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Maggie Cruickshank in one of the rare pics of her online. People this evil keep their details well secret


Is there a (legal) way to combat the bigoted, intolerant, and delusional beliefs held by Maggie Cruickshank and all the other flakes who graduated from the same university? I don’t believe there is. These people need to be interned in large, open air detention camps, or deported to Ghana.

That’s a bit harsh, why such a drastic response?

Because these graduates have slowly infiltrated every branch of our government. They are now using those institutions as weapons against the white men who built them. If you dare mention the fact that white men founded this nation, and built all those institutions, adrenaline will surge into her blood. A racist! The loathing Maggie Cruickshank feels is primordial, almost overwhelming. It won’t be satiated until he has paid a terrible price. If it means she must lie to the New South Wales Supreme Court by writing false reports, then that’s what she will do.

But the one thing she won’t do is stick around to answer questions about her report. Far too many holes in it. Just a few simple questions and all her crackpot conclusions would fall like a house of cards. Like all the modern woke theories she subscribes to, Maggie Cruickshanks report can only stand up in a vacuum where we aren’t allowed to ask questions about it.

You need to understand that once women lose their sex appeal, and men no longer pay attention to them, the void must be filled with something. That something is usually hate and revenge. These menopausal fat slags want us dead. They are intent of making white men a tiny minority in the land our fathers built. They have convinced themselves that our civilization just appeared, that blacks and women are fully capable of maintaining it after we’re gone.

The truth about women in positions of aurthority


Maggie Cruickshank entered this profession to make a difference to the world, and racism must stop with her.

Very rarely does an unrepentant racist cross her path, and this opportunity is too good to pass up. This is one of those White Supremacists Cruickshank saw on television, the nasty ones who did terrorism and invented slavery. She has the power to teach this evil man the error of his ways and the only real question now is: how to inflict maximum damage?  The time spent reading all the background material about Simon Hickey has taken her a week. The resentment has been building since she first picked up his file.

This sexist and racist bastard points out all the physical impossibilities of holocau$t stories. Then he makes fun of feminism, social justice, aboriginal activists, diversity, multiculturalism, and affirmative action. He said that women are not as smart as men! That they should not be in leadership positions.

Just last week a team of brilliant women built the world’s deepest diving submarine, and did so without the help of any white men. It wasn’t their fault it imploded within minutes, killing everyone on board.

Not long ago an all-female team of brilliant engineers built a footbridge at Florida University, which collapsed killing six people. Munilla Construction Management boasted on their webpage that they were a female team of engineers who could bring a woman’s touch to their projects. Except when it all went horribly wrong, they filed for bankruptcy, changed their name, and tried to acquire more building contracts.

Then there is the first female captain of a Norwegian battleship who hit an oil tanker in absolutely calm water during perfect visibility.

A female f22 fighter pilot who crashed a $202 million-dollar aircraft on her maiden flight.

The people who died in these events mean nothing. What’s important now is preserving the balance of women in positions of responsibility, regardless of the consequences.  And stopping people like Simon Hickey from noticing a pattern.

The truth about women in positions of aurthority
The truth about women in positions of aurthority


You may scoff. Go right ahead. Then you might say it’s an exaggeration or simple way of looking at things. But pay close attention to what happens next. Having been defeated in a long, drawn out campaign of criminal lawfare, which was fought on two fronts, while running his own business, Hickey’s life was then evaluated by a whole team of fat menopausal women. Their wise and balanced judgement being the final determination of what’s right and wrong. They know good from evil, and womens intuition alone will decide on whether he is afforded freedom.

Hickey will be judged not only on his actions, but his opinions, political expressions, social media posts, videos, articles and letters. All will be evaluated by these incontinent,  track suit wearing, cellulite stricken, connoiseur’s of daytime TV. The man’s constitutionally protected right to free political expression means nothing if he upset one of these fat cunts. Hickey is not accused of any crime, but the prison he will go to makes no distinction between guilt and innocence. It keeps men locked down just the same.

This Supreme Court hearing is so legitimate that there are no rules of evidence. You read that right. A trial is to be held, before any crime has been committed, which will determine whether this man can go free. At this trial : any allegation made by the crown cannot be disputed. It must be accepted as proven. Though that’s kind of par for the course, in any place run by women.

You still have doubts? See the legislation for yourself. 

First,  Maggie Cruickshank was commissioned to write a report outlining just how sexist, racist, homophobic and offensive Hickey was. In effect, the decision making woman was asking another women what she reckoned, before making a decision. A clever way of sharing the blame if an error was found later. The NSW Supreme Court held a hearing in which Simon Hickey was :

  • Accused by an angry woman
  • Defended by an Asian woman
  • Judged by an important woman
  • Who relied on a report written by a delusional woman,
  • Who would not hang around to answer any questions,
  • And refused to record the interview on which her report was based.

This is justice in Australia 2024. Laws mean nothing. Due process is a joke. An ‘expert’ witness can interview a subject, refuse to record the interview, then write a report based on the interview she refused to record, and then refuse to answer questions about her report. Sounds to me like a perfect recipe for deception. Your freedom depends on one womans mood swings, another womans memory, the innate female ability to pass judgement based on irrelevant criteria, and then dodge all responsibility for the final outcome.

At a hearing where there were no rules of evidence.

Seriously. read the fucking report. This is what happened. What still happens, and will eventually happen to you if you stand by and allow this madness to continue.  Too late. Now you don’t meet women’s approval, and its jail time for you.


best ocean gate memes of 2023
best ocean gate memes of 2023
best ocean gate memes of 2023

Memes that make fun of delusional women, so completely reliant on their theories of inclusion and equality that they complete ignore physics and gravity. Dumb cunts who build submarines out of carbon fibre, tinfoil and playstation parts are incredibly funny to us. More hilarious still are the retrards who put their blind faith in these dumb cunts and go down into deep ocean in the doomed vehicle. You’ll note that none of the women who built it were game to go underwater in it. Dodging responsibility again? Whatever happened to ‘captain goes down with his ship?’

What we describe as LMAO equals misogyny and pure hatred according to Maggie Cruickshank. She won’t acknowledge that these coddled women only had the opportunity to waste other people’s money on wacky projects because white men kept them fed, clothed, housed, dry and protected. All while being insulted by the women they treat as gods.

At moments like these white men are entitled to laugh. Laugh their fucking asses off LMAO. It’s not hate dear Maggie, it’s pity.

Stupid people don’t know they are stupid, and we pity them Maggie. That’s all it is. You hate us but we only pity you. For now.

Our hate is reserved for those who gave you power.

The truth about women in positions of aurthority

The Supreme Court of NSW was brought into disgrace by allowing such a hearing to be held in its domain. The public can never again respect that institution after allowing such a gaggle of retards to weild power in its name. The whole debacle can accurately be described as fecal Jewish stain on our legal system. No Aryan man would allow such a farce to take place under his watch.

The rule of law, the right to a fair trial, the MagnaCarta and the Declaration of Independance were all rights won for the worlds common people at the price of our blood. None of it was given freely.  European men, and only white European men fought and died for those rights that were thrown away like shit stained toilet paper the day we gave power to Maggie Cruickshank and her gaggle of Jewish Shiksas

The day we start locking up our own men, before they do anything, because we’re worried they might do something, is the day we are not fit to rule anything. Only those of unsound mind could even propose such a course of action.

And women.

This madness cannot be allowed to continue.

best ocean gate memes of 2023

What’s equally amusing to observers is how these legal eagle justice warriors see themselves. Maggie Cruikshank, Karen Smith, Rebecca McEwen, and Jennifer Single, are all ‘highly eductaed women’ However, a distinction must be drawn between highly educated’ and intelligent. They may have degrees coming out of their incontinence pads, but none of these chicks could catch live prey no matter how hungry they got. Not one could catch a fish, nore a hare, without the assistance of white men. If our society failed, each and every one would starve to death years before the lowliest janitor.

These women made an application (they expected the court to take seriously) to have Simon Hickey jailed because they don’t approve of his political positions. They knew he had never been violent, but still tried to deceive the Surpeme Court into making an order.

What none of them will admit, is that Hickey was successful right up until these meddling cunts forced their way into his life. They caused all the problems they accused him of having. Had they never invaded his home by lying to obtain that first warrant, none of this would have occurred. They insist that warrant is legitimate, but won’t release the application made to get it. Their documents insist that the conviction which resulted proves his guilt, but will not allow records of his court appearance to be made public.

Lets pose a legitimate question. A question so fundamental to the process it should have been asked long ago.

Had our team of crime fighting superwomen not intervened who knows what would have happened?


Let’s imagine for a minute, what terrible nightmare would have come about had they just left him alone? We can make a very accurate prediction about the future if we just look at the immediate past. What was Hickey doing before all this kicked off? Working long hours, raising a family, employing apprentices and running a business. All day. Every day. 365 days a year.

Had we allowed him to continue – we would now have more completed jobs, new staff, more taxes paid, boys would have finished their trade and be qualified sparks, taxpayers would have saved at least $5 million in costs. Hickeys wife would be yelling about something, his hair would be slightly less, he might be a bit fatter, his beloved daughter would be in primary school not nappies and the family would still be together.

Still be together.

Together. Still.

Anglelina would speak English and still have a father in her life

It’s highly likely now that she will never know her father.


The truth about women in positions of aurthority


When Maggie Cruickshank was gathering material to use in her report I agreed to be interviewed. People with a clear conscience fear no enquiry. I had no plans to embark on a campaign of terrorism on release. 

However, It should be made absolutely clear that a large percentage of the population would have sympathised, even supported me, had I chosen to go to war with these terrorists. The general public, people who have never met Simon Hickey, and then learn of these events often marvel at my restraint in not doing so. However, at this point in time, despite all that has happened I was determined to get out, earn some money and go find my girl as quickly as possible. When you have a child, priorities change. As satisfying, justifiable and righteous it would be to kick in some doors and make certain people pay, men who see themselves in the future don’t entertain those thoughts.

As such, I asked that we record our interview. Maggie Cruickshank refused. At the time, I put little thought into it, but should have.

Imagine you were tasked with writing a report for the NSW Supreme Court, a report which would significantly influence a Judge in her decision. A report on which you would be questioned on by at least two barristers, and then have to explain your reasoning and conclusions. Would you not want your report to be as accurate as possible?

Would it help to have proof of what was said, so that your report could be demonstrated as accurate?

Of course it would, there is no benefit to not recording this interview.

Unless….. accuracy is not your goal. Deceit is.

The truth about women in positions of aurthority


Within minutes of her first questions, her open hostility was on display

M: When did you first become a White Supremacist?

S : You have referred to me numerous times as a ‘white supremacist’ but that’s just your confirmation bias. A childish way to discredit anything I say without examining my positions. Let me ask you – why is it wrong to advocate for your own people? Are you saying that the Japanese don’t have any claim on Japan? That they have no right to determine the future of their own country?

M : I’m asking the questions here

The truth about women in positions of aurthority

S: There you go. Throwing offensive labels at me, yet dodging my questions, and refusing to examine your own position. The answer is yes. The Japanese do have a claim to Japan, because they built it. Mexicans have every right to determine Mexico’s future, because it’s their land. The same as we have the right to make decisions that affect Australia’s future. For decades now white people’s interests have been completely ignored by our leaders. They have acted time and again in ways completely detrimental to us and our interests, and I am a ‘nasty white supremacist’ for drawing attention to it? No. I think it is you doing the hating. Hating on white people, expecting our work, labour and taxes but denying us any say in how the country is run. I ask you again: why aren’t white people allowed any say in our own affairs, yet every other race is?

M: When the Japanese act in their own interests that’s ok because they don’t have white privilege.

M: White people cannot be allowed to organize because Holocaust.

M: White people are inherently evil because racism. But it’s not racist for us to say that.

M: Slavery and Holocau$t are unquestionable and your enquiries are offensive because I have no answers for them.

best ocean gate memes of 2023

I rolled my eyes and looked up, wondering where the lord was right now. Could he see what was going on here? Why was it her there and me here? It should be the other way round. This cunt was nothing more than a parrot. A walking cliché. She had not an idea in her head that wasn’t put there by her television. Or Talmud. It was now obvious Maggie Cruickshank was a Jew. Despite her family tree showing Scotland, her genetics gave it away. Her hatred of white people was unconcealable. 3000 years of blood libel, deceit and revenge plots against Amalek’s was on display.

One might point out to Maggie Cruickshank that by drawing a salary paid for by taxing the public, her job, and duty was to the people of Australia. Not Israel. Not the Jews, and certainly not revenge for the Amalek’s some two thousand years ago. She was bound to write a Risk Assessment. One that put the interests of Australians first, and highlighted both for and against, because that’s what a risk report is. 

If you wrote a risk report on the dangers of driving to work, fast driving would be on one side and seatbelts on the other. You weigh the dangers and the protections. That’s what a risk assessment is. But not to Maggie Cruickshank. She owned a vagina and a Menora and would use both to her advantage in her quest to destroy Hickey. Not just for being a racist and a sexist, although that was a big part of it.

This was important to her and her cohorts because Hickey was effective at getting the message across. He spelled things out in a most realistic, and personal way. People paid attentioon when he spoke, so the danger he posed was far more than your ordinary run of the mill racist from a trailer park. Successful people were persuasive. Successful racists ruined their sterotype of ignorance and failure. That’s why Hickey must be utterly and completely destroyed.


The truth about women in positions of aurthority

What’s really incredible about these retarded boomers is their complete lack of self awareness. They have none whatsoever. Take one passage Maggie Cruicksghank wrote in her report that ‘Simon has held and expressed these views for some time, without any thought to the impact he is having on those around him‘. So let’s stop and examine my actions, vs hers. We will deal with hers first, because she is older, she was here before me, and it can be demonstrated that my vierws and expressions are a direct result of her own. Had she not adoped the positions she did, then my opposition to her would not need to be so vocal.

Boomers (The generation born roughly between 1950 and 1970) grew up in Australia that was almost 98% white. Their schools, sports teams, celebrities and entire cities were white. And safe. Then a Jew named Zbrikcksy wormed his way to an advisor position with Prime Minister Grasby. And, in a remarkable co-incidence, government policy changes overnight. Everyone except white people were encouraged to come to Australia.

We even had our women go on missions to darkest Africa to bring back the least compatible people they could find. Millions of new arrivals sent real estae prices through the roof. Anyone who owned a home became rich, but those who didn’t would never afford one. Completely out of reach for anyone not willing to get themselves into mountains of debt.

The boomers were millionaires almost overnight.

This newfound wealth could only be maintained if demand for housing always exceeded supply. The only way to do that was to keep bringing in more people than we had houses available. Some bright spark ensured that all these new arrivals spoke no English, had no intention of working and hated white people with a passion.

Almost every new Australian was somewhere between indian Brown and African Black. neither of which makes for good neighbours.

Our parents could leave their doors unlocked while they slept. They learned stuff in school because they didn’t have to constantly be on guard, and weren’t attacked by black teenagers on every train and bus. Now, we have Muslims gang raping white girls regularly in our largest capital city, Africans stabbing white kids to death in the street and corrupt Jewish judges releasing the killers because niggers ‘didn’t know it was wrong’.

Here’s a logical question : If these people don’t realise that kicking a white child while he is helpless on the ground, being punched and stabbed by other black people, then drawing your own blade and plunging that into the boys heart, before running away, concealing the murder weapon and then hiding from police – if someone is completely unaware that this behaviour is wrong – then why the fuck did you bring in three million of them?

Why did you not do some sort of fucking quiz before boarding the plane. Something like

This is a knife. It’s primary purpose is for

A cutting fruit.

B slicing meat, or

C stabbing white children to death in the street

The youth, being unable to afford a car, must be watching constantly for large gangs of armed negros on every train or bus. Then we get a job and a car, but have to be alert for home invasions, robberies, burglaries and everything not nailed down gets stolen. Every one of these crimes only happened because boomers brought these animals here without any regard for the future of the country. They bought themselves homes far enough out of the ruined suburbs, so they could be safe. Leaving us to live in Somalia. And they have the cheek to call us Nazis for complaining about it.

Australian citizenship test for african refugees

These deranged, irresponsible, and retarded boomers brought in so many blacks that they forever changed the demographics of our country. Then they try to pass this off as virtue, by parroting equality and diversity, like it expunges them of any responsibility. They fucked the entire nation, forever, just so they could be wealthy without working for it.

That’s the cold, hard truth.


One of the memorable parts toward the end was when Maggie Cruickshank asked how I would cope if was released from prison, but not allowed to go home. Her intention was that I be forced to live in another state, where I knew nobody, share a house with convicted paedophiles and made to waste all my time doing her stupid courses, so that she could add the ‘success story’ to her resume.  My reply sounded cynical because it was. I had spent years battling these incredibly selfish boomers.

Anything to keep you in a job. You like to pretend white men are a threat to this country. The truth is White men are this country. White men own this country because our fathers built it.. The only thing we are a threat to is your plan to exterminate us, and rule unopposed.

Anybody with any sense at all can see the injustice in releasing a man from prison (after serving a malicious sentence handed to him by another Jew, one that was 18 times as long as the nearest comparative) and after two years in prison – tell him he cannot go home, see his wife and daughter, resume his work, and get on with his life. This is another bright idea that could only be considered by retards, women or someone who has every intention of causing him permanent damage.

You are sitting here, telling us that the best option is to isolate him from his family, and support network, force him to live with paedophiles, and do a course to combat violent extremism – despite the fact he has never done violence. You see nothing at all wrong with this logic. You are truly batshit crazy or intent on destroying him completely. Nothing good can come of it. How is it you are paid by the government again? Why have you not been fired or jailed Maggie Cruickshank? Imposing those conditions on anyone is beyond insane.

Cruickshank : I’m not the one who imposed the order, the Judge is. Or was.

Hickey : Based on your report

Cruickshank : The judge makes the decision at the end of the day, and we will both be forced to live with it. So how would you cope?

I looked this woman dead in the eye and told her I would hold her personally responsible. She knew what I meant. I hadn’t seen my little girl in more than four years now, thanks to cunts like Maggie Cruickshank. And she was doing her best to make it six.

These are the same women who bawl, and sook and make sad faces on TV when a frustrated man, having been raped by the courts, bankrupted by the process, and humiliated by this gaggle of fat slags goes apeshit and kills a bunch of people.  ‘Why oh why would he do such a thing? We only took his home, children, all his earnings and gave it all to his ex wife so she could shack up with a beta who was more obedient. Oh oh woo woo We need to give women more power…. Boo Hoo how many times have we seen it? Nothing these women did contributed to the result, he just went apeshit for absolutely no reason.

Maggie Cruickshank – like a whole generation of these entitled boomer retards – has not – and never will – take responsibility for her actions. If a Judge makes a decision, based on a report that Maggie Cruickshank wrote : then it is the Judge who bears all responsibility for that decision. When the daughter gets raped before her tenth birthday, because her mother has shacked up with some ‘Defacto’ instead of her real, loving father, it’s nothing to do with Maggie Cruickshank and her bullshit report.

It’s those evil men. Or the Judge. But not her.

Maggie Cruickshank tries to destroy your family if she thinks you're a racist and she is allowed to.

The report she wrote, which jailed the little girl’s father, thereby preventing him from keeping her safe, has nothing to do with Maggie Cruickshank. That report, which prevented this man from doing the one thing that fathers are supposed to do – keep their little girl safe from grown men until they reach maturity – was only incidental. The result some ten years later was nothing to do with Maggie Cruickshank. She was ‘only doing her job’ She (did)n’t worm her way into that position, with the intention of imposing a political agenda on those who crossed her path.

And even if she did, Maggie Cruickshank was certain that she was doing the right thing, by fudging these reports. The ends justify the means. Racism had to stop. Her Jewish University professor taught her so. Noel Ignatiev would be proud of the good she had done since graduation.

That same little girl, lost, depressed, and 8,000 miles from a father who would never have let it happen, was left alone and at home. Her mother had to find work, because the father had become estranged. Her virginity was gone so she was sleeping around at 14. The attack had been four years prior, and now seemed distant. Still so young, but more experienced than the local boys.

The truth about women in positions of aurthority
The truth about women in positions of aurthority

Her first bong was a year later and she was given smak not long after that. The bright, beautiful, and beloved young girl was dead before she was old enough to vote.

But Maggie Cruickshank was not responsible for that. She told herself so every night.

Until that father turned off her lights.