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Pfizer Jews Genocide as all, but we deserved it

This Jew killed almost 2 billion people. Not alone, he had a whole team of other Jews helping him, but that is what he did. Make no mistake, killing that many people cannot be done accidentally, or inadvertantly while trying to do the right thing. World – wide, the Jews conspired as a group to commit mass murder against every other race of people. The used their poison vaccine to de-populate the world, because they beleive it is their right to do so. The proof is everywhere. From todays news :

Pfizer spends $43 billion on acquisition of Seagen, a small drug company that treats turbo cancers

Professor Denis Rancourt has uncovered explosive evidence to suggest that Covid mRNA shots were developed as a mass depopulation tool

Pfizer completes acquisition of Seagen

New Zealand professor jailed for leaking mortality rate among NZ vaccinated was as high as 24%

Life Insurance companies report massive increase in overall deaths since covid vaccines

Every person in authority, media, academia or business who pushed these mandatory vaccines should sit up and take notice. We’re coming for you. There will be no passing the buck, or dodging responsibility for this one. 


Pfizer Jews Genocide as all, but we deserved it

Blind Freddy could see this was a Jewish scam from the beginning. You are complicit in all these deaths, you have blood on your hands and you will be doing prison time at the very least. We will be pushing for a legislation change that applies retrospectively to senior pioliticians who pushed vaccines. If you’re found guilty capital punishment will apply. Relatives of the deceased will have the honour of dropping the trap door out from under you.



In a completely unprecedented move, the Jews have caused us a monumental problem, and then offered to solve the problem they caused, if we will just pay them a lot of money. If this sounds to you like extortion, it’s not because holocau$t. For the first time in recorded history Jews have repaid their hosts with treachery most vile. Except its not. They have done this exact same thing hundreds of times since Christ walked the Earth, and been expelled hundreds of times for doing so. These villains will never change their ways, so why do we still give them power in our society? They just use it to fuck us over every single time.

Christ taught us forgiveness, but there comes a time when we must say enough is too much.

Pfizer Jews Genocide as all, but we deserved it
Pfizer Jews Genocide as all, but we deserved it

During the fourteenth century, a real pandemic struck Europe. It was known as the black death and this pestilence killed more Europeans per capita, than any other event in human history. Until now. Since the vaccine rollout, there has been a spike in random deaths, but this is just the beginning. It’s about to get a whole lot worse. Between now and 2030, one in every three of our people will be dead from a new thing called ‘turbo cancer’. Something I’d never heard of until reading some obscure internet posts. But it’s about to become a household name, and not in a  good way. I am not asking you to take my word for it, what would I know about future diseases and cures?

Nothing. But Pfizer does. It’s their job to know. They have people and politicians in every country and parliament. Pfizer are in the prime position to know, they have more knowledge and power over the world health system than any other group on Earth.  And they just spent 43 billion dollars to buy the patents for a medicine which cures a disease, nobody has caught yet. And very few have heard of. If that is not suspicious, then nothing is.

It was March of 2024 when Pfizer acquired a small drug company in Seattle called Seagen. The smaller company made nothing but losses for 18 of its 22 year history. Starting in 2018, Seagen began making money, and by 2021 had sales of $1.2 billion. But that still doesn’t make it worth $43 billion.

Pfizer Jews Genocide as all, but we deserved it

You might think that Pfizer, having made $100 billion plus from their fake pandemic, might be able to afford a lousy 43 billion, but you’d be wrong. After a few big nights in Vegas, when it came time to buy Seagate they still had to borrow most of that coin. To me that seems like a big gamble, but rest assured that the accountants at Pfizer don’t gamble with 43 billion. They paid that enormous sum because they are certain it will be returned, along with a whole lot more.

So what do they know that we don’t?


Their CEO Albert Bourta spelled it out clearly in a recent press conference. He said he was certain that:

– 33% of people all WILL get turbo cancer in the near future
– Entire families WILL be affected
– The new cancer treatments are like “missiles” that will target “most” turbo cancers
– Pfizer will have to produce them at a scale never before seen

The first thing that comes to my mind is – how many people do you know have, or had a ‘turbo cancer’? I can’t think of any, so it must be a new thing. If it is a new thing, then where did it come from? You don’t have to be sherlock homes to suspect that the reason Bourta is the first to know about turbo cancer is because his vaccine caused it. There really is no other way he could be the first to know.

But before we convict the man, we really must consider the other scenario. Let’s assume the Pfizer jab is completely safe – which then means that Bourta honestly beleives that his vaccine does not cause turbo cancer. So what sane person would gamble 43 billion dollars on a disease nobody has yet? Let me assure you that Pfizer accountants are completley sane, they do not gamble with shareholders money. If they invested that staggering sum in such an obscure illness, then they know something we don’t.

They know what is in that vaccine.

We are accusing these people of the biggest mass murder in history, so it’s something we want to be sure about. Is there anything further we could do to determine their guilt? Plenty, but perhaps the best way is to put ourselves in their shoes. Would you borrow 43 billion dollars to invest in a hunch? The interest alone on that is $38 million per week, $40 million per month.

Would you mortgage your home, take all that money, to a bookie and bet that one third of all Eucalyputs trees would be dead within ten years? Why would the trees just up and die from turbo cancer? Nobody has heard of turbo cancer before now. The botanists would think you mad. The banks would gain your home and the bookie an easy half mill.

There is almost no chance you can win that bet. One third of all Eucalyptuse trees just dropping dead? Impossible.

Unless you poisoned the fuckers.

Pfizer Jews Genocide as all, but we deserved it

There is literally no other possible way that Albert Bourla could know that everyone is going to get turbo cancer, unless he gave it to them. That man, and the rest of the big Pharma owning Jews are almost solely responsible for killing two billion human beans. It was the Jewish media who drummed up hysteria to frighten the population into injecting Jewish poison. It was the bribes Pfizer paid to our politicians, who then enforced the lockdowns, mandatory vaccines, and digital passports. The entire operation was Jewish from start to finish. Until 2021, murder on this scale had never before been dreamed of by anybody except Jews, and only then because they are entitled to kill off their livestock whenever they see fit. Us being the livestock of course.

The only mass murderer to ever come close to that figure was the Jew Stalin with around fifty million, then there was NKVD chief, the Jew Beria with at least ten million. Mao’s Jewish advisrs were largely responsible for forty million dead Chinese bertween 1958 and 62, but even if we combine all those figures, Bourta and his jewish friends have wiped the table clean.  Two billion.

That’s two billion people that haven’t died yet, but Pfizer don’t bet 43 billion dollars on something they aren’t sure about. Nobody does.

14 June 2023Any rational observer can see that our legal system has been completely hijacked by fanatical zionists who blatantly discriminate against white men. Prosecutors routinely drop charges against black people charges with serious offences, even murder. But a white person can get years of jail time for the most trivial of offences. These people must be held accountable. [...]
14 August 2023More than any other agency, organization, collective or group, the media is by far the most damaging to our nation and people. The media is the Jews. They need to be expelled or annihilated. or both. [...]
15 February 2024The Criminals in our Government, Legal System and Bureaucracy work together to terrorise our poopulation into silence. They redefined the word terrorist to now mean anybody opposed to their madness. I am living proof of the lengths they will go to. Teams of men assigned around the clock to make your life hell, jailed without charge, locked in solitary, slandered, harassed, bankrupted. And finally discredited with the dreaded word ‘terrorist’. [...]
14 November 2023In a diabolical genius move, the terrorists were able to hide their activities by holding a seminar. They invite all our counter terrorism forces and say ‘hey look over there’ while waving a picture of nudie Margaret Thatcher. While our CTG was distracted elsewhere BOOM SHANKA the terrorists struck again. Our special forces were so embarrassed they rounded up a bunch of white guys and declared them public enemy, as a way to hide their own failures. [...]
4 August 2023Women can never be held accountable. If you suggest that a woman did anything wrong, then you’re wrong. And also a misogynist. There is zero possibility that your allegations have any merit. There is no chance that she could have done something different and created a better outcome. If a woman says something bad happened, and there is no man around to attribute blame to, then blame automatically falls on her nearest living relative who may be fined or jailed without trial. Bastard. [...]
11 May 2024The imminent implosion of the West did not happen by accident. It took a large group of misguided fools to get us into this mess. They all think that because they were following the herd, or taking orders, that they bear no responsibility. The bad news is their collective efforts are being documented, and blame will be attributed – as it should be – to every person who worked toward white replacement. None will escape Justice [...]
19 July 2023This series of events can only end one way. Hickey lasted as long as he could against overwhelming odds. Working 12 hours a day in the Queensland sun, Unable to wleep through the night because he is woken twice at random times by Queensland police with search lights into his home. Psychological warfare being waged on Simon Hickey by the state. [...]
19 July 2023Zersetzung is a German word of only recent origins. It was coined by the Stasi in the mid twentieth century and means ‘decomposition’. In practical terms, the state assigns a team of men to work in shifts around the clock to destroy your life. To isolate you from friends and family, to spread rumours, gossip, break into your home and steal only select items to make you question your own sanity. They will sabotage your employment, schooling, anything that will slow you down and make your life as difficult as possible. [...]


  • Responsibility


    The imminent implosion of the West did not happen by accident. It took a large group of misguided fools to get us into this mess. They all think that because they were following the herd, or taking orders, that they bear no responsibility. The bad news is their collective efforts are being documented, and blame will be attributed - as it should be - to every person who worked toward white replacement. None will escape …
  • Brittany Higgins

    Brittany Higgins

    Britney Higgins went out on a date wearing no panties. When Bruce Lehrmann showed up at the same venue just after midnight, she ditched her date and went to parliament house with Bruce. She was found naked and drunk, on her bosses floor carpet the next morning. For that we gave her nearly five million dollars. it really was a brilliant get rich quick scheme
  • Avert Research

    Avert Research

    In a diabolical genius move, the terrorists were able to hide their activities by holding a seminar. They invite all our counter terrorism forces and say 'hey look over there' while waving a picture of nudie Margaret Thatcher. While our CTG was distracted elsewhere BOOM SHANKA the terrorists struck again. Our special forces were so embarrassed they rounded up a bunch of white guys and declared them public enemy, as a way to hide their …
  • Rebecca McEwen hates white men

    Rebecca McEwen hates white men

    Its hard to determine if this over-educated, self-important cunt is a macho bulldyke or just a man with bony girl arms. We could take a readers poll and settle the matter once and for all except that would involve far more people looking at this hideous thing than necessary. So I say we close the page and find something better to do. Let's go drown some trannies
  • Important Question

    Important Question

    It's been 80 years since Hiroshima was hit by a nuclear weapon. We take a look at how Detroit and Hiroshima have fared since 1945. The results speak for themselves. Detroit is a wasteland. Bankrupt, collapsing, and decayed. Yet it was not hit by a Nuclear Bomb. Detroit was hit with something far worse. The 'Africanus Americanus Ignoramus' better known as a 'nigger'.
  • Killdozer Anniversary

    Killdozer Anniversary

    Today is Marvin Heemeyer tribute day. We all observe a minutes silence for the great man, who achieved great things, with his great big fuck off armoured bulldozer. His greatness will live on in our hearts and minds, His Greatness shall be a beacon to great ideas, which will one day build good monumnets to the great man who did good things. Well.
  • know thy enemy

    know thy enemy

    This post was about Jewish control of the media but that was covered in the other one yesterday so fuck knows what I will do with this
  • Fatigue overwhelmes him

    Fatigue overwhelmes him

    This series of events can only end one way. Hickey lasted as long as he could against overwhelming odds. Working 12 hours a day in the Queensland sun, Unable to wleep through the night because he is woken twice at random times by Queensland police with search lights into his home. Psychological warfare being waged on Simon Hickey by the state.
  • Media is our Enemy

    Media is our Enemy

    More than any other agency, organization, collective or group, the media is by far the most damaging to our nation and people. The media is the Jews. They need to be expelled or annihilated. or both.
  • Courts used as a weapon

    Courts used as a weapon

    Any rational observer can see that our legal system has been completely hijacked by fanatical zionists who blatantly discriminate against white men. Prosecutors routinely drop charges against black people charges with serious offences, even murder. But a white person can get years of jail time for the most trivial of offences. These people must be held accountable.
  • Disgrace


    The German people are our brothers. The most closely related people on the planet to us. For too long we have stood by and allowed ignorant fools speak ill of our Bretheren. Using their media power the Jews tricked us into going to war with our own kinsmen. We should be ashamed. It was us who started that war, not the Germans. Wake up.
  • Make your own terrorist

    Make your own terrorist

    Take a normal ordinary working man from the suburbs. One who says things that embarass the state government. The spend millions of dollars harassing, stalking , invetsigating, slandering and humiliating him. Then imprison him, take his home, business, family and money, then blame him for your sadism. When thats done jail him again, torture him, lie to him, free him and then start over. Then when he becomes a terrorist you can say 'hey look …
  • Terrorist Related Offender

    Terrorist Related Offender

    The Criminals in our Government, Legal System and Bureaucracy work together to terrorise our poopulation into silence. They redefined the word terrorist to now mean anybody opposed to their madness. I am living proof of the lengths they will go to. Teams of men assigned around the clock to make your life hell, jailed without charge, locked in solitary, slandered, harassed, bankrupted. And finally discredited with the dreaded word 'terrorist'.
  • David Frearson

    David Frearson

    David Frearson is another civil servant willing to trade his integrity for shekels. The spineless fruitcake gives double murderers parole on their first attempt. But if someone is accused of 'racism' PAROLE REFUSED. A non-violent first time offender won't get parole, if he is accused of being 'racist' Frearson is using his position to instill terror in the population about what will happen if they refuse to accept the state line of bullshit. about diversity. …