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Today we celebrate the life and death of Marvin Heemeyer. Welder, muffler shop owner, patriot and as of June in 2004, worldwide folk hero.  The state controlled media refer to the man using only vile insults, but to the working men of the west he is a martyr. A lesson to the establishment about what happens when you push an honest man too far. What is it about a home made armoured bulldozer smashing through the city, crushing your enemies and leaving a trail of destruction in your wake that appeals to so many frustrated men? 

Ummm let me see.           Everything.

I doubt you’d find a working class man anywhere who has not at some point, considered getting even with the smug state officials who make his life miserable. The fact that it’s usually a one way road is enough to deter most people, but not our Marvin. Every once in a while, along comes a man who lives his life according to the rigid, universal principals of right and wrong. He wrongs nobody, and expects the same in return. But when a small group of inferior, petty bureaucrats with artificial power take everything precious to Marvin he sees red, and brings the wrath of god down upon his enemies.

This is my tribute to the great man who gave inspiration to frustrated, overworked, under appreciated, and over regulated men across the world. Marvin Heemeyer, may you rest eternally in the only place modern day bureaucrats and government snoops can’t get to you.


Marvin Heemeyer was a retired US air force serviceman. He came by Granby Colorado around 1991 and decided to settle in. He bought a small muffler shop, worked hard, grew his business, and before long, had many friends in the town. When he wasn’t working in his shop he enjoyed tinkering with machines, snowmobiling, and spending time in his cabin.

Some lame ass cop tries to jump on top , worried that his pension and job would be lost if Killdozer went too far



the gun turret marvin used to defend his killdozer evidently didn't have the swing arc to go everywhere - but it was a good idea

It’s hard to determine exactly where Marvin’s troubles with local authorities started. His story is the same as yours, mine and hundreds more playing out right now in every town and city.. The people in power poked, prodded and tormented  Marvin. They did so knowing that their unlimited state budget for litigation would always exceed his. They sold him a property which wasn’t connected to the local sewrage lines, and then fined him for not having it connected. When Marvin drew attention to their deceit they played games with his zoning permits, refusing him permission to build on his own land and then granting permission to a noxious cement plant right behind him, which destroyed the value of his own property. You can bet there’s a whole lot more to the story than what we’re told. 

Any one of these things by itself is not enough to tip a man over the edge, but when combined, they started an avalanche that made Marvin Heemeyer into an urban legend.

the gun turret marvin used to defend his killdozer evidently didn't have the swing arc to go everywhere - but it was a good idea

What’s most amusing to us working men is that the officials who spent their time meddling in Heemeyers business, confident that their serf could never get back at them, all looked surprised when it happened. Their own sense of superiority and power made them feel like they were out of our reach. They honestly believed working men would never dare hold them to account. But Marvin Heemeyer game them some well deserved comeuppance.

Marvins situation is something we can all identify with. Every state and local council around the world employs these kinds of people. The sort of dim witted, unoriginal, beer swilling, football watching yes men whose only goal in life is to get their state pension and and retire happy with their contribution of zero to the world. The government employed low life cops, bureaucrats, inspectors, investigators and administration clerks that could never cut it in the private sector. We all know people like this.



Ross Dobbie award for enforcing ADL regualtions throughout Queensland

Totally incapable of making a living in the private sector, they had one or two menial jobs after high school. Unable to advance in their careers because they lacked intelligence, initiative, work ethic or all three, they applied to join the public service, and pretended that was really their goal all along. Police or local council is where they usually end up, and they spend the rest of their careers trying to punish those who succeeded, and made them look so inferior by comparison. Petty, jealous men using obscure laws and regulations to make our lives as difficult as possible, and then passing blame… ‘It’s not me I didn’t write the laws..’ 

Nicholas Perriman QLD police. Former army officer and practised liar. Convicted of perjury in 2028 for an incident in 2018

The ‘men’ you see here are perfect examples. These are the rats who snoop through your garbage, sabotage your career, spy on your home, your friends, your wife, and customers then arrest you on orders from the ADL. 

Ross Dobbie award for enforcing ADL regualtions throughout Queensland


Adam 'Trotski' Gillespie. Busting Nazis has always been his dream. Unable to cut it in the private sector, he became a cop.

It’s only a shame that Marvin’s gun turrets didn’t have a better arc of fire or he may have been able to take a few more of these rat bastards with him… Only then we would have had to endure Ian Leevers special brand of bullshit, crying on telly, giving us the spiel about  ‘brave fallen officers’. But we know the truth.


Justin Zuanetti, QLD police. Beats men who are in handcuffs to make himself feel tough. Commits perjury by writing false statements to the court
Adam 'Trotski' Gillespie. Busting Nazis has always been his dream. Unable to cut it in the private sector, he became a cop.
Nicholas Perriman QLD police. Former army officer and practised liar. Convicted of perjury in 2028 for an incident in 2018

These criminals posing as cops spend all their time trying to meet quotas for domestic terrorism. The ADL told them they had to find a hundred men to call terrorists to prove Jewish paranoid theories. The ADL spies on Australian men who speak out against their own replacement, quietly whispering names to QLD police, who then target those men for harassment and intimidation.

Justin Zuanetti (left) beats suspects in handcuffs because he’s scared of being hit back. Adam Gillespie (centre) is a vegan weirdo who hates racists because he wants to be popular. He sees nothing wrong with lying to the court or coaching witnesses to say what he wants.


Police using dummy social media accounts to entrap aussie punters, Simon Hickey smerff electrical

Perriman (right) lies about almost everything. His stories of bravery from Afghanistan are all complete horseshit. The man is so frightened of blood he panicked and called an ambulance for Zuanetti before the man  started bleeding.

Dobbie (at the top) has single handedly re-defined the word ‘terrorist’. According to new government policy, a ‘terrorist’ is any white man who is capable of defending himself, isn’t afraid to do so, won’t allow homosexuals to brainwash his children or doesn’t believe in the holocau$t. If you have ever learned to fight, use a weapon, think critically or just read too many proscribed books you’re on a terrorism watch list…Excuse me sir, you may have had too much to think.

If you’ve ever disagreed with a leftist on social media, Dobbie has a file on you. Queensland Police run a hundred bait social media accounts pushing out leftist propaganda just to meet their opposition. Stand up for what’s right, and you can expect to be under surveillance for the rest of your life. This is how your tax money is spent. Paying wages to Gillespie, Perriman, Dobbie and Zuanetti to enforce the will of a small jewish self interest group. These men don’t combat terrorism. They are terrorism.

These are the people kicking in doors, invading private homes, speering in windows, reading your emails, listening to your calls, making lists of your friends and refusing you permits because the ADL told them you’re bad. 





Marvin Heemer. Urban legend, hero to western man Simon Hickey website

Every person who lost property on June the 5th of 2004 deserved it. They deserved that and a whole lot more. It was only by the grace of god that Marvin Heemeyer had enough mercy, compassion and discretion to avoid damaging property belonging to people who had not wronged him.

Marvins heroics spawned a whole series of songs, jokes and memes some of which are displayed below. His actions instilled fear in government officials for the first time in years, which bought a little bit more freedom for us all.

Marvin Heemer. Urban legend, hero to frustrated men everywhere

The image (right) is an accurate rendition of the sort of utopia we would be living in, had Marvin’s Killdozer never got stuck on that concrete embankment. It’s certain that he would have continued until all our enemies had been crushed underneath his steel tracks, and what petty bureaucrats remained would have surrendered immediately. Justice would have been restored to this earth.

Simon Hickey Killdozer anniversary tribute piece

There is only one hero in this story. Marvin Heemeyer. When he used his crane to lower that steel armour cage onto Killdozer, he knew it was a one way trip. If only there were more Marvin Heemeyers, our overbearing authorities might once again learn to fear the common man and only then will we enjoy true freedom.

Marvin Heemeyer may  you rest in peace. Today we feast in your honour.

11 May 2024Queensland Police latest attempt to pervert the course of Justice failed. Only because Faggy Mc FagBoy Marc Dunn is a general all round fuck up. The man lives entirely on legumes, carrots and Bon Jovi. When its windy outside he has to stay home in case he gets lifted up and carried away like a fart on the autumn breeze [...]
11 October 2023Its hard to determine if this over-educated, self-important cunt is a macho bulldyke or just a man with bony girl arms. We could take a readers poll and settle the matter once and for all except that would involve far more people looking at this hideous thing than necessary. So I say we close the page and find something better to do. Let’s go drown some trannies [...]
7 December 2023Take a normal ordinary working man from the suburbs. One who says things that embarass the state government. The spend millions of dollars harassing, stalking , invetsigating, slandering and humiliating him. Then imprison him, take his home, business, family and money, then blame him for your sadism. When thats done jail him again, torture him, lie to him, free him and then start over. Then when he becomes a terrorist you can say ‘hey look everyone we are the hero’s we stopped the terrorists.’ – Australian Governments cunning plan [...]
11 June 2023Today is Marvin Heemeyer tribute day. We all observe a minutes silence for the great man, who achieved great things, with his great big fuck off armoured bulldozer. His greatness will live on in our hearts and minds, His Greatness shall be a beacon to great ideas, which will one day build good monumnets to the great man who did good things. Well. [...]
15 February 2024Australian men can now be put on trial for something they haven’t done yet, in a Supreme Court hearing where there are no rules of evidence. You’ll be judged by a state appointed woman, prosecuted by another woman, defended by well a meaning woman, on the basis of a report written by sneaky, spiteful women like Maggie Cruickshank. If they think you’re a bastard it’s off to jail for you. [...]
31 March 2024The level of hatred Jews have for all mankind is almost supervillain tier, like something off Batman. Could you image cooking up a poison that literally grows inside its host body, until its tentacles are so long and thick that the carrier ‘s blood supply is choked off completely? I think this time they may have overplayed their hand. Gentiles will not remain gentile much longer. This time the Hebes must be completely annihilatedd. [...]
1 September 2023We can all learn something from this tragic but highly amusing incident. What did you notice about the incident? I learned that Kenworth steel cares not for the feelings of fat chicks. I also learned that there’s a blind spot down underneath the drivers line of sight beneath those cabover prime movers. I learned that personal space rules and violations mean very little to a fifty tonne mechanical beast who wants to move forward through the space which currently belongs to another. Overall it has been a very informative day for everyone. Except the silly cunt who died. [...]
2 March 2024Once upon a time in a quiet Brisbane suburb an electrician met a policeman. They had never crossed paths before, so it seems kinda strange that the cop would make up a story and send the sparky to jail. Perrimans motivations are yet to be revealed, but the important part is his lawyers have not refuted any of the claims made in civil court – becasue they can’t. Perriman lied to send an innocent man to prison. Now it’s his turn [...]


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  • Disgrace


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  • Selective Justice

    Selective Justice

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  • Marc Dunn

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  • Maggie Cruickshank

    Maggie Cruickshank

    Australian men can now be put on trial for something they haven't done yet, in a Supreme Court hearing where there are no rules of evidence. You'll be judged by a state appointed woman, prosecuted by another woman, defended by well a meaning woman, on the basis of a report written by sneaky, spiteful women like Maggie Cruickshank. If they think you're a bastard it's off to jail for you.
  • Lessons learned

    Lessons learned

    We can all learn something from this tragic but highly amusing incident. What did you notice about the incident? I learned that Kenworth steel cares not for the feelings of fat chicks. I also learned that there's a blind spot down underneath the drivers line of sight beneath those cabover prime movers. I learned that personal space rules and violations mean very little to a fifty tonne mechanical beast who wants to move forward through …
  • Pfizer Jews

    Pfizer Jews

    The level of hatred Jews have for all mankind is almost supervillain tier, like something off Batman. Could you image cooking up a poison that literally grows inside its host body, until its tentacles are so long and thick that the carrier 's blood supply is choked off completely? I think this time they may have overplayed their hand. Gentiles will not remain gentile much longer. This time the Hebes must be completely annihilatedd.
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    Fatigue overwhelmes him

    This series of events can only end one way. Hickey lasted as long as he could against overwhelming odds. Working 12 hours a day in the Queensland sun, Unable to wleep through the night because he is woken twice at random times by Queensland police with search lights into his home. Psychological warfare being waged on Simon Hickey by the state.