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In a tragic, but highly amusing incident today, one Australian woman who thought she could stop a forty tonne semi-trailer by shaking her fist at it, learned that she can’t. Single mum, Leonie Piconi of Sydney, learned this very basic physics lesson during the morning rush hour, while teaching her son to drive. Unfortunately, that lesson killed her.

What I find most incredible about this situation is that insects, small marsupials, kangaroos, birds, cats, dogs, even snakes generally know to stay well out of the path of a moving object much larger and heavier than oneself. These unevolved, uneducated and illiterate animals obviously have a better understanding of physics than an adult human being. One who spent at least ten years in (Australian) schools. There are only two possible explanations for the way things unfolded today


  • Animals with a small brain, short lifespan and no communication skills are smarter than an adult human female



  • Our human female, gifted at birth with a brain capacity far exceeding anything in the animal kingdom, has been lobotomized by her Marxist education, protected lifestyle and privileged existence. White men have done such a perfect job of keeping her safe that she never even imagined that actions can have consequences. This lack of foresight continued well into her fifties and eventually killed her. 



  • Why did Leoni believe that her actions could not have consequences?

For more than fifty years, right up until today, her actions had no consequences. Nothing she did could get her in trouble. White men still protect these creatures from any consequences, despite being enslaved cradle to grave through taxation, divorce, child support and a dozen other gynocentric schemes. Leoni has never seen any woman suffer consequences so why would she think anything different?

  • Why did Leoni have to find out in this manner? 

Because trucks don’t care about her feelings. You can’t argue, intimidate or frighten a truck into submission. Forty tonnes of cold steel does not recognize women’s diplomatic immunity A person standing in its path will always come off second best.

  • What can we do to remedy this situation?

Nothing, because we put women in positions of power. Now they have banned all weapons, taught all the boys to be girls, and destroyed our education system. Todays young men are so afraid of being called sexist or racist that they sit back and watch while our entire civilization is stolen out from under us. In just a few generations, the last white girls on earth will be gang raped by Africans, while the men are slaughtered and eaten. At least they can be proud that nobody called us racist.

In conclusion, I do sympathize with Leoni’s family, but cannot help observing the obvious. Had any one of them – just once stood up to her and taught her that objects bigger, heavier, stronger and more determined than herself don’t have to stop – no matter how many fingers she waves in the air. Had they done that, even once, Leoni would still be alive.

On the bright side, we have a new nominee for this years Darwin’s Award.


  • Disgrace


    The German people are our brothers. The most closely related people on the planet to us. For too long we have stood by and allowed ignorant fools speak ill of our Bretheren. Using their media power the Jews tricked us into going to war with our own kinsmen. We should be ashamed. It was us who started that war, not the Germans. Wake up.
  • Toxic Femininity

    Toxic Femininity

    The idea that our childrens education or growth is damaged by toxic masculinity is just another Jewish poison designed to reduce our men to the sort of limp wristed homosexual that the Jew sees in himself. Only masculinity will win a fight, a battle or war, and that's why our enemies seek to take ours.
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    Increase the Pressure

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  • Fatigue overwhelmes him

    Fatigue overwhelmes him

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  • Selective Justice

    Selective Justice

  • Maggie Cruickshank

    Maggie Cruickshank

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