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Simon John Hickey the most vilified man in Australian History


T H E   C O M P L E T E   S T O R Y




Simon Hickey from 2021

Simon John Hickey is an Australian electrician, business owner, father, husband and nationalist. Up until 2018 his business Smerff Electrical was very successful. He employed a dozen men and managed more than 600 electrical jobs every year.  When he wasn’t working late hours, Simon expressed his frustration through online articles which mocked almost everything our leaders hold as sacred. He made fun of their never ending “holocau$t” guilt trip then moved onto feminism, diversity, and the always expanding reach of Globo Homo.

The readership wasn’t large, but many Australians shared Simon’s views. We know this because when word got around that someone was doubting their holocau$t, our media tried to destroy Smerff Electrical. They smeared Simon Hickey on television and called their segment ‘Nazi Sparky’. Funniest thing was the business actually grew due to their story. Informed people know that the WWII gas chambers are a complete fabrication. They know that and almost everything else we are force fed by the media  is complete bullshit. People simply don’t hate Nazis. But now the establishment was pissed. Queensland’s political conformity police took over where media left off.

Simon Hickey from 2021

There began a slow, insidious campaign of disruption, sabotage and harassment against Hickey which continued non-stop right through till 2022. His home was raided no less than seven times by armed police – for such heinous crimes as “installing security cameras without a proper permit” Following that raid, Hickey uploaded CCTV footage which embarrassed the Queensland government. He was then raided a second time as punishment for drawing attention to the first raid.

Simon Hickey from 2021

There began a slow, insidious campaign of disruption, sabotage and harassment against Simon John Hickey which continued non-stop right through till 2022. His home was raided no less than seven times by armed police – for such heinous crimes as “installing security cameras without a proper permit” Following that raid, Simon John Hickey uploaded CCTV footage which embarrassed the Queensland government. He was then raided a second time as punishment for drawing attention to the first raid. Simon John Hickey. harassed by the media, attacked by the government, fined, intimidated and jailed is back.

SIMON JOHN HICKEY – must be silenced

Queensland political conformity police.


Queensland political conformity police.

To get an idea of how many boomers think they are entitled to government jobs for life, you should be aware that if just one of their pool, curtain, fencing, or camera inspectors takes a dislike to you – police will force their way into your home. The 2017 search warrant issued by some magistrate too gutless to clearly print his name listed ‘unlicensed security cameras’ as the reason police could force entry to my home..

But the truth is far different. Who do you know that’s been raided at dawn by armed police to check for a camera permit? Nobody on the left side of politics. This raid, along with all the subsequent harassment, was a lesson to the community about what happens to people who express right wing political views.

Queensland political conformity police. Making sure you don't wrongthink

No other person in living memory has been harassed and disrupted by government more than Simon Hickey. Home invasions, audits, investigations, surveillance, harassment, extortion, threats, intimidation and isolation. 

After seeing what happened to me, who else will voice their opinion?

Queensland political conformity police.

To get an idea of how many boomers invaded Simon John Hickey home in Stretton, and think they are entitled to government jobs for life, you should be aware that if just one of their pool, curtain, fencing, or camera inspectors takes a dislike to you – police will force their way into your home. The 2017 search warrant issued for my home. Simon John Hickey, by some magistrate too gutless to clearly print his name listed ‘unlicensed security cameras’ as the reason police could force entry to my home..

But the truth is far different. Who do you know that’s been raided at dawn by armed police to check for a camera permit? Nobody on the left side of politics. This raid, along with all the subsequent harassment, was a lesson to the community about what happens to people who express right wing political views. Don’t agree with Simon John Hickey or the same will happen to you. That was the lesson.


During the lull between battles, I often looked inward and questioned whether I had brought this trouble on myself. There are things I could have done differently, yes, but would I if given the chance? No. I did nothing wrong. We were unremarkable working class citizens. We were minding our own business, customers were happy, we had no debt, and the taxman was paid. During the first government raid I had customers calling me up, complimenting my staff on a job well done. I put those callers on speaker so the government stooges in my office stealing my things could hear what was said. But they still stole our entire appointment list, leaving 50+ customers in the lurch. Two years and three more raids later, I was preparing an illustrated minimum standards guide for our staff when police ran into my office and fucked up the whole project.

Even after that fourth armed raid,  I was still doing my best to improve our service to the general public. No. I have nothing to be sorry for. 

Ask yourself this : If a man is honest in all his business dealings, pays his debts on time, honours all warranty claims and has no criminal convictions, does it matter what his personal beliefs are? How does this man go from being an average unknown tradesman to National Security Interest overnight? 

Does our government have the right to target someone if they don’t approve of his politics?

No. They do not. The men raiding Hickey’s home are terrorists.

Queensland political conformity police.

I have a clear conscience. It was the media who instigated this attack on my business, and when they failed, Queensland police took over. Why? Because I spoke the truth in a sea of lies. Their delusional theories were being exposed.

2 + 2 does not equal 5, equality is impossible, diversity is not a strength and the German people are our brothers. We were tricked into WWII and the Holocau$t is a myth designed to prevent us from learning the terrible truth. White people are not the cause of all your misery. We built everything you take for granted and you only resent us because you feel inadequate in our presence. That’s just the beginning.


Big media nazi sparki simon Hickey

I kept those opinions to myself until the Australian media declared war on Simon Hickey, and Smerff Electrical. They brought the fight to us, in my home, not the other way around. The entire nations media tried and failed to destroy my business.  – but Smerff Electrical prospered where others failed. With public support our little team was winning.

The media bosses failed to grasp that honest men hold an unshakable inner confidence in our work, our good character and the truth. I am Simon Hickey. White working man. Proud of myself, my achievements, my industry and my ancestors. I will not apologise for anything to people who hate me. I will not step back and be replaced in my own nation, and I do not owe anybody a living… Least of all those who despise me.

Waking up from anti white brainwashing simon Hickey
Simon Hickey's crew from 2021

As Simon Hickey, I kept those opinions to myself until recently. Until the Australian media declared war on Simon Hickey. They brought the fight to us, in my home, not the other way around. The entire nations media tried and failed to destroy my business.  – but Smerff Electrical prospered where others folded. With public support our little team was winning. The media bosses failed to grasp that honest men hold an unshakable inner confidence in our work, our good character and the truth.

I am Simon Hickey and Smerff Electrical. White working man. Proud of myself, my achievements, my industry and my ancestors. I will not apologise for anything to people who hate me. I not will step back and be replaced in my own nation, and Simon Hickey does not owe anybody a living… Least of all those who despise me.

Smerff Electrical shall live on


For a limited time, we are giving away the fault finding matrix so carefully developed by Simon John Hickey in secret, using only an abacus, two wooden spoons and a dead koala. It was all done right here in Australia. Hickey spent years calculating risk, analysing data, charting outcomes and being racist, even when the others gave it away, Hickey pushed through the envelope. And it finally paid off. 

iℏ+ (∂t∂) [6x(!) 𝑠)=∑𝑛=1∞1 inversely proportionate 

or (simplified) x (𝑛𝑠<>

= Niggers.

The elusive algorythm may have remained undiscovered still, had some black cunt not stolen Hickey’s bike from right outside his house one rainy August morning. And it was then that the final peice of the puzzle fell into place. The answer was niggers all along.

Now Hickey shares that Matrix with you, the reader. Here is the illustrated guide which can be used to identify exactly which segment of the population is causing your particular problem. It’s colour coded for fast identification, the overlaps can halp you attribute blame proportionately when more than one group is involved, and it’s simple enough that anyone can use it.

You can print it in A3 or we’ll send you a handy A1 size version for managements whiteboard. Simply pin your marker on the matrix, and check which colours are overlapping. There’s a +/-3.5 % tolerance room for error, according to AS4110.2 so even without hitting the mark exactly right, you can be sure that the problem lies in one of those four colours. No two problems are the same so it can be used again and again, placing the marker in a new spot every time for an accurate result.

Root Cause of all problems in the Western World

The problem we have is big government. It’s obvious to every informed citizen that our leaders do not act in Australia’s interests. They do what they are told by those who control finance. These people will raind Simon John Hickey anytime.. This small group of power hungry maniacs are paranoid that voters will get wise to their schemes. They establish ‘Counter Terrorism’ units, and promote ambitious, but unscrupulous police into those positions. CT units then go after any citizen who steps out of line, to deter others from following suit.

I was their number one target 2017 – 2022 because I got wise, and drew attention to their plans. Will I ever be allowed to live the normal life I had, before you built this  labelled me a ‘right wing extremist, NSI and / or terrorist?’ Simon John Hickey is the opposite of terrorist.

The only terrorists here are you – the CT units and their handlers. I am not forcing my way into your home, stealing your things, criminalizing your views or smearing your name. Simon John Hickey doesn’t do that stuff. It is you doing all these things to me. If we took a survey of all the white men who ever lived – and they could see what our own men, calling themselves CT are doing : You’d be face down in the sand, a blood eagle your just reward. 

The miserable salary you take to work against your own people only brings further shame on your lineage.


The problem we have is big government. It’s obvious to every informed citizen that our leaders do not act in Australia’s interests. They do what they are told by those who control finance. This small group of power hungry maniacs are paranoid that voters will get wise to their schemes. They establish ‘Counter Terrorism’ units, and promote ambitious, but unscrupulous police into those positions. CT units then go after any citizen who steps out of line, to deter others from following suit.

I was their number one target 2017 – 2022 because I got wise, and drew attention to their plans. Will I ever be allowed to live the normal life I had, before you built this  labelled me a ‘right wing extremist, NSI and / or terrorist?’

The only terrorists here are you – the CT units and their handlers. I am not forcing my way into your home, stealing your things, criminalizing your views or smearing your name. It is you doing all these things to me. If we took a survey of all the white men who ever lived – and they could see what our own men, calling themselves CT are doing : You’d be face down in the sand, a blood eagle your just reward. 

The miserable salary you take to work against your own people only brings further shame on your lineage.

Simon Hickey's crew from 2021

I will continue to speak the truth and I care not what filthy names you call me. The only reason you take such an interest in what I do is because you’re afraid. You know the majority of white Australian men agree with me and our corrupt leaders are paranoid that we will get organized.

The celebrities who constantly insult and degrade white men, the police who rob my home, the politicians who betray us, the academics, musicians, bureaucrats, invalids and single mums who hate white working men – all eat at our expense. 

Simon Hickey's crew from 2021

The free medical, education, transport, security, power and water, is only free for you. We work for it. Everything you consume, every cent you get in welfare, every dollar paid to every civil servant, has to first be stolen from us.

White men are the only group of people in our nation whose contribution exceeds their demands. Every other race, creed, colour, gender or sexuality is completely dependant on us to build and maintain the civilization you think just appeared.. White men grew those vegetables, farmed that beef, paved that road, laid those pipes and built that school. We are not dependent on you – it’s the other way round. It’s time you started listening to what we have to say.

11 May 2024Queensland Police latest attempt to pervert the course of Justice failed. Only because Faggy Mc FagBoy Marc Dunn is a general all round fuck up. The man lives entirely on legumes, carrots and Bon Jovi. When its windy outside he has to stay home in case he gets lifted up and carried away like a fart on the autumn breeze [...]
25 November 2023Britney Higgins went out on a date wearing no panties. When Bruce Lehrmann showed up at the same venue just after midnight, she ditched her date and went to parliament house with Bruce. She was found naked and drunk, on her bosses floor carpet the next morning. For that we gave her nearly five million dollars. it really was a brilliant get rich quick scheme [...]
24 September 2023This post was about Jewish control of the media but that was covered in the other one yesterday so fuck knows what I will do with this [...]
19 July 2023This series of events can only end one way. Hickey lasted as long as he could against overwhelming odds. Working 12 hours a day in the Queensland sun, Unable to wleep through the night because he is woken twice at random times by Queensland police with search lights into his home. Psychological warfare being waged on Simon Hickey by the state. [...]
14 November 2023In a diabolical genius move, the terrorists were able to hide their activities by holding a seminar. They invite all our counter terrorism forces and say ‘hey look over there’ while waving a picture of nudie Margaret Thatcher. While our CTG was distracted elsewhere BOOM SHANKA the terrorists struck again. Our special forces were so embarrassed they rounded up a bunch of white guys and declared them public enemy, as a way to hide their own failures. [...]
7 December 2023Take a normal ordinary working man from the suburbs. One who says things that embarass the state government. The spend millions of dollars harassing, stalking , invetsigating, slandering and humiliating him. Then imprison him, take his home, business, family and money, then blame him for your sadism. When thats done jail him again, torture him, lie to him, free him and then start over. Then when he becomes a terrorist you can say ‘hey look everyone we are the hero’s we stopped the terrorists.’ – Australian Governments cunning plan [...]
27 July 2023Everyone lies at times. But the human female is unique in her ability to concoct the most devious and damaging lies at the worst possible times, to exact revenge on men who often have not done her wrong. A man need only not pay enough attention to todays woman and he will find himself in trouble with the law, his wife, his community or all of the above. Even if the woman is found out, she suffers no punishment. [...]
14 August 2023The idea that our childrens education or growth is damaged by toxic masculinity is just another Jewish poison designed to reduce our men to the sort of limp wristed homosexual that the Jew sees in himself. Only masculinity will win a fight, a battle or war, and that’s why our enemies seek to take ours. [...]


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