies seek to take ours. [...]
11 May 2024The imminent implosion of the West did not happen by accident. It took a large group of misguided fools to get us into this mess. They all think that because they were following the herd, or taking orders, that they bear no responsibility. The bad news is their collective efforts are being documented, and blame will be attributed – as it should be – to every person who worked toward white replacement. None will escape Justice [...]
9 April 2024This story has everything. It starts out with a Slippery Jew lying to us about a violent, retard level IQ nigger who was accepted into Australia as a ‘refugee. In thirty years living here he contributed nothing at all, then stabbed someone, and nearly killed him. Now he’scrying that he doesn’t want to get deported. The lying Jew is pushing this false tale and a traitorous white whore is doing free legal representation to keep the nigger here in Australia. [...]
11 October 2023Its hard to determine if this over-educated, self-important cunt is a macho bulldyke or just a man with bony girl arms. We could take a readers poll and settle the matter once and for all except that would involve far more people looking at this hideous thing than necessary. So I say we close the page and find something better to do. Let’s go drown some trannies [...]


  • Extreme Misogyny

    Extreme Misogyny

    Women can never be held accountable. If you suggest that a woman did anything wrong, then you're wrong. And also a misogynist. There is zero possibility that your allegations have any merit. There is no chance that she could have done something different and created a better outcome. If a woman says something bad happened, and there is no man around to attribute blame to, then blame automatically falls on her nearest living relative who …
  • Make your own terrorist

    Make your own terrorist

    Take a normal ordinary working man from the suburbs. One who says things that embarass the state government. The spend millions of dollars harassing, stalking , invetsigating, slandering and humiliating him. Then imprison him, take his home, business, family and money, then blame him for your sadism. When thats done jail him again, torture him, lie to him, free him and then start over. Then when he becomes a terrorist you can say 'hey look …
  • Disgrace


    The German people are our brothers. The most closely related people on the planet to us. For too long we have stood by and allowed ignorant fools speak ill of our Bretheren. Using their media power the Jews tricked us into going to war with our own kinsmen. We should be ashamed. It was us who started that war, not the Germans. Wake up.
  • David Frearson

    David Frearson

    David Frearson is another civil servant willing to trade his integrity for shekels. The spineless fruitcake gives double murderers parole on their first attempt. But if someone is accused of 'racism' PAROLE REFUSED. A non-violent first time offender won't get parole, if he is accused of being 'racist' Frearson is using his position to instill terror in the population about what will happen if they refuse to accept the state line of bullshit. about diversity. …
  • Fatigue overwhelmes him

    Fatigue overwhelmes him

    This series of events can only end one way. Hickey lasted as long as he could against overwhelming odds. Working 12 hours a day in the Queensland sun, Unable to wleep through the night because he is woken twice at random times by Queensland police with search lights into his home. Psychological warfare being waged on Simon Hickey by the state.
  • Pfizer Jews

    Pfizer Jews

    The level of hatred Jews have for all mankind is almost supervillain tier, like something off Batman. Could you image cooking up a poison that literally grows inside its host body, until its tentacles are so long and thick that the carrier 's blood supply is choked off completely? I think this time they may have overplayed their hand. Gentiles will not remain gentile much longer. This time the Hebes must be completely annihilatedd.
  • Nicholas James Perriman

    Nicholas James Perriman

    Once upon a time in a quiet Brisbane suburb an electrician met a policeman. They had never crossed paths before, so it seems kinda strange that the cop would make up a story and send the sparky to jail. Perrimans motivations are yet to be revealed, but the important part is his lawyers have not refuted any of the claims made in civil court - becasue they can't. Perriman lied to send an innocent man …
  • Zersetzung


    Zersetzung is a German word of only recent origins. It was coined by the Stasi in the mid twentieth century and means 'decomposition'. In practical terms, the state assigns a team of men to work in shifts around the clock to destroy your life. To isolate you from friends and family, to spread rumours, gossip, break into your home and steal only select items to make you question your own sanity. They will sabotage your …
  • Lessons learned

    Lessons learned

    We can all learn something from this tragic but highly amusing incident. What did you notice about the incident? I learned that Kenworth steel cares not for the feelings of fat chicks. I also learned that there's a blind spot down underneath the drivers line of sight beneath those cabover prime movers. I learned that personal space rules and violations mean very little to a fifty tonne mechanical beast who wants to move forward through …
  • How much can one man take

    How much can one man take

    Here we have the most blatant example of 'lawfare' being waged by far left extremists posing as Magistrates. Using public funds against our own citizens accused of Wrongthink. These deceitful, pompous and sneaky Magistrates who think they are above the law should be praying that ther right never assumes any power in Australia. When that day comes - we will hunt every last one to the ends of the earth.
  • Mohamed came to Australia

    Mohamed came to Australia

    This story has everything. It starts out with a Slippery Jew lying to us about a violent, retard level IQ nigger who was accepted into Australia as a 'refugee. In thirty years living here he contributed nothing at all, then stabbed someone, and nearly killed him. Now he'scrying that he doesn't want to get deported. The lying Jew is pushing this false tale and a traitorous white whore is doing free legal representation to keep …
  • Kevin Corcoran

    Kevin Corcoran

    Kevin Corcorans' formula for becoming boss man in any Government Office : 1. Shut your eyes. 2. Repeat Party slogans 3. Pretend you believe 4. Help the Jews replace white people with muds 5. Collect Shekels 6. Repeat When Jews praise him Lucky Kev the faggot traitor actually believes he is doing good.
  • Responsibility


    The imminent implosion of the West did not happen by accident. It took a large group of misguided fools to get us into this mess. They all think that because they were following the herd, or taking orders, that they bear no responsibility. The bad news is their collective efforts are being documented, and blame will be attributed - as it should be - to every person who worked toward white replacement. None will escape …
  • Selective Justice

    Selective Justice