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Women lie about being oppressed

Nearly every man at some point, has been subjected to a woman’s lies, dishonesty and vindictive nature. It’s time we explored the modern woman’s habit of using false allegations to get back at men she despises. Not just the harmless lies, but falsehoods calculated to inflict maximum damage.

Overall, men and women lie in approximately equal numbers, of that we can be sure. The difference here is the types of dishonesty. Men cannot be regularly dishonest in their work, as a general rule. If a man gains a reputation for dishonesty, it’s not long before he is homeless, unemployed and trusted by nobody. He will not attract or keep a mate, he will be socially isolated, and if he doesn’t die by suicide, he spends his life in prison or poverty. Some men choose this life, but the vast majority tell the truth and behave with honour because that’s the only way our western model of high trust society can function. The same principal doesn’t apply to women. Women can and do lie about anything, anytime it suits them. Their mothers teach them the art very early in life. We have all seen these lessons taking place.

Women often get caught, but this is expected, and dismissed as just a fact of life. ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’.. there are ancient proverbs in every language about the vendettas that females will pursue, if they’ve been jilted. It’s a recurring event throughout history. So why do we just accept the things women say at face value, when we know there’s a regular pattern of deceit?

Women lie about being oppressed
Women lie about being oppressed

The most obvious difference between the lies told by men and women are the pre – conceived, planned and calculated lies, designed to cause problems for others. Civilised men rarely feel the need to meddle in other people’s lives, preferring to push ahead, mind their business and screw up their own life.

But we all know women who meddle in others lives through deceit or manipulation regularly. Women who have children and meaning in their own life generally don’t need to meddle, and rarely do. Middle aged, menopausal elderly and divorced women meddle most of all. A woman who has no male authority figure in their lives meddles most of all. If she has no positive or constructive routine, she will be prone to this behaviour. The older she is, the worse it becomes. As the numbers of bitter, divorced women grow, so does the problem. It’s not uncommon for this type of woman to fabricate an entire story, with the sole intention of causing trouble for the intended victim.


Womens lies destroying a mans life

I learned this lesson the hard way, very early in life. I have been subjected to serious false allegations by women on numerous occasions, starting when I was a teenager. These incidents could very well have changed the course of my life had I not been able to prove them false. They may have still altered my life, due to the resentment and mistrust of women I developed as a result. Many of my friends have experienced the exact same thing. These are no random, isolated events. This is a well-documented pattern of behaviour, but nobody dare point it out.

Females lie. Females deliberately fabricate stories to get other people in trouble. Not all women do it, but the problem has become so widespread that there’s a whole movement dedicated to overcoming people’s automatic, and well-earned doubt of modern women’s accusations. ‘Believe women’ is a hashtag trending on social media platforms, pushed by women who wouldn’t hesitate to stretch the truth and embellish a story if it meant causing problems for those she despised. What they are asking us to do is ignore her demonstrated pattern of behaviour, and give her power over other people.


When we combine this natural talent for lies, with her burning desire to become a victim – a man is getting his life ruined. Today’s modern female does not consider her life complete – unless she is the victim of something. The most valuable commodity among women today, is the sympathy she can generate by having the most horrific, painful or depraved tale of terror from her past. These tall tales are told only in front of other women, because the subject is so sensitive, personal and painful. The (real) problem with sharing these fantasies in public is : men ask too many questions. When serious accusations are made – the story might be checked. Details might be required. If inconsistencies are found, doubts begin to form.

Best to keep these stories between the girls, where no questions will be asked, and the only response she gets will be a hug.


Womens tales of victimhood are never ending. Women lie

For these reasons the best victim stories are about something so far back, it’s impossible to verify. A deceased male is an easy target, because he is not around to defend himself. What’s the motivation here, if no money is involved? Attention is the goal, however fleeting. Women crave attention, all the time. Not a day goes past where a magazine cover displayed around the nation proclaims that some recently dead male had been engaged in all sorts of depraved, sadistic behaviour. The victimised woman was too terrified to report it while he was alive. In a week, the victim went from complete obscurity, to national celebrity, without a single achievement of her own. This dose of attention is enough to keep her going for a very long time.

The other motivation is money. It’s been named in second place, because I believe that women are motivated more by the attention, than the financial rewards of becoming a victim. It is attention they crave more than cash, though in some cases, a payout would be nice. With the latest victims of crime legislation, why not try for both? If she can convince police, and then a judge that her tale of terror is real, she’s received a stack of attention right through the trial, until someone goes to jail, then there’s a pile of money waiting at the other end. It’s a win win. Except for the target male, but she never liked him anyway. He cheated on her with her best friend. Payback is indeed a bitch.

Despite what we’re told, violence against women is very rare in Australia. The problem is wildly overstated by professional victims, and others with ulterior motives. I have never seen any man hit a woman, in all my life, except on television. This doesn’t stop women from seeing violence where there is none. There may be no assault. No violence. No injury. No evidence of any wrong doing, but authorities will take allegations from a woman so seriously, that a man is considered guilty before he’s had a chance to speak.

I was to learn this lesson very early in life.


Womens tales of victimhood are never ending. Women lie

In my teenage years I left school and found low paid work. I was like most at that age, awkward and unsure of myself, but naive and friendly enough. I had never done violence, nor did I have a temper. Living in close proximity to me was a middle age, divorced, frustrated woman seeking attention. Men had stopped giving her that attention some years ago. With no husband or strong male guidance, her behaviour became erratic. The best way for her to gain attention now, was to become a victim. A victim of what? Domestic violence is always the easiest to fake. It’s her word against his. Any injury on a woman casts suspicion on the nearest man. Even when there is no injury, allegations are enough to cause serious disruption to his life.

When victimhood is what this woman wants, and he won’t help out by assaulting her, then steps can be taken to make him want to. Argue, nag, demean or insult him. Push his buttons so he snaps. If those things aren’t working, the woman can escalate to yelling, pushing, or physically attacking him until he reacts and gives her the desired result. The evidence of assault might only be a bruise where he grabbed her arms and tried to calm her down but that’s all she needs. The aggression levels in frustrated women are no laughing matter. They will throw things, destroy property, shriek, yell, and curse him just to see how far they can go. Women know full well that nothing they do will be considered reason enough for a man to strike her. I have seen women abuse, attack and hit men on plenty of occasions knowing that he won’t respond in kind.

Women lie about being oppressed

In my case I was subjected to repeated assaults by said woman, while going about my business in peace around the home. When this failed to have any affect, she simply went to the police and lied about being assaulted. She made a written statement that I had assaulted her. I was then served with a restraining order, by a police officer who apologised at the time. The way he went about it made me sure he knew the whole thing was fabricated, but the forms were signed. He had to serve them. I spent years with a guilt complex, wondering if the order would stay on my record and what affect it would have on my future.



The police weren’t the only ones this woman lied to. The people around us had heard her allegations – and despite her proven track record of lying about almost everything, they believed her now. Or they seemed to. I had to leave my home and my friends. Move my things across town, with very little money and no car. I thought that everybody believed her, and it was years before most told me they had doubts at the time. I didn’t want to see any of the people that she told, and became estranged from my own friends and family.

I took only months before her problem with alcohol brought out the truth. During a candid moment between friends, she admitted that no such assault ever took place. Her justification for the false statement was ‘do you know how hard it is to make a written statement about events from the night before?’ 

Women lie about being oppressed

Everybody still accepted her, and few raised an eyebrow when she admitted that she had lied to police. But the damage had already been done to my life. She was not punished, chastised, or reprimanded for making false allegations against a teenage boy who had done nothing more than ignore her. He didn’t give her the attention she deserved, and he learned the hard way that’s sometimes enough to incur the wrath of a woman.

When the truth was discovered, there was no apology or reparations. Life just continued as normal.

For everybody except me.

Womens tales of victimhood are never ending. Women lie



Next up, while still a teenager, I was accused of sexual assault, rape to be specific. I had spent the night at a girls home near my own, and the next day – when I sobered up and saw what I had done, I did a runner. The woman didn’t appreciate my hasty departure, so her course of action was predictable. I didn’t contact her again, so not long after, she went to my mother’s home, banged on the door and hysterically announced to the world that I had raped her.

Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking

The police came to where I lived across town, and I was interviewed at length by serious detectives from the local CIB. I explained that we had been drinking with friends, that she was older than me and it was her who invited me inside after the others left. She had provided the condom we used. I couldn’t even get it on the first few times, and really didn’t have a clue what I was doing. Some would say I still don’t.

Women lie about being oppressed

After the police interview there was no closure, no phone call, or advice it was not proceeding to court. I was left hanging like that for some months until one afternoon, the scorned woman went back to my mother’s house, knocked, and quietly apologised. She spent the afternoon having tea and biscuits with my mother, engaged in a warm, heartfelt discussion. The younger one was forgiven. What you need to understand about women is that they are all on the one team.

The younger one had made false allegations that could have put the others son in prison for years. But when the tears start, emotions run high, lies get told, and shit happens. Women know and understand that women lie. That’s just how it is. My mother forgives her with just a hug.

Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking

In this case there was only a short time between the rape allegation and the admission that she had concocted it all for revenge.

The truth was admitted far more quietly than she yelled about the rape.

Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking



There was a long period before I was subject to further false allegations. Not because women stopped lying, but because I kept them out of my life. I would never bat for the other team, so there had to be some female interaction. I just never allowed any to get close enough to cause serious trouble. The resulting stable period was the most productive, comfortable, secure and peaceful period I have ever known. I kept fit, ate well, advanced in my career, and life was predictable. It taught me a valuable lesson : The best chance any Australian man has at success in his early adulthood, lies in staying single. The minute he links his life to that of an Australian woman, everything changes. Her moods play a large role in his day to day happiness.

Nothing he owns is his own, she can legally claim it. If she gets pregnant, and the relationship fails, she will use the children against him. Anything he earns, she gets a part of. If they buy a house, it automatically becomes hers. When he gets comfortable having females around, his testosterone levels drop. This reduces his motivation, drive and confidence. He becomes more dependent on her approval, and this shows in everything he does. Indeed, the best decision I ever made in my early adult life, was to remain single throughout my twenties. All my friends suffered financially, emotionally and physically from failed relationships during that period. Some are still paying for those mistakes, and may never recover.



Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking
Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking

I was in my thirties before another woman came along, and decided from a distance that I didn’t meet her approval. She went on to make a series of serious, completely false allegations. I had never met this woman, nor had anything to do with her, but the lies came thick and fast. One might ask what her motivation was, if I we had never met? My business was very successful, and I had a sideline writing political articles which had found some notoriety. This woman didn’t like what had been written. She was offended by my views on current events. Nobody should mock diversity or feminism, so she would teach me a lesson. The problem was : this woman was in a position of authority, so her campaign of harassment was highly successful.

Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking

I can prove beyond question that all her allegations were false. I can prove that the things she accused me of, were the things that she was actually doing to me. I can prove I never initiated contact with her, but none of that matters. The damage is done. The events cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars, time in prison, and my wife miscarried our second child – all because of this one evil, meddling, menopausal, witch. This woman’s stories did so much damage only because authorities believed everything she said, and nothing I did. Had they done the slightest investigation, it could be shown that I had done nothing wrong, nor illegal. I had done nothing against this woman whatsoever. Her campaign against me was personal, false, malicious, and unprofessional. She should have been facing serious jail time when the truth came out, but she won’t. Australian courts refused to allow the CCTV evidence (when it works in the accused favour). They won’t entertain an appeal, even when I could prove all the allegations were lies.

My freedom, my business and my assets are unimportant when a woman’s feelings are at stake.


People that far gone can justify any action to themselves. There will be no consequences for all the evil things this woman did and that’s why she did them. That’s why it will happen again.


People that far gone can justify any action to themselves. Even if all her lies were discovered – there would be no consequences for all the damage caused – and she knows it.

That’s why she did all these things. That’s why it will happen again.

Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking
Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking

As if that wasn’t enough for one man to deal with, before long, there were yet more fabricated stories from women which would cause me trouble. Next door lived a middle aged, divorced, attention seeking woman. I should have known not to rent a home near one of these creatures, but at the time I had no choice. (Does anybody see a pattern with middle aged divorced women yet?) This fruitcake from the run down house next to mine had started out friendly, coming over at random times, always drunk and seemed harmless. She told me she was a builder, until I asked what she had built. Then she told me she was an author, until I asked what she had written. Turned out she was just a drunk. It wasn’t long before I told her to leave me alone, stop wasting my time and stay out of the yard. She’d disappear for bit, until I caught her peering in my windows late at night. She was told then and there to stay the fuck off my property. Not once did I encourage her, never went to her yard, and I still didn’t know her name.



So she wrote to the council, and informed them about my activities. When the council told her nothing was amiss, I didn’t hear from her, until Christmas eve.

Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking

Drunk as a skunk by 9 am which is three hours early for her, she appears in my front yard. Chastising me for just being there, and yelling abuse. She was told in no uncertain terms to leave, but refused, yelling and shrieking like a banshee for some time. I simply walked away, unable to continue my work, but finding peace was more important at the time.
In Australia, if somebody is on your land, and they refuse to leave, you are within your rights to use all reasonable force to get them off. I knew this, and could have turfed her out, but I am also aware of subrule 22c : laws don’t apply to women.

Had I picked her up and dragged her out the front, any physical altercation would be enough to send me to jail. She knows it, and that’s precisely why she behaves this way. I had to walk away, but ignoring her eventually had the desired effect.
When she realises her tantrum is having no effect, she wanders off, to find another target. Some time later her boyfriend’s car arrives and the main event is on. Yelling and screaming can be heard, then she appears again on my side nursing a bloody nose. Had she been a normal person I may have been sympathetic. When she yelled that ‘he’s hurting me’ I replied by saying “call the police I don’t care, stay off my property”. He had followed her over and it was obvious she had attacked him. They both wander off again and sometime later he disappears up the street with a burnout.

Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking
Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking

It’s not long after that this woman appears again, yelling abuse at twice the volume. We’re about two hours into her tantrum by this stage. I told her to leave, so she starts tearing down my front fence, or trying to. It was then that the police arrived. I walked out, happy that she would become someone else’s problem. The first cop gets out of the car and asks her how she got the injuries.

This Fruitcake points at me and says “Him. He’s hurting me” followed by “he’s always abusing me…” as if I was the one yelling, and attacking her.

My eyes popped. I told the copper what had been going on. She was obviously drunk, but there were definite, observable injuries on her face. I was put in the back of the police car. After doing nothing more than standing in my front yard, minding my own business, and being subject to her abuse. The fancy story she tells the cop is caught on audio, but it’s patchy.


I was confident this would resolve itself, but things weren’t looking good. It was only the neighbour across the road who saved the day. She had seen the whole thing, called the cops and told them the truth. I was released some time later, and the cop did apologise to me. I can understand his position and don’t hold him responsible. Only one person was to blame here. The fruitcake next door. She wasted my time, police time, her boyfriend’s time, ambulance time, caused everyone’s morning to be wasted and for what? So we’d all pay attention to her. Was she arrested for making a false report? Not a chance. Were there any consequences at all for her? Of course not. She was still wandering around out the front drunk, that same afternoon. I can see why her husband didn’t hang about. I wonder how much of his time and energy was wasted by her behaviour.

I will post the video of this woman’s antics, just so the reader can get a proper appreciation for how adept Australian women are at lying. She has been shrieking at me for hours, while I load up the trailer on my own property. I haven’t stepped out of my yard, nor engaged her at all, I still don’t even know her name. I have not invited the attacks in any way. She abuses me at the top of her lungs, throws a log at my car, and tries to destroy my fence. Then right when the cops show up, her attitude changes. Watch her shoulders drop and the soft, victim voice take over, almost childlike. She’s done this before.

Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking

Watch how she plays the victim with such skill, and tries to get me arrested in my own home on Christmas eve. All because I wouldn’t give her attention she attention she deserves.



If this was just one Australian woman, or a rare event, I wouldn’t tar them all with the same brush. But it’s not. Far from it. In my short life, there’s been four separate incidents of serious false allegations by women. All involving the police, so its happening to other men too.

I can’t put a figure on how much of my time and energy has been wasted in dealing with bullshit like this. I can’t go back to treating women with respect, they simply don’t deserve it. They have cried wolf too many times. We have listened to women, and believed all their stories for far too long. We’ve been fooled over and over again. The rare woman who is worthy of respect is not enough reason to trust the others.
Females have had their shot at equality, and leadership. They failed every time, in every way. We gave them equality, but it wasn’t enough. They now have immunity from the law, and put men in prison on a whim.

Have you been inside a court lately? Whether it’s criminal, family, or civil doesn’t matter. The judiciary is openly hostile to white men. Your good character means nothing. Being not guilty won’t help you at all. If a woman wants you jailed, that’s where you’re going. If she wants your property, the courts give it to her. Don’t even think you have a right to see your children. The state owns them now, and will teach them you’re evil. Men have no legal rights, no place in the family, no role as protector, or provider. What the fuck went wrong? We gave them an inch and they took a proverbial mile.

Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking
Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking

Think back to times before women were given the vote, before they attained ‘equality’. White men as leaders sought truth and justice, abolished slavery, created democracy and forced the courts to give everybody a fair trial. We treated women and children with reverence and respect. We protected them, taught them, and everything we did was in the interests of our family first, and us second. Men did all the difficult, dangerous jobs, so our wives could stay safe at home and raise the kids. We governed and made laws for the good of everybody.

Now that women have this power, their true nature has been revealed.

Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking

We gave women leadership roles so they stacked all the top jobs with a gaggle of unqualified shrieking vagina owners. Why do you think our judiciary is so far left, and anti-male in its attitude? Women in power gave away everything their men had worked and fought for. They opened up the borders, weakened the military, threw away our money and gave away our assets. When all the money was spent they borrowed money against the future earnings of their children. Then they passed new laws to stop people speaking the truth. After 100 years of women in leadership positions, not a single one has done anything to improve her nation. In contrast, the list of catastrophic decisions made by women is exhausting.

None are more inferior than those who insist upon being equal.

Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking

We need to own up to it, and take steps to prevent this happening again. Equality was a mistake, and it needs to be revoked.

Further to that, common sense dictates we introduce an evidence based approach to any allegations made by a woman. Her words should mean nothing until she learns to use them correctly. Unless there’s corroborating evidence, any statements she makes should be treated with absolute mistrust. How many times are we going to let them cry wolf, and go running up the hill to find her and her girlfriends laughing at our response? Only when men stop listening, will they understand that actions have consequences.

Where would I be, had my youth not been stolen by one woman’s lies and selfish decisions? It took years, but I recovered and succeeded beyond anyone’s expectation. Then my lifes work was destroyed yet again by a malicious female, using the exact same methods. This female had no prior knowledge of me, just a bee in her bonnet about men mocking diversity. I went to jail because she didn’t approve of my opinions.


While rebuilding my life, after losing everything, along comes this fruitcake female neighbour. When will it end? How much time have I wasted, have you wasted, dealing with women’s intentional, unwarranted sabotage? Every man I know has had at least one of these incidents in his life. For men going through a divorce, the productivity wasted is greater than all mine put together. The loss suffered by our community is far greater than my own, and my loss was no small potatoes. It should be remembered that the state must pay police, the courts costs, sometimes the lawyers, the welfare handouts and the lost tax revenue, for every incident that happens.

One thing you need to remember : the state only pays with money stolen from men to begin with.

The total cost to our country is staggering.

Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking
Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking

The lost productive time dealing with all these incidents is bad enough. The economic losses are worse, but the loss of our position as the most powerful culture on the globe is not only dangerous, but could prove fatal. Dealing with wayward, erratic women has cost European men and western civilisation our lead as the dominant culture on Earth. We cannot overstate the significance of this problem. We must deal with it, swiftly, wisely and permanently if we are ever to compete on the world stage again.

How did we lose such a significant advantage over our nearest competitor?

Simple, their women don’t sabotage everything they do.



The Asians have a culture which values loyalty, teamwork and the family unit. They didn’t allow a bunch of hostile, scheming Jews to take over their entire media, and brainwash people with destructive ideas. They stood up for themselves, and told the truth when it mattered.

Women lie about being beautiful when you're drinking

The author is not blaming women for what comes naturally to them. Women are not responsible for our current situation. Ultimately, we are in this position because we allowed it to happen. Our destiny is our own responsibility. Blaming women for our demise is like blaming the car for hitting a tree. We are the ones driving, or should be. If we take our hands off the wheel and fall asleep, the car doesn’t know which direction to go. If we delegate the task of leadership to those who aren’t capable, decline is inevitable. We tried equality – but now it’s obvious that it is a total failure in every regard. 

The only way forward is to abandon all pretences of political correctness. Only the truth can set us free

22 March 2024The German people are our brothers. The most closely related people on the planet to us. For too long we have stood by and allowed ignorant fools speak ill of our Bretheren. Using their media power the Jews tricked us into going to war with our own kinsmen. We should be ashamed. It was us who started that war, not the Germans. Wake up. [...]
27 July 2023Everyone lies at times. But the human female is unique in her ability to concoct the most devious and damaging lies at the worst possible times, to exact revenge on men who often have not done her wrong. A man need only not pay enough attention to todays woman and he will find himself in trouble with the law, his wife, his community or all of the above. Even if the woman is found out, she suffers no punishment. [...]
2 March 2024Once upon a time in a quiet Brisbane suburb an electrician met a policeman. They had never crossed paths before, so it seems kinda strange that the cop would make up a story and send the sparky to jail. Perrimans motivations are yet to be revealed, but the important part is his lawyers have not refuted any of the claims made in civil court – becasue they can’t. Perriman lied to send an innocent man to prison. Now it’s his turn [...]
11 October 2023Its hard to determine if this over-educated, self-important cunt is a macho bulldyke or just a man with bony girl arms. We could take a readers poll and settle the matter once and for all except that would involve far more people looking at this hideous thing than necessary. So I say we close the page and find something better to do. Let’s go drown some trannies [...]
2 December 2023It’s been 80 years since Hiroshima was hit by a nuclear weapon. We take a look at how Detroit and Hiroshima have fared since 1945. The results speak for themselves. Detroit is a wasteland. Bankrupt, collapsing, and decayed. Yet it was not hit by a Nuclear Bomb. Detroit was hit with something far worse. The ‘Africanus Americanus Ignoramus’ better known as a ‘nigger’. [...]
7 December 2023Take a normal ordinary working man from the suburbs. One who says things that embarass the state government. The spend millions of dollars harassing, stalking , invetsigating, slandering and humiliating him. Then imprison him, take his home, business, family and money, then blame him for your sadism. When thats done jail him again, torture him, lie to him, free him and then start over. Then when he becomes a terrorist you can say ‘hey look everyone we are the hero’s we stopped the terrorists.’ – Australian Governments cunning plan [...]
19 July 2023Zersetzung is a German word of only recent origins. It was coined by the Stasi in the mid twentieth century and means ‘decomposition’. In practical terms, the state assigns a team of men to work in shifts around the clock to destroy your life. To isolate you from friends and family, to spread rumours, gossip, break into your home and steal only select items to make you question your own sanity. They will sabotage your employment, schooling, anything that will slow you down and make your life as difficult as possible. [...]
11 May 2024Queensland Police latest attempt to pervert the course of Justice failed. Only because Faggy Mc FagBoy Marc Dunn is a general all round fuck up. The man lives entirely on legumes, carrots and Bon Jovi. When its windy outside he has to stay home in case he gets lifted up and carried away like a fart on the autumn breeze [...]


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  • Zersetzung


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  • Toxic Femininity

    Toxic Femininity

    The idea that our childrens education or growth is damaged by toxic masculinity is just another Jewish poison designed to reduce our men to the sort of limp wristed homosexual that the Jew sees in himself. Only masculinity will win a fight, a battle or war, and that's why our enemies seek to take ours.
  • Extreme Misogyny

    Extreme Misogyny

    Women can never be held accountable. If you suggest that a woman did anything wrong, then you're wrong. And also a misogynist. There is zero possibility that your allegations have any merit. There is no chance that she could have done something different and created a better outcome. If a woman says something bad happened, and there is no man around to attribute blame to, then blame automatically falls on her nearest living relative who …
  • Terrorist Related Offender

    Terrorist Related Offender

    The Criminals in our Government, Legal System and Bureaucracy work together to terrorise our poopulation into silence. They redefined the word terrorist to now mean anybody opposed to their madness. I am living proof of the lengths they will go to. Teams of men assigned around the clock to make your life hell, jailed without charge, locked in solitary, slandered, harassed, bankrupted. And finally discredited with the dreaded word 'terrorist'.
  • Marc Dunn

    Marc Dunn

    Queensland Police latest attempt to pervert the course of Justice failed. Only because Faggy Mc FagBoy Marc Dunn is a general all round fuck up. The man lives entirely on legumes, carrots and Bon Jovi. When its windy outside he has to stay home in case he gets lifted up and carried away like a fart on the autumn breeze
  • know thy enemy

    know thy enemy

    This post was about Jewish control of the media but that was covered in the other one yesterday so fuck knows what I will do with this