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kevin corcoran new south wales corrective services commissioner


The uniformed bitch to your right really doesn’t deserve his own page. Kevin Corcoran doesn’t deserve his own hat, but you have to give the snake some credit. He would have made a good spy. The ability to work and live among a people, be part of their society and then actively stab that nation in the back is a rare talent. White men are generally very inept at treason because it’s not in our nature. We dwell in truth, righteosness, honesty and hard work. Something Kevin Corcoran knows nothing about. He wormed his way to the top of the corporate ladder by doing Schlomo’s bidding, any chance he got. Our nation is full of these spineless fucks. Unable to think for themselves, and willing to screw every generation that comes after them, just to please the Jews.

Sadly, I looked up to these people when I was younger. These were our role models, our uncles, grandfathers, teachers and coaches. I thought they deserved the respect we showed. Their reasoning seemed beyond question, so righteous and dignified. They had framed versions of Martin Luther Kings speech on their wall, they made us watch Schindler’s List, some even went on a pilgrimage to Auschwitz themselves. It wasn’t until my twenties that I realised what a bunch of gutless, retarded, and useless faggots they were. These people apologised for our strength, and felt bad about winning. They forced us to stop learning, to help others who could not. The number of wasted school days, months and years we spent bored shitless, waiting for dark skinned retards to catch up. They often dragged on so long that when the lesson finally moved forward nobody cared what came next. They made our ability and intelligence something to be ashamed of because the Jews wanted it that way.

None of them will admit they’d been had. To illustrate just how devoid of reality these people are : They lived through the sixties, and saw the JFK assassination. Yet not one in a thousand know who dunit. Fifty years later boomers still don’t know, because they don’t want to know. But ask any teenager today, and they just laugh. A child born forty years after the event has a better understanding of it than boomers. Ask a boomer : ‘who benefited most with JFK gone? And their brain shuts down. They will not say or think the magic word ‘Jews’ because they saw that great big pile of shoes on their television so many times that they have no brain left.

These dumb fucks have been so absolutely conditioned by Jewish television and media that they now actively help our enemies destroy this country. And they consider themselves virtuous for doing so. Kevin ‘I’m your bitch’ Corcoran is living proof.

kevin corcoran new south wales corrective services commissioner
How he rolls

He was alive in the sixties and fully aware of Israels driving ambition to obtain nukes. People of that era also know that John F Kennedy was blocking their nuclear ambitions. Kennedy was also pushing through reforms that would have forced the Zionist Lobby to register as a foreign agency, which would prevent them from gaining absolute control of the US the way they did. Kennedy was closing down the Jewish owned Federal Reserve Bank. A usuary scam, which they use to control America’s money supply. John F Kennedy was the last loyal president America had. He had the American people’s best interests at heart. Our interests. The interests of white Americans, Australian, English, the entire western world was reaping great benefit from John Kennedy’s benevolence. So the Jews killed him and replaced him with one of their paid stooges. Lyndon Johnson.

The best part is : Remember the dancing Israelis who had the camera setup and pointing at the World Trade Centre when the first plane hit? The ones who started dancing triumphantly when their plan came together? Now, remember the ‘Zapruder film’ the one which captured the bullet killing Kennedy? Any ideas who this Mr Zapruder was? The man was a member of the Jewish ADL who ‘just happened’ to have a camera pointed Kennedy’s way at that moment. The building where the shot was taken ‘just happened’ to be owned by another Jewish landlord. A competent investigator would ask why Kennedy was  in Dallas? Just by random co-incidence, he’d been invited to Dallas by the ADL, told he would receive an award. That’s an awful lot of co-incidences, don’t you think?

Let’s go over it. Jews lured Kennedy to Dallas, on the pretext of giving him an award. A sniper was waiting in a building Jews owned, the event was caught on a camera that Jews set up. Do you know what Jack Ruby’s real name was? And why was Lee Harvey Oswald bing moved from one jail to another on the day he was shot?


Kevin Corcoran is helping white people be replaced for shekels

Oswald was being moved because the ADL told chief of police to move him. Ruby’s real name was Rubenstein. Even the coverup job of killing Oswald was Jewish. I will ask you again. Who benefited the most from Kennedy’s death? Israel and the Jews. Who invited Kennedy to Dallas, filmed the execution, provided the ambush position, and completed the cover up? Every player there was Jewish.

Therefore: there is no reasonable doubt left. No speculation. No guessing, or debate. There is no other possibility. Jews killed Kennedy. Anybody who lived through this era and failed to see the obvious is clinically retarded.

Why is important who killed Kennedy? I thought this story was about Kevin Corcoran.

It is. You’re right. But the reason it’s important is because Kevin Corcoran works for these people. This dumb fuck lived through the sixties. Boomers like Corcoran lived through the hit on JFK, the USS Liberty attack and cover up, the Vietnam war, with its false flag beginning in the gulf of Tonkein. Then there were the Jews dressed as Arabs who blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, trying to pin blame on the Arabs and force Johnson to Nuke Cairo. Their plan failed only because the Poms caught one, and made him talk. And this is the most amusing part. You will see these boomers three parts pissed, telling everyone theirs is the ‘greatest generation’. That they believe in free speech, and will defend it to the death.

Next time they start dribbling shit like that, feel free to slap the cunts. It is the boomers who fucked this nation and the others, through sheer laziness and ignorance. Almost every one of them created a government job, and then raped us to pay their enormous superannuation. They flooded the nation with blacks to keep house prices artificially high. Forcing us out of the market, but making themselves rich without having to work. They now have the money to move out of the cities infested with Indians, Africans and constant gang warfare, leaving us to commute through Somalia.

The one thing Boomers will not tolerate is identification. Being held responsible for their actions. If one white working man dares to speak the truth; Kevin Corcoran will take action. He saw the pile of shoes in that Holocaust movie. The one repeated every other night, on every other channel, forever. Like an entire generation of boomers before him, thirty years in front of the Talmudvision have left Kevin Corcoran completely lobotomized. His brain is damaged beyond recovery. I am an honest tradesman from the suburbs. Twenty years solid work and ten thousand customers who can verify. But I wrote the truth about boomers and Jews. A truth that Corcoran could not refute. An eternal obvious truth that will catch on and spread, if not stamped out.

So Corcoran and slippery Jews changed the legal definition of terrorist. It now means ‘anyone who says things they don’t like’.

Kevin Corcoran begging for his job
Kevin Corcoran defends child rapists who dig tunnels to conceal shit stained mattreses

Lucky they did, because this new and improved definition of ‘terrorist’ can be used to make someone’s life hell. Kevin Corcoran could now prove his loyalty to the pile of shoes.

The New South Wales Commissioner for Corrections used his authority to revoke parole from a non-violent offender. Seems a bit odd. Why? Because that person said mean things about Jews. Kevin Corcoran sets serial rapists free without a second thought. If you’re an Aboriginal killer whose done his twenty years, off you go, have fun. If you’ve done ten for a near fatal stabbing, then got kicked out of your ‘violence prevention program’ in prison for attacking another inmate, Kevin Corcoran will walk you to the gate. But Simon Hickey, a first time, non-violent NSW offender who served eighteen months prison for something others get a simple fine for – nope. Kevin Corcoran considers you too dangerous to be released. A threat to National Security.

An honest tradesman, who worked all his life. One who pays Corcorans salary indirectly, who has a young family, a job to go to, money saved to get back on track and a business waiting for him to kick off again. Had no offences in prison, no charges, no bad case notes. This man had far better chance of re-intergration than 98% of other prisoners, simply because he spent so little time in prison. He had only hours till release, so close that Silverwater admin had given him the bus ticket home, when Corciorans henchmen banged on his cell and told him the news. Doubled his sentence then left with a smirk. That’s what this slippery Jewish Sycophant did. Still have some doubt?

You need more proof? Ok here it is. Irrefutable, concrete proof that Kevin Corcoran did the most bastard form of corruption.


Kevin Corcoran defends child rapists who dig tunnels to conceal shit stained mattreses



Kevin Corcoran did not oppose his parole
Kevin Corcoran did not oppose his parole
Commissioner did not oppose this mans parole
Commissioner did not oppose this mans parole
Commissioner did not oppose this mans parole

Kevin Corcoran did set all those people free, click the links and read the documents to prove it. Corcoran did also revoke Hickey’s parole but not theirs. (The observant among you may note that these decisions are from the SPA, State Parole Authority. The important part is the commissioner did not oppose these parole applications. The commissioner Kevin Corcoran, opposed mine. So much so, he spent AU$250,000 on one 300 page document to support his opposition.) What needs pointing out, is that if the case for revoking my parole was strong, you would not need a 300 page document. Logic and truth speak for itself. Hands up who thinks the community needs protection from a non violent first time offender? I don’t see any hands. So how about a double murderer, or one who killed his own mother? Possibly not, but the risk is definitely much higher for a convicted murderer. Not to Kevin ‘hyper-sensitive-to-jewsh-feelings’ Corcoran. This is how he spends your tax dollars ladies and gentleman. He is not interested in protecting the community, only insulatuing Jewish money lenders from accurate observations. The man is incompetent at least. That much is plainly obvious. I would argue criminal. My position is below.

Kevin Corcoran did not oppose his parole

If Corcorans decision to revoke Hikcey’s parole was not done in the interests of protecting the community, there had to have been another reason. Was it because Hickey follwed the AFL and not League? Perhaps Hickey flipped him off in traffic some months ago? No, you know thats not it. You know the reason Kevin Corcoran revoked Hickey’s parole. It is painfully obvious that this weasel used his position to unfairly target Simon Hickey because of his political views. For the articles, letters and submissions he wrote. For naming the Jew. What Kevin Corcoran did is illegal, discriminatiory, and perhaps the most serious form of official corruption.

If a prison officer took a bribe to let someone out of prison early would that be a serious offence? Yes. Definitely.

Then if that same officer took a bribe to keep someone in prison, past his due release date; is that not a whole new level of evil?       The sheer bastardry of that move shows the hatred and venom inside your average Jew.

Our justice system’s founding principal is that ’tis better 100 guilty men go free, than one innocent man go to prison’ That law is at the base of our entire criminal process. Kevin Corcoran deliberately imprisoned that second man, after he had already served a punishment far in excess of any other person for the same offence. After he was made to believe he was going home, and had only hours to wait. But before Kevin went home so he could watch the whole thing on CCTV and pass the footage onto his masters.

Kevin Corcorans corruption is infinitely more serious than taking a bribe to let someone out early. Kevin Corcoran is a classic example of an ambitious but amoral bureacrat who puts career advancement and shekels before integrity. A sneaky, traitorous snake with zero loyalty, willing to betray Australian men, just to curry favour with powerful, money lending, nation wrecking, Jews. Kevin Corcoran is the useful idiot who helps Jews to instill terror in our population.Terror of what will happen if we dare speak out about Jewish power. The motherfucker needs to hang when all this comes out. And that day is not far off.

In Kevins defence, he was not motivated entirely by hatred or spite. His was a more simple pay-off. By currying favour with those in power, he was hoping to be promoted beyond his ability. Again.

For the second time. It was certainly not intelligence, ability or good judgement that put him in a Commissioners chair the first time.

14 August 2023More than any other agency, organization, collective or group, the media is by far the most damaging to our nation and people. The media is the Jews. They need to be expelled or annihilated. or both. [...]
11 June 2023Today is Marvin Heemeyer tribute day. We all observe a minutes silence for the great man, who achieved great things, with his great big fuck off armoured bulldozer. His greatness will live on in our hearts and minds, His Greatness shall be a beacon to great ideas, which will one day build good monumnets to the great man who did good things. Well. [...]
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27 July 2023Everyone lies at times. But the human female is unique in her ability to concoct the most devious and damaging lies at the worst possible times, to exact revenge on men who often have not done her wrong. A man need only not pay enough attention to todays woman and he will find himself in trouble with the law, his wife, his community or all of the above. Even if the woman is found out, she suffers no punishment. [...]
11 May 2024The imminent implosion of the West did not happen by accident. It took a large group of misguided fools to get us into this mess. They all think that because they were following the herd, or taking orders, that they bear no responsibility. The bad news is their collective efforts are being documented, and blame will be attributed – as it should be – to every person who worked toward white replacement. None will escape Justice [...]
18 March 2024David Frearson is another civil servant willing to trade his integrity for shekels. The spineless fruitcake gives double murderers parole on their first attempt. But if someone is accused of ‘racism’ PAROLE REFUSED. A non-violent first time offender won’t get parole, if he is accused of being ‘racist’ Frearson is using his position to instill terror in the population about what will happen if they refuse to accept the state line of bullshit. about diversity. He obtained his lofty positions by repeating popular mantras and playing along with the great delusion. [...]
5 June 2023
14 November 2023In a diabolical genius move, the terrorists were able to hide their activities by holding a seminar. They invite all our counter terrorism forces and say ‘hey look over there’ while waving a picture of nudie Margaret Thatcher. While our CTG was distracted elsewhere BOOM SHANKA the terrorists struck again. Our special forces were so embarrassed they rounded up a bunch of white guys and declared them public enemy, as a way to hide their own failures. [...]


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