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Recently I have been reflecting on conversations between myself and various state officials, nosey parkers, screws, friends, enemies, cops, apologists, unwarranted shrinks and therapists, complete strangers, and sometimes other drunks when the sun is coming up. Any man who showed interest, intelligence, and stood still long enough that we may talk. I want to make a formal declartion.

As of today there is a great big line in the sand. Where once I would tolerate, listen to and sometimes even respect those who stood on the opposite side, those days are now gone. Finished. You people have proven yourselves unworthy of respect. Too much has happened. The situation now calls for all responsible, ethical, hard working and forward thinking men to decide where he stands. Here is your choice.



Recently I have been reflecting on conversations between myself and various state officials, nosey parkers, screws, friends, enemies, cops, apologists, unwarranted shrinks and therapists, complete strangers, and sometimes other drunks when the sun is coming up. Any man who showed interest, intelligence and stood still long enough. Most of those were very well informed about certain events, but to the others,  I want to make a formal declaration.

As of today there is a great big line in the sand. Where once I would tolerate, listen to and sometimes even respect those who stood on the opposite side, those days are now gone. Finished. You people have proven yourselves unworthy of respect. Too much has happened. The situation now calls for all responsible, ethical, hardworking, and forward-thinking men to decide where they stand. Here is your choice.


The men pictured below will look familiar to you. They were your friends at school, your brothers, fathers, cousins, and neighbours. If you see enough of them, you will find one that looks like you. Exactly like you. Because they are you. You share their blood. You are closely, directly, genetically, and irreversibly related to all these men. And that carries certain obligations, that should not need spelling out. But let’s give everyone the chance to do right and explain in simple terms what your obligations are as a white man.

From this point forward – if you share our blood, you will give these men the respect they deserve. The respect they earned.

These men fought, and died, not for themselves, but for your benefit. They laid down their lives, their limbs, their blood, their future, their everything, so that you may live in your own homeland, among your own people, safe, happy, and free. German boys and men were blown to pieces in sub zero temperatures by the million. They were shot, stabbed, taken prisoner, and burned to death. Injured limbs were sawn off on the front line under enemy fire. Horrors so unspeakable just watching from a safe distance would kill most of you, but they endured it. For what?

This man held the line in subzero temperatures to defend his reich.

So that you can sit in front of the television while every naked brown savage invades your lands unopposed. If those brave men could see those savages then gang rape your women, while you sit idle, paralysed by fear of being called racist they would shoot you themselves. You deserve nothing less. Nobody would fight another day if they knew what sort gutless, spineless, and retarded faggots you have become. The proof of my statement is that right now, you’re offended on behalf of the faggots, for something a ‘Nazi’ said.

This man held the line in subzero temperatures to defend his reich.
Blitzkrieg only stops to play with kittens
Honourable German soldier, looks like you because he is you
Blitzkrieg only stops to play with kittens
Boys in uniform marching happily toward almost certain death
Only men who have witnessed death on an industrial scale get this look
The dog must be a war criminal if he is wearing an SS hat


Ask yourself why you’re offended. You won’t admit it so I will tell you. You are offended because women will be offended, and pleasing women is now more important than truth, honour or loyalty. Why are the women offended? Women are offended because conformity is their security. The television has convinced them that being offended is whats expected and not one in a thousand has a grasp on the geopolitical objectives of our enemies. Most women refuse to believe that we have enemies. Aristotle once said ‘the opinion of ten thousand men means nothing if none understand the subject.’ This must be equally applied to women, if none understand the problem, then the opinions of a million women count for nothing. You know that instinctively, but to keep them on side you listen when they speak nonsense. Sometimes you even act on that nonsense.

But most importantly, the main reason you are offended, is because playing along will keep you in a job. Repeating the lies, knowing they are lies, makes you a good citizen. A pleasant lie to avoid an ugly truth makes the women in your life happy. They in turn give you access to vagina, and that’s what you crave most. Acceptance. Women’s approval. Popularity and security.

Boys in uniform marching happily toward almost certain death

You think you’re offended, but we are far more ashamed than you are offended. Ashamed of you, for you, for your family and the disgrace you have brought on them, your fathers, their fathers and grandfathers. You’re an embarrassment. Look in the mirror. A man willing to speak ill of his ancestors, curse their memories, and bring his entire volk into disrepute – just so women will not scorn him is no man at all. Those women, whose approval you so desperately seek, let me ask you – what do they look like? I am not asking because I don’t know, I just want to hear you admit it. Are they beautiful, fertile, loyal and willing sirens waiting to give you a lifetime of love? Or are they second rate, squid faced, overweight, waddling balls of resentment? Interested only in what’s best for them at the expense of everyone else. You know exactly what I am referring to. Almost every fair skinned woman in our land belongs in that second group. These fat cunts aren’t worth crossing the road for. Certainly not worth dying for. To hell with them.

The only women worth breeding, and therefore – worth defending – are of those of child bearing age whose bloodlines have not yet been tainted. The fair skin, lusting and desirable young sirens who have not been mindfucked by modern Jewish feminism. And the only way to be absolutely certain of breeding one is to win. To be the dominant men in your territory. To take one as your wife after driving off those who might challenge you. Only then will you deserve those breeding rights, because that’s what God intended.

Honourable German soldier, looks like you because he is you
Honourable German soldier, looks like you because he is you


We will be victorious in the end, but without struggle there is no glory in our fight. It must be made clear to those of little faith that pussy, money, gold, fame, whatever the inducement, there is no excuse that grown men, white men – can use to justify bringing shame on our people. There’s no excuse to remain quiet while fat chicks, and Jews make foul accusations against our German kinsmen. The European brotherhood who righteously fought to defend their homeland. Germany didn’t start the war; England did, Churchill more than anyone else forced it upon Europe, and only did so because he owed Jewish moneylenders. Fifty million white Europeans died, so the Jews could steal Palestine. They manipulated events with such precision that even today, most people are unaware that they alone are responsible for the Second World War, and almost every other conflict between nations.

It does not matter what our men are accused of. They did what they had to. We stand by them. I stand by them. As I would stand by you, if you were on our side of the line. Meine Ehre ist Treue. My honour is loyalty.

Only men who have witnessed death on an industrial scale get this look

The line in the sand has been drawn. Pick one side, but your decision is final. Should you continue to remain silent while some rat Jew whines about his six billion dead cousins, that’s where you stand and it’s not with us. You are nothing more than a gutless worm. A coward, not worthy of respect. Not worthy of a place at Odins table, not even serving it. When you concede that the ‘Yes, the Germans did bad things’ or ‘there were atrocities committed on both sides’ you have given away any claim to righteousness we had. What you say is meant to placate, but it’s not accurate, and more importantly – you weren’t there. How the fuck would you know? The correct answer is – ‘Shut your mouth commie faggot. Those were our people, fighting for their homeland. Germany never started the war. England carpet bombed German civilians for months before Germany hit back. Acording to criminal law, and forever in God’s law : if you are defending yourself from unprovoked attack then the use of deadly force perfectly legal – and justified.

Repeat after me. Hitler was right. The German people are our brothers. They did nothing wrong. Say it.

If we look at it objectively, the restraint Hitler showed in not retaliating against British bombing raids should be praised. The German high command sent dozens of peace envoys to Britain before being forced to defend themselves. Who told you the Germans were evil because ‘holocau$t’? You saw it on television? Think about what you just said. Say it again – out loud – so you can hear just how retarded you sound.

The dog must be a war criminal if he is wearing an SS hat

Adolf Hitler was a Christian who did not drink, smoke, or swear in front of women. He lifted Germany out of its rapid downward spiral into depression, and debauchery. The man loved animals, he could walk anywhere without fear because his people were happy. They volunteered to defend the Reich because they loved him and their country. Their love was genuine because finaly someone had removed the Jewish parasite from their backs. As a direct result of removing Jews from power, Germany went from utter bankruptcy to unmatched levels of prosperity, the highest living standard on earth. But the Jews were now worried. If other nations worked out why the Germans became so prosperous, the Zionist parasite would have been run out of power everywhere overnight.

The German people fought to the death because Adolf Hitler and the third Reich was worth defending. It still is. The truth of that statement is self evident.

Hans, slow down around the corner or i will spill my hot cholcolate
This would be a far more effective ad for any dog food in any context
You know that grenade is going to hit its mark. Because our men can fight
You can just tell this man is planning evil deeds because he is smiling and looks evil


Common people are overwhelmingly good people. Honest, caring and decent. A large part of their willingness to fight for Adolf Hitler was that their decency was reflected in German high command. Hitlers direct orders were made clear to every German soldier, and those men respected him all the more for it. Enemy civilians were not to be harmed, women were to be respected and private property was to be left with its owners wherever possible. His soldiers were welcomed into almost every country they marched because the civilians were now free from tyrannical communist rule. The videos of this are everywhere.

This would be a far more effective ad for any dog food in any context

Nazi soldiers were regularly welcomed into (their enemies) civilian homes and slept there overnight without disrespecting any of the women inside. In no other conflict between nations has a civilian population welcomed the enemy with such enthusiasm. That alone is proof of the regions goodwill towards Germany. Goodwill cannot be manufactured, bought or demanded at the point of a gun. It can only be earned with good deeds. People who continue to spread filthy lies about our men will be noted, identified and recorded for future expulsion. This natural law must be emphasised to the men falsely claiming to be ‘Counter Terrorism, Secret or state Police, intelligence, defence, law enforcement’ or any government agency tasked with keeping our nation safe. Your obligation is not to defend polititians, democracy, ever changing values, diverisity, LGBTQ rights, equality or any lately made up Jewish bullshit. Your duty is to protect and serve the original descendents of the first settlers of Australia. White people. Nobody, and nothing else matters. We are Australia, we own Australia, we are the rightful rulers of this country and anyone who suggests otherwise is planning our extermination. The only thing white men are a threat to is their plan to exterminate white people. Think about it. Once you have helped them replace us, you will be next. No group of people, no society, no village, country, kingdom, or continent has ever voluntarily stepped aside and given away their territory. Yet that is what you are asking us to do now. That is what you are helping them with.

You know that grenade is going to hit its mark. Because our men can fight

There’s a simple, logical and harmless way that individual police and intelligence can verify these claims. All you need to do is question their bullshit. When that next ADL training course comes up and Schlomo Dunlevy is explaining how white men are the biggest threat to Australia, ask him why there was no terrorism when Australia was white. Keep a straight face, and allow him to stammer, backtrack and mumble. He cannot answer the question because he is lying. When he tells you that right wing extremists did more terrorisms than any other group, ask for some examples. At that point his phone will become important as he stalls for time. If you can’t see for yourself now that this motherfucker is lying you should not be a cop. If you are unwilling to challenge him as simply and politiely as I have shown here you should not be a cop. Do the right thing. Don’t take my word for it, any of these examples will prove it to yourself. Once that is done, there are many ways you can help. The choice is yours.

Honourable German soldier

Let it be known that any white man not actively working towards our common goal is an enemy. One of ours recorded speaking ill of the Germans, Nazis, Krauts or the Huns, Russians, Belgians, Dutch, French, Swiss or Finnish, has chosen his side. There is no going back. This includes using the term ‘Nazi’ or right wing extremist in a derogatory or damaging context. Especially if that context is before a judge, jury, court or tribunal. You are an enemy if you inflate investigation figures, spy on nationalist groups, exaggerate reports, or assist the enemy. You should be standing firm and reporting the truth, that no white people are engaged in / or suspected of terrorism. Write in big bold black marker across the file – senior officers are pushing you to manufacrture ‘White Supremacy’. There will be proof enough of what you people have been doing when the records are seized. If those records are destroyed then you’re all guilty by default. Just ‘doing your job’ if that job conflicts with your obligations as one of us, means jack. That job is nothing more than a pitiful bribe to betray your own people. One you accepted, and expected us to forgive you for.

You thought wrong.

You know that grenade is going to hit its mark. Because our men can fight

Grown men who are employed specifially to defend our people and country. Police, Military, intelligence, ASIO, ASIS, CIA, FBI, NSA, MI5 and the others we can’t name – those who go along with, accept and refuse to challenge obvious and malicious lies which brings our people into disrepute – have failed their people. By dividing that one investigation into five, to boost ‘right wing terror plots foiled’, you have faked the numbers. Deliberately altered public perception which then justified the Jewish Judges life sentence given to some white boy for a bag of firecrackers and a swastika. Either way you have failed your duty. Framing that retarded kid who was posting on 4chan does not make you a hero, or a good cop. It makes you a fucking traitor. All you had to do was talk to him and say ‘mate, pull your head in, they’re watching you. Pop out of a trash can or something to really freak him out but don’t jail the fool. What are you a sadist? You fucked his whole life for a promotion. That’s the truth.

You may have pleased your Jewish bosses, but only because they hate us and want us dead. You too are on that list, just a little lower than the rest of us. And too stupid to see it. Take a good look in the mirror useful idiot. You have failed your own people. The one obligation that all men have, every adult male regardless of race understands this obligation – except you. This one stands paramount to every other duty, loyalty, priority or job you will ever have. Your duty to defend, protect and help your own people, those who share your blood – has been failed. Nothing else you do in life will make up for that failure. May your sons one day restore the family honour, and remove their good name from your headstone.

Fuck off and die maggot.

You know that grenade is going to hit its mark. Because our men can fight
11 May 2024Queensland Police latest attempt to pervert the course of Justice failed. Only because Faggy Mc FagBoy Marc Dunn is a general all round fuck up. The man lives entirely on legumes, carrots and Bon Jovi. When its windy outside he has to stay home in case he gets lifted up and carried away like a fart on the autumn breeze [...]
19 July 2023Zersetzung is a German word of only recent origins. It was coined by the Stasi in the mid twentieth century and means ‘decomposition’. In practical terms, the state assigns a team of men to work in shifts around the clock to destroy your life. To isolate you from friends and family, to spread rumours, gossip, break into your home and steal only select items to make you question your own sanity. They will sabotage your employment, schooling, anything that will slow you down and make your life as difficult as possible. [...]
27 July 2023Everyone lies at times. But the human female is unique in her ability to concoct the most devious and damaging lies at the worst possible times, to exact revenge on men who often have not done her wrong. A man need only not pay enough attention to todays woman and he will find himself in trouble with the law, his wife, his community or all of the above. Even if the woman is found out, she suffers no punishment. [...]
2 December 2023It’s been 80 years since Hiroshima was hit by a nuclear weapon. We take a look at how Detroit and Hiroshima have fared since 1945. The results speak for themselves. Detroit is a wasteland. Bankrupt, collapsing, and decayed. Yet it was not hit by a Nuclear Bomb. Detroit was hit with something far worse. The ‘Africanus Americanus Ignoramus’ better known as a ‘nigger’. [...]
14 June 2023Any rational observer can see that our legal system has been completely hijacked by fanatical zionists who blatantly discriminate against white men. Prosecutors routinely drop charges against black people charges with serious offences, even murder. But a white person can get years of jail time for the most trivial of offences. These people must be held accountable. [...]
7 December 2023Take a normal ordinary working man from the suburbs. One who says things that embarass the state government. The spend millions of dollars harassing, stalking , invetsigating, slandering and humiliating him. Then imprison him, take his home, business, family and money, then blame him for your sadism. When thats done jail him again, torture him, lie to him, free him and then start over. Then when he becomes a terrorist you can say ‘hey look everyone we are the hero’s we stopped the terrorists.’ – Australian Governments cunning plan [...]
24 September 2023This post was about Jewish control of the media but that was covered in the other one yesterday so fuck knows what I will do with this [...]
15 February 2024Australian men can now be put on trial for something they haven’t done yet, in a Supreme Court hearing where there are no rules of evidence. You’ll be judged by a state appointed woman, prosecuted by another woman, defended by well a meaning woman, on the basis of a report written by sneaky, spiteful women like Maggie Cruickshank. If they think you’re a bastard it’s off to jail for you. [...]


  • Pfizer Jews

    Pfizer Jews

    The level of hatred Jews have for all mankind is almost supervillain tier, like something off Batman. Could you image cooking up a poison that literally grows inside its host body, until its tentacles are so long and thick that the carrier 's blood supply is choked off completely? I think this time they may have overplayed their hand. Gentiles will not remain gentile much longer. This time the Hebes must be completely annihilatedd.
  • Avert Research

    Avert Research

    In a diabolical genius move, the terrorists were able to hide their activities by holding a seminar. They invite all our counter terrorism forces and say 'hey look over there' while waving a picture of nudie Margaret Thatcher. While our CTG was distracted elsewhere BOOM SHANKA the terrorists struck again. Our special forces were so embarrassed they rounded up a bunch of white guys and declared them public enemy, as a way to hide their …
  • Mohamed came to Australia

    Mohamed came to Australia

    This story has everything. It starts out with a Slippery Jew lying to us about a violent, retard level IQ nigger who was accepted into Australia as a 'refugee. In thirty years living here he contributed nothing at all, then stabbed someone, and nearly killed him. Now he'scrying that he doesn't want to get deported. The lying Jew is pushing this false tale and a traitorous white whore is doing free legal representation to keep …
  • Toxic Femininity

    Toxic Femininity

    The idea that our childrens education or growth is damaged by toxic masculinity is just another Jewish poison designed to reduce our men to the sort of limp wristed homosexual that the Jew sees in himself. Only masculinity will win a fight, a battle or war, and that's why our enemies seek to take ours.
  • How much can one man take

    How much can one man take

    Here we have the most blatant example of 'lawfare' being waged by far left extremists posing as Magistrates. Using public funds against our own citizens accused of Wrongthink. These deceitful, pompous and sneaky Magistrates who think they are above the law should be praying that ther right never assumes any power in Australia. When that day comes - we will hunt every last one to the ends of the earth.
  • Zersetzung


    Zersetzung is a German word of only recent origins. It was coined by the Stasi in the mid twentieth century and means 'decomposition'. In practical terms, the state assigns a team of men to work in shifts around the clock to destroy your life. To isolate you from friends and family, to spread rumours, gossip, break into your home and steal only select items to make you question your own sanity. They will sabotage your …
  • Terrorist Related Offender

    Terrorist Related Offender

    The Criminals in our Government, Legal System and Bureaucracy work together to terrorise our poopulation into silence. They redefined the word terrorist to now mean anybody opposed to their madness. I am living proof of the lengths they will go to. Teams of men assigned around the clock to make your life hell, jailed without charge, locked in solitary, slandered, harassed, bankrupted. And finally discredited with the dreaded word 'terrorist'.
  • Lessons learned

    Lessons learned

    We can all learn something from this tragic but highly amusing incident. What did you notice about the incident? I learned that Kenworth steel cares not for the feelings of fat chicks. I also learned that there's a blind spot down underneath the drivers line of sight beneath those cabover prime movers. I learned that personal space rules and violations mean very little to a fifty tonne mechanical beast who wants to move forward through …
  • Women Lie

    Women Lie

    Everyone lies at times. But the human female is unique in her ability to concoct the most devious and damaging lies at the worst possible times, to exact revenge on men who often have not done her wrong. A man need only not pay enough attention to todays woman and he will find himself in trouble with the law, his wife, his community or all of the above. Even if the woman is found out, …
  • Responsibility


    The imminent implosion of the West did not happen by accident. It took a large group of misguided fools to get us into this mess. They all think that because they were following the herd, or taking orders, that they bear no responsibility. The bad news is their collective efforts are being documented, and blame will be attributed - as it should be - to every person who worked toward white replacement. None will escape …
  • Media is our Enemy

    Media is our Enemy

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  • Courts used as a weapon

    Courts used as a weapon

    Any rational observer can see that our legal system has been completely hijacked by fanatical zionists who blatantly discriminate against white men. Prosecutors routinely drop charges against black people charges with serious offences, even murder. But a white person can get years of jail time for the most trivial of offences. These people must be held accountable.
  • Increase the Pressure

    Increase the Pressure

    Having failed to destroy Hickey's business with raids one and two, Queensland police gear up for raid number three. This time they put months into research, gathering intel, harassing staff, trying to work out the best time to hit. Mid January, hottest month of the year, CTG QLD Police hide out in their air conditioned office all day, then strike us after we have finished an honest days work. But they fucked up royally.
  • Brittany Higgins

    Brittany Higgins

    Britney Higgins went out on a date wearing no panties. When Bruce Lehrmann showed up at the same venue just after midnight, she ditched her date and went to parliament house with Bruce. She was found naked and drunk, on her bosses floor carpet the next morning. For that we gave her nearly five million dollars. it really was a brilliant get rich quick scheme