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media deception showing the true agressor

In the wake of an incident in New Zealand, David Murray and his national newspaper are doing their best to slander Simon Hickey and create some sort of link between him and Brenton Tarrant. Being on the receiving end of media harassment is not new to Hickey, but the lengths these people will go to in their mission to discredit someone they don’t like is really something to behold. Murray is excited because he’s writing a column in the Australian newspaper to tell the world that Tarrant once liked a facebook post from Smerff.

And this is newsworthy why?

Did Murray go and talk to the store where Tarrant bought his lunch? Do you think they would run a headline : ‘Christchurch killer liked donuts from Trans bakery’

What the fuck is really going on here?

Hack Journalist David Murray made contact with Hickey only hours before running a national story about this rubbish

The text opposite was received by Hickey just hours after Tarrants prank in New Zealand.

This article went up in a hurry two hours after Murrays text to try and offset some of the negative publicity. Two days later Hickey was arrested and imprisoned for daring to contradict media propaganda. Our paranoid leaders are afraid that the Australian people will wake up to the war being waged against them. They will jail anybody who points out the obvious.

Hack Journalist David Murray made contact with Hickey only hours before running a national story about this rubbish


So … David Murray from the Australian newspaper reckons that  Australian media and politicians are “desperately searching for answers ” after the incident in Christchurch. They want to know the motivation behind Brenton Tarrant’s prank.  They what? Is that really their line?  Blind Freddy can see why he did it. You expect the Australian people to believe you have no clue as to Tarrant’s motivation? Here, maybe an illustration might help. Some recent pictures of their work plus a list of terrorist incidents around the world between 2015 and 2018, the year before Tarrant’s stunt. 

Madrid train bombing killed hundreds and nobody could believe the religion of peace dunnit
This man who never should have been in England ran over a random white man then cut his head off in the street
The religion of peace blows up buses full of people in London just to keep its reputation for peaceful dispute resolution

Every Australian adult – even the illiterate opal miners who have their ears stuffed with cotton wool and live underground out the back of Bourke can tell you why this occurred David. The people we have stationed in the Antarctic hunting penguins and clubbing seals have a fair idea why. You could ask any working man in the nation and he will tell you straight up ‘it had to happen sooner or later’ . But that’s precisely why you don’t ask us. You wouldn’t dare. You’d get the truth and that would be a disaster. Your whole life’s work covering for these inbred Arab terrorists would come undone in a second. One single truth can shatter a thousand lies.

The table below might shed some light on the subject.

Terrorism statistics from around the world which show that the media is our enemy

Does this help Mr. Murray? Can you see any patterns? There’s one religion that appears over and over again, the one you call ‘religion of peace’. They murdered more than 2000 people in three years just for political attention. That ‘religion of peace’ bit is a bit misleading don’t you think? Sounds to me like ‘War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery’. The complete contradiction in terms that prevents logical thought.

Forget the ‘religion of peace’. I’m about to lay some cold hard truth on you David. Pick up the phone and be ready to call 911. There be some hate speech coming your way

Endless stream of Arabic refugees invade the west
Endless stream of Arabic refugees invade the west

You might be surprised David, but most people don’t like visitors who come uninvited, overstay their welcome, mess up the place and refuse to leave. Even after we have built these people houses and given them free food, medical, transport, and all kinds of assistance there’s no thank you because they refuse to learn our language. Instead our generosity is rewarded by street gangs, car thefts, kebab shops and every kind of insurance fraud lasting generations. It’s almost as if these people can understand our language – but only when it suits them.

Some question the wisdom of allowing Arabs who hate this country to bring in their extended families and gather even more people to hate on us. We were never asked if taxpayers money should be used to build separate schools so their children don’t have to associate with ours. 

Endless stream of Arabic refugees invade the west

When it became clear that the schools we built are used to teach those children to despise us we should have shut them down. Now those same schools are used to scam Australians out of even more cash. Their principals and administration staff were  caught inflating student numbers to claim more federal funding than our own. Millions was stolen, and most of the money went offshore to fund weapons which are now used against our soldiers. Dozens of these frauds were uncovered across every state, in every city. But none made the news. None were shut down.

We did gain a new word from all this excitement.  The term ‘Going Akbar’ was coined because the person doing murdering was always heard to yell ‘Allah Akbar’ before his big moment. The Akbar event usually involved a lot of blood, a home made weapon, and several decapitated white people. Some started to worry about getting beheaded in the street or run over by a car, and then beheaded. We have folk who don’t want to be blown to pieces or have bloody holes shot through their chest. Some people complain when a bomb blast shreds their relatives with steel at Brussels airport, but London’s Lord Mayor reassured us that random explosions are just part of the fun living with Muslims.

We didn’t like it when children were run over by trucks driven intentionally through large crowds. ‘Allah Akbar’. is heard by all except a young deaf girl aged 11. Nor did she didn’t hear the twelve tons of steel bearing down on her, and was torn in half by the impact. Ebba’s body was dragged underneath, spilling her precious guts into the street. The girls name was Akerlund and her story should be a wake  up call for anybody that still says ‘Diversity is our strength’. It was this sick diversity fetish which murdered Ebba Ackerlund and left her intestines smeared across the wet cobblestones. This same vile diversity then destroyed the child’s grave, kicking over the headstone, throwing flowers and ripping out shrubs. We didn’t like any of that, but nobody would say it.

Ebba Akerlund in Sweden was killed by diversity Arabs and the religion of peace

I’ve heard that some people don’t want their bus blown up. Although it could be the same women don’t like being raped and butchered after catching a train home. You would think these women might learn now it’s no longer safe for them to be out after dark, but they still vote for diversity any chance they get. Nobody asked why Arabs ran amok, gang raping white women in Sydney. We didn’t ask because we already knew the reason.  Australian judge Michael Finnane tried to hide the failings of Diversity by ruling that the crimes were ‘not racially motivated’ even after the white girls were called ‘Aussie pigs’, and told they were gonna ‘cop it lebanese style’. But the problem didn’t start here, Europe is far more along in the industrial scale rape of the native white population.

Religion of peace rapes 1400 underage girls

White nations around the world must take notice of what’s going on in England and Europe, yet none of our media reported on the case of Charlene Downs, a 14 year old English girl who was gang raped by muslims and then fed through a kebab machine to keep her quiet.

There’s evidence that these sick monsters then sold those kebabs to late night English pub patrons as they left the local at closing time. The UK government then added insult to injury by giving the men who killed her £250,000 compensation for hurt feelings. These men were caught on audio laughing about how ‘Charlene went into the kebab machine’ but a judge ruled that evidence inadmissible.

You can bet if the men were white, nothing would be inadmissible. 

Charlene Downes killed by Muslims and put through a kebab machine peacefully
1400 girls raped by the religion of peace in rotherham

North of London, there’s an area called Rotherham,  where 1400 underage white girls were gang raped by Pakistani Muslims in just a few years. Read that again, slowly. That figure only represents the underage girls. These are only the reported incidents and these figures are for only one suburb. The total number of rapes and sexual assaults by these disgusting men must be staggering.

1400 girls raped by the religion of peace in rotherham

It would be totally irresponsible if we, as Australians, do not take notice of what is happening overseas. Our nation is on the exact same road theirs is. Only they are further ahead. When you’re driving down the freeway you watch for road signs to tell you what’s further along? Our road signs are all there. Why are we ignoring them and only going faster? Our nation is following England blindly down this delusional freeway and it only leads us straight off a cliff.

How is it our people do not see these road signs, so blatantly obvious along every step of the way?

The answer is simple David and you are largely responsible. Yes you. Each and every one of you low-life treacherous media snakes.

1400 girls raped by the religion of peace in rotherham

phone only heading


Some people say the media’s only motivation is selling newspapers but I disagree. Your obvious end goal is our genocide. The underage girls who get raped, the boys who get beaten and bullied in school. The hundreds of black on white murders concealed from our people by your media machine so that the people don’t realize they are under attack. The eventual extinction of the Aryan people is your only motivation. The Jewish media you represent actively assist our enemies to wear us down and  keep us ignorant about the war being waged against us. You don’t want our people to know the truth until it’s too late.

There’s a simple way I can prove you hate us David. You and every media boss in Australia. Your motivation is not money, or journalism or free speech, but white genocide. If money was your motivation the headlines would read : ‘White Men strike back! or : ‘Tarrant kills 50 in retaliation for Manchester’ Perhaps : ‘Brenton Tarrant takes matters into his own hands!’  That headline would sell a hundred times more papers than the horseshit you are running now.

That’s how I know you put money second and the murder of our people first. Our genocide is your primary objective.

Islamic protest in Sydney behead those unbeleivers
Islamic protest in Sydney behead those unbeleivers

You people insist the best way to deal with these attacks is to create a #hashtag or hold hands and cry while they cut off our heads. You run these stories to bring calm, to prevent us taking action to defend ourselves. By shielding Mohammed, you increase our death toll and push white people one step closer to extinction.

The cause of this latest attack in Christchurch David is blindingly obvious to a child David.

Everyone on earth can see why Tarrant did what he did. Everyone except our leaders and the media. They pretend to be totally shocked and disgusted – and it works. The truly disgusting aspect of this is that nobody in leadership will stand and say “well, you keep poking the bear, eventually the bear is going to strike back.“

Tarrant spelled out his reasons clearly : The daily attacks on white men, white women, and children which go completely unanswered. Only snakes like you conspired with Government to keep his written and published motivation hidden. Tarrant was fed up with the national plan of surrender – waiting around to be killed or enslaved by these invading muds. He couldn’t have made it any more obvious if he drew you a picture.

Islamic protest in Sydney behead those unbeleivers

What he did is not a course of action that I would choose, but taken into context with the sheer number of Islamic terrorist attacks on us – the only surprising part is that there have not been more Brentan Tarrants. It speaks volumes for how soft we have become  – not to have retaliated until now. 100 years ago if an Arab drove his truck through our mall, crushing children and families while screaming about snack bars – he would have woken up dead with a dozen of his precious mosques in ruins. Every one of them would have felt the frightening power of Aryan rage. The wrath reserved exclusively for those stupid enough to spill our blood on our soil.

European warrior defending Europe

Our ancestors would have made the consequences to just one of these ‘terrorist’ attacks so catastrophically high for Mohammed that he would never think of doing it again. That is if – any of them survived at all. 

When a Raghead goes Akbar in one of our countries, cutting off people’s heads, setting off bombs or shooting into crowded theatres, you shield his cohort from repercussions. We get  ‘#I’ll ride with you’ or some other sickening hashtag designed to deflect blame, pacify the masses and keep Mohammed free to strike again. 

European warrior defending Europe
European warrior defending Europe

I have lost count how many times I have heard You can’t blame all Muslims for this one individuals actions’ .

Wrong. Dead Wrong

You can. We can. And should. 

In the army what happens if one man fails to do his job? They hold the entire unit responsible. In prison what happens when a prisoner tries escape? They lock the whole unit down. These tactics are employed in those high stakes situations because they work. The whole unit won’t let the soldier lose his rifle next time. If the entire body of Muslims is held accountable for the actions of one, the Akbar incidents will soon come to an end. It’s that simple.

What would our ancestors do image of media is our enemy

Here’s some forbidden truth David : White men own Australia because our fathers built it. They gave it to us, and we pass it to our children. White men own the UK and all of Europe because we built that too. White men own the USA because we re-took it then built on it. We have a right to decide whether or not Mohammed can come to our place and we have a right to kick Mohammed out if he starts going all Alla Akbar. We have a right to hunt down all the traitors who enabled Mohammed to sneak in the back door and build up numbers enough to become such a problem.

This means you David.

Australia is not ours to give away. Not to a bunch of inbred, illiterate hordes who could not take it from us by force. They don’t deserve it, and didn’t earn it. They shouldn’t be here to begin with. 

European warrior defending Europe

White men are entitled to take decisive action to stop Mohammed from acting on his bloodlust. Defending our lands and people is not hate, but a rational decision based on survival. You accuse us of the evil you have in your heart as a way to deflect attention from your treachery. 

It’s not us going to Arab lands doing crime, raping women, living off welfare, trying to spread our religion of hate in their territory with the aim of conquest in future.  If people were doing these things – would it be a hate crime for the victims to defend themselves? Who is it doing these things David?

It’s the Muslims doing the killing. It’s the Jewish media covering up for them. Their common goal is our destruction. Your common goal.

European warrior defending Europe
What would our ancestors do image of media is our enemy

The day is coming when people will realize what is going on – despite your best efforts to keep it hidden. When that day comes, enraged European men, white men will start responding to the deadly war being waged against us from behind. We’re being slaughtered in our own nations – all over the world. Prevented from fighting back by your Jewish media, our own government and the traitorous security services. The events in Christchurch may have been preventable, they may have been an act by an individual who was radicalized by white supreme pizza, whatever pathetic excuse you wish to use this time.

Tarrant looks like a lone wolf for now… But.

What is not preventable David, is that eventually white men will start fighting back. We will not allow ourselves to be run off our lands without a fight.

The only thing undecided is the date and time it kicks off.

by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

What would our ancestors do image of media is our enemy
The truth about media complicit in gang rape in the UK because media is our enemy