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Australian of the year grace tame and the award won by her vagina
Australian of the year grace tame and the award won by her vagina

The 2021 winners of Australian of the year award should come as no surprise. The establishment is not concealing their anti-white, anti-male agenda. This years awards, like the talent shows on television, were not decided on achievement or extraordinary skill, but who could generate the most sympathy with personal tales of woe. We had the standard ‘historical sexual abuse’ 🙄 routine from two of our winners. There was the mandatory talk about the evils of racism and Ms Isobel Marshall reminded us that women get periods. During which time, men should provide free everything.

Our overall winner for 2021 was Ms Grace Tame who was able to demonstrate just how evil the average white working man is, and get paid for it. But more on her later.


Australian of the year rosemary unga bunga and her true cost to taxpayers

In no particular order, we will look at the contribution these great women have made to our community. Rosemary Kariuki of Sydney, was nominated as ‘Local Hero of the year’ and proved her worth immediately.  She grabbed a stack of victim points early, with her sordid tales of sexual assault back in Kenya. Unfortunately for her, the men who (allegedly) assaulted her weren’t white, so she remained in fourth place. 

Not having grown up in Australia, Rosemary wasn’t aware that being a victim is only part of the challenge. She had to make white people responsible for her misfortune.

Rosemary Kariuki gets raped by Africans and wins an award for being raped.


The audience almost gave her the win due to a tearful recollection of her childhood living conditions. “My father had two wives and 16 children, we all lived in one house with our cousins, aunties and uncles — we used to be like 50 people..There was a lot of sexual abuse because there were so many of us, it was hard to keep track.”

The federal immigation minister thought the last part so moving that 600 of her closest relatives in Kenya were given Australian citizenship and council homes in Sydney. But Rosemarys’ crowning achievement was fifteen years in a diveristy hire position with New South Wales police – dealing with the problems her fellow African refugees caused. ‘Multicultural liaison officer’ was her title and it appears to be one of those jobs invented for the unemployable, funded by white men.

Rosemary Kariuki gets raped by Africans and wins an award for being raped.

The audience almost gave Australian of the year award the win due to a tearful recollection of her childhood living conditions. “My father had two wives and 16 children, He didn’t know I was going to win Australian of the year award. We all lived in one house with our cousins, aunties and uncles — we used to be like 50 people..There was a lot of sexual abuse because there were so many of us, it was hard to keep track.” Nobody knew I would win Australian of the year.

The federal immigation minister thought the last part so moving that 600 of the woman who won Australian of the year closest relatives in Kenya were given Australian citizenship and council homes in Sydney. But Rosemarys’ crowning achievement was fifteen years in a diveristy hire position with New South Wales police – dealing with the problems her fellow African refugees caused. Australian of the year was quick to point out ‘Multicultural liaison officer’ was her title and it appears to be one of those jobs invented for the unemployable, funded by white men. Who dont’ care about Australian of the year

Rosemary Kariuki gets raped by Africans and wins an award for being raped.


Refugee Connect Australia

Our suspicions were confirmed when our new local super hero described her daily duties with NSW Police. ‘I use social setups like morning teas, dinners, dances and road trips to disseminate information and build trust across various cultural groups’.

To help you read between the lines here, white Australian male tax slaves have paid this woman a thousand dollars plus each week for fifteen years, so that she can organise morning teas, dances and social gatherings exclusively for Africans. All while wearing a uniform of the New South Wales police force. She will get the same generous lump sum super and lifetime pension other coppers have to earn- by directing traffic in the rain, peeling dead bodeis off the road, and arresting drug addicts. 

One might be tempted to ask – what would we have done had Rosemary not been here to help?


Australian of the year monkeys media double standards

A better question might be – Why is the media not asking ‘what the hell is going on in the NSW police force?’ If you asked the average working man what he thought, Rosemary would be out on her ass faster than a Sudanese kid with a McDonalds voucher. I’m also now wondering how they found a police uniform to fit her. Did she run the obstacle course or climb that rope? 

Have all the fitness equirements been thrown out the window?


Isobell Marshall Australian of the year and her brilliant periods idea

Next up we go to a young woman from Adelaide, Isobel Marshall who came to the attention of the competition judges for her work in raising awareness of ‘period poverty’. You may never have heard of this very serious problem affecting billions of brown women all over the world, but let me assure you that it’s serious. Very very serious.

Period Poverty is only second to climate change in its ability to destroy the entire planet if we don’t act now, shut down all our factories and send the cash to Mogadishu. It would be racist if Australian men didn’t manufacture, transport and distribute free menstruation products to every brown person in the world. I can’t think of a more worthy cause, or better way to spend my time.

Australian of the year Isobel Marshall who thought it up all by herself


Isobel Marshalls noble goal is to ensure that all the worlds brown women have access to premium sanitary products. She wants those products to be made by people other than herself, using materials someone else paid for. And one can only assume the factory workers are slaves or volunteers because the objective is to make those items free for basically everyone but us. Isolbell’s not paying, the brown women don’t have a dollar between them so I that really only leaves white men – again. I wonder what Isobelle would say if I suggested we should bring back slavery? Of course I would keep a straight face as I said it, and she would automatically assume I meant black people.

  The girl would throw a tantrum. Her face would turn red and she might start throwing tampax at me because ‘evil racism’. She can’t see a problem with enslaving white men to produce all this garbage. For brown people, so they can further increase their breeding rates over ours. But this isn’t even the dumbest part.

Let’s step back a bit. I have a question. And I mean it in the nicest possible way : Who gives a rats ass what Isobell thinks up? Really. I don’t hear anybody volunteering to work in this Tampax factory for free, and Isobell certainly hasn’t donated her time. So how far will it get? The idea is retarded. A child would see its shortcomings and even if it did get off the ground the end result would be a net loss to our GDP.

What I want to know is : which spastic – retarded – fuck, thought Isabells dumb as fuck idea was brilliant to begin with?No wonder our nation is completely and utterly fucked.

Who cares lets move on the next one is just as bad.

Australian of the year Isobel Marshall who thought it up all by herself


"Dr" Miriam Rose Australian of the year in centrelinks


Moving right along we have the obligatory Aboriginal woman to re-inforce how evil it is to be racist. This years winner of Senior Australian of the Year is Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr Baumann. Better known as Ms Unga Bunga. If I was handing out these  awards, my first question would be : “Who the hell gave you a PHD ?”

Miriam might be offended if someone told her that an “honorary PhD” is not as valuable as an earned doctorate qualification. It’s doubtful Miriam even knows how she got here. But the real joke is on university staff who throw away their schools prestige with such abandon.

Australian of the year Miriam Rose Unga Bunga

Who would have thought that by handing out PhD’s willy nilly – they’re de- valuing every doctorate awarded, both in futre and looking back. If you are thinking of undertaking a university course, it would be wise to check if your campus is throwing their PhD’s at barely literate Aboriginals. You might well get to your first real paying job after graduation and  hear “Yes Mr Janson, I see you qualified as a doctor from Boomerang University in 2016 but so did Miriam Rose, and she has trouble spelling her own name. I’m afraid we’re only hiring real doctors today, you should really go and take that PhD course again at a proper university.”


Australian of the year Miriam Rose digging for worms

I can’t really tell What Dr Miriam Unga Bunga is doing with all that knowledge. The reports about her lifes work are vague at best. She’s been described by some as an artist, activist, writer, teacher, and public speaker in the Nauiyu community.

Nauiyu is approximately 225 km from Darwin and situated on the Daly river with a thriving population of about thirty people. Nauiyu is blessed with its own airstrip, gas station, and not ten miles out of town is the Daly River Mango farm.

Australian of the year Miriam Rose Unga Bunga
Australian of the year Aboriginal Corporation logo

It’s hard to imagine Dr. Miriam UngaBunga making her way from Nauiyu to the city every day to study for her PhD, but somehow she managed it. Miriams life has slowed down somewhat in the last few years, and now she’s said to be ‘just doing her bit for the community’.

Australian of the year Aboriginal Corporation logo

Most astounding to us is that these people are said to have contributed more to society than others. You try telling that to a plumber knee deep in mud, or an engineer calculating how thick the copper has to be to carry 112,000 Volts from here to Darwin. These ‘Australians of the year’ contribute nothing. I would bet the farm that this woman has never worked a day in the private sector.

Her entire career has been in the public sector, as an Aboriginal activist, liaison officer, community guidance organiser, youth services councillor or any one of a hundred lately made up jobs paying 100 grand a year plus super.

These jobs are created to give the impression that Aboriginal people are gainfully employed. Now, instead of paying her 20 grand a year in welfare, she costs a hundred grand and people must pretend to listen when she talks. Every brown person who can put on a pair of shoes is guaranteed employment for life in one of these roles. Privileged white men must longer each week, for nothing, to ensure the Aboriginal gravy train never runs out of steam.


Australian of the year grace tame award for being a slut

And finally we come to the overall winner, Ms Grace Tame from Tasmania. She maxed out the victim points this year to achieve a landslide win. Grace won because she ticked every box, and then some. Female? Check. Victim? Check. But here’s the clincher. It was an evil white male who was the source of Grace’s misery. We have a winner !

The ever inspiring Grace Tame has dutifully moved on with her life after being the victim of sexual assault several years ago at the hands of her high school maths teacher. She’s then milked the incident for every last drop of victim-hood – years after the event, by being there to “assist” other victims of sexual assault. (Insert : show them how to generate the most cash and sympathy from their new status.)

Australian of the year Grace tame warning someone that her vagina eats maths teachers

One can be certain that each and every heart to heart talk between distraught, hysterical females begins with  ‘I know how you feel, I was once a victim too’… As they try and compete with one another for who has the most depraved, miserable tales of abuse. Each woman is careful to ensure that her incidents occurred somewhere that will be difficult to disprove, and done by a man who isn’t around to defend himself.

It was a dreadful, painful incident that made Grace Tame the person she is today. Having won Australian of the year, she can now be a fully fledged, decorated and acknowledged Australian victim. She can spend all her time helping other women become victims, so they may share the joy that is misery.

Australian of the year Grace tames vagina won two awards
Australian of the year Grace tame giving prime minister a death stare

Before we close, I’d like to point out the obvious. There was more than one girl in my high school who had a crush on teacher. It wasn’t something they were shy about. All the boys in our class knew it, and the girls knew long before we did. The teachers would have noticed these young girls trying to flirt.  It’s not beyond the realms of possibility that this young lassie seduced her maths teacher.

The man convicted of her rape was still certainly wrong, and has only himself to blame for the jail term. The law is clear. Grace was too young to give her informed consent, but that doesn’t mean she was innocent.

Grace Tame Australian of the year hatching a plan to pass her maths test and get a million dollars

She knew what she was doing. Fifteen is not five. Girls have been getting married at that age for thousands of years. She could easily have easily run away the first, second or even the third time. By the tenth time it was obvious she didn’t want to run away.


According to her own statement : Grace reported him after a full school year and about 20 to 30 occasions of sexual contact. If we allow for women’s complete disregard for the truth, and their inability accept responsibility, we can safely assume she was banging her maths teacher almost every day for a year.

Who wants to take my bet that she only reported him when he tried to end it?

Please. Give this girl an award.

Grace is a hero to you, to me, and the whole community. She survived sexual assault, made a bucket load of money from the Tasmanian government, then milked her story for it for all it’s worth and got on telly with the Prime Minister. All for banging her maths teacher. I wonder what happened to him?

Australian man in jail where he should be

Grace has now obtained perpetual, glorious victim status and can never criticized  again. She milked the taxpayer for at least a couple mill and inspired other young girls to follow in her footsteps. She truly is the Australian of the year 2021. Congratulations Grace.

9 April 2024This story has everything. It starts out with a Slippery Jew lying to us about a violent, retard level IQ nigger who was accepted into Australia as a ‘refugee. In thirty years living here he contributed nothing at all, then stabbed someone, and nearly killed him. Now he’scrying that he doesn’t want to get deported. The lying Jew is pushing this false tale and a traitorous white whore is doing free legal representation to keep the nigger here in Australia. [...]
14 June 2023Any rational observer can see that our legal system has been completely hijacked by fanatical zionists who blatantly discriminate against white men. Prosecutors routinely drop charges against black people charges with serious offences, even murder. But a white person can get years of jail time for the most trivial of offences. These people must be held accountable. [...]
22 March 2024The German people are our brothers. The most closely related people on the planet to us. For too long we have stood by and allowed ignorant fools speak ill of our Bretheren. Using their media power the Jews tricked us into going to war with our own kinsmen. We should be ashamed. It was us who started that war, not the Germans. Wake up. [...]
15 February 2024Australian men can now be put on trial for something they haven’t done yet, in a Supreme Court hearing where there are no rules of evidence. You’ll be judged by a state appointed woman, prosecuted by another woman, defended by well a meaning woman, on the basis of a report written by sneaky, spiteful women like Maggie Cruickshank. If they think you’re a bastard it’s off to jail for you. [...]
24 September 2023This post was about Jewish control of the media but that was covered in the other one yesterday so fuck knows what I will do with this [...]
11 May 2024The imminent implosion of the West did not happen by accident. It took a large group of misguided fools to get us into this mess. They all think that because they were following the herd, or taking orders, that they bear no responsibility. The bad news is their collective efforts are being documented, and blame will be attributed – as it should be – to every person who worked toward white replacement. None will escape Justice [...]
4 August 2023Women can never be held accountable. If you suggest that a woman did anything wrong, then you’re wrong. And also a misogynist. There is zero possibility that your allegations have any merit. There is no chance that she could have done something different and created a better outcome. If a woman says something bad happened, and there is no man around to attribute blame to, then blame automatically falls on her nearest living relative who may be fined or jailed without trial. Bastard. [...]
14 August 2023More than any other agency, organization, collective or group, the media is by far the most damaging to our nation and people. The media is the Jews. They need to be expelled or annihilated. or both. [...]


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